Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1213: :Jie Ying Dan

Qing Yang understands what Youmu Zhenjun said, a monk is alive and well, who would be willing to waste hundreds of years of cultivation to save outsiders? After saving others, there is definitely no hope of regaining strength in this life. Only those who don’t have much longevity, know that their life will be soon, and see through life and death, it is better to cultivate one body and sell a good price for the younger generation. Welfare.

That is to say, if you really encounter a person who has practiced Ni Yuan Shen Jue's life expectancy will end, there is still the possibility of asking him to use Ni Yuan Shen Jue for help, but this kind of hope is too slim, the life of the Yuan Ying monk is nearly a thousand. , There are only three great cultivators in Ghost Valley, how could it happen that one of them will end in life? If you wait, I don't know when and what month.

At this time, the name of the Lingming Heshou Pill could not help but float in Qingyang's heart. This pill is too high-level, and only Yuan Ying monks can use it, and the one who needs this thing most in the Yumu Zhenjun family is only the late Yuan Ying. The great monk, could it be that his life is about to end? Wouldn't it be possible to use Ni Yuan Shen Jue? That Lingming Heshou Pill will increase life expectancy for at least decades. If it is successfully refined, wouldn't a person have a life span of decades? Do you want to find a way to disrupt this operation?

Thinking of this, Qing Yang suddenly became alert. This idea of ​​his own is not worth it. Let’s not say whether there is a disadvantage in virtue. For such an important matter, Youmu Zhenjun will definitely guard against this. As long as he dares to move a little, the other party will definitely let him. There is no place to bury himself.

Yuki Zhenjun didn’t seem to be aware of Qingyang’s careful thoughts, and continued: “But even so, not everyone has the opportunity. It takes a huge price to impress the other party. This is the three-tier cultivation base of the Nascent Soul cultivator. Do you think you can afford this price?"

Youmu Zhenjun's meaning is obvious. In the later stage of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it takes decades or even hundreds of years to upgrade one level of cultivation. The energy and resources spent are astronomical, and the opponent loses three levels of cultivation to save people. , Ordinary people simply can't afford this price. It is said that Qingyang is a small Golden Core cultivator, and ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators are impossible. It is estimated that only those big families with deep roots in the super sect can barely have this ability.

Qing Yang calculated for a while, the most valuable person in his body should be Drunk Xian Gourd, but this is his own foundation, it is impossible to give it to others; next is his five-handed giant sword, just use more than a dozen accessories. All the five main materials are rare in the world, but this is the magic weapon of one's own destiny. It depends on these in the world of cultivating immortals, and definitely cannot be given to others.

The iron-armed monkeys and the alcoholic bee colony could sell a lot of spirit stones if someone wanted them, but they had been with him for decades, and Qing Yang couldn't do anything to abandon them. If the 900,000 spiritual stones that Qingyang had given to Qingyang in the Fallen Guiyuan Unicorn Ghost King were left to now, they might be able to impress the other party, but it is a pity that those spiritual stones have been used by him for cultivation. If there were no such spiritual stones, Qingyang’s cultivation It's useless to think about it because it can't be improved to the present level, and it's even impossible to live to the present.

Qing Yang sorted out all the things and deducted the ones that were not of high value. Now Qing Yang has relatively high value. One is the thousands of blue underworld stones that he just obtained in the mine, worth tens of thousands of spirit stones. The second is those spirit wines that were collected in the past, especially those buried in Zuixian Gourd for a long time. At the beginning, Qingyang used a jar of spirit wine with grapes to exchange a lot of wind and fire deeds from the sloppy Taoist. You can sell for a lot of money even if you really like it. There are also some spirit pollen, spirit nectar, ten thousand years red petals, etc., which are collected from the wine bee. If they are refined into Liji Bushou Pills or Zhuyan Dan, they should also be able to exchange a lot of spirit stones.

In short, if Qing Yang is willing to spend more time and dispose of all the valuable things in his body, he can also collect two or three hundred thousand spirit stones, but these spirit stones are in the eyes of ordinary Jindan monks and Yuan Ying monks. I watched a lot, but it was nothing in the eyes of the great monks in the late Yuan Ying period.

If you don't try it, Qing Yang is still a little unwilling. After thinking for a long time, Qing Yang said: "I still want to ask, what is the price to impress the late Yuan Ying cultivator?"

Hearing Qingyang's words, Zhenjun Youmu couldn't help but raised his brows. This kid is not simple. I have said it to this level. He even dared to ask the price. Doesn't it prove that this kid is rich in wealth? But looking at Qingyang's cultivation base again, Youmu Zhenjun secretly shook his head, how much net worth can a cultivator have? It is estimated that it is a stunned green who does not know the height of the sky.

Zhenjun Youmu didn't have any thoughts about Qingyang, not because of how noble his moral character, but because Zhenjun Yumu himself was the Nascent Soul monk, and behind him was the Supreme Elder of the Yuanying Late Stage Great Monk, and the whole family was in Ghost Valley. Among the status is respected, what good things have not been seen? Therefore, unlike ordinary monks, they are not so petty. Seeing a good thing is like taking it for yourself.

Seeing Qingyang's unwillingness to give up, Youmu Zhenjun said: "In fact, it's okay to tell you. I have inherited my ghost valley for countless years. There were also some great cultivators in the late Yuan Ying stage who cultivated their three levels at the last moments of their lives. For, sold for a good price, according to rumors, the most popular among them is Jie Ying Dan. If you have this, the possibility of impressing the other party is very high~www.readwn.com~ This is well understood, and the life span will be long. In the end, the whole body will disappear even if it is not used. Not only can it leave nothing for the family, but also because of the collapse of the pillars of the family, the whole family will quickly fall, and even more will disappear and fall apart. But if there is a baby pill, in the family There is a great possibility that another Yuanying monk will be produced. Although it is not as good as the original Yuanying great monk, it is still possible to keep some incense, and the family will be able to flourish again after two or three hundred years.

However, the knot baby pill is too precious, and it is not something ordinary people can have. I think at the beginning, in the mainland of Kyushu, the head of the seven immortal gates united to attack Yinfeng Gorge only because of a rumor about the Mingying fairy fruit. , So that it was taken advantage of and almost completely annihilated, and the immortal gate of the Nine Provinces Continent was robbed. This shows the rareness of Jie Ying Pill.

Such a rare knot baby pill is an invaluable treasure to anyone, is it not fragrant to keep it for yourself? How many people would be so stupid as to give others a chance to save their lives?

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. For example, something happened to the only son of a super boss, or his close relatives are worried about their lives, and he happens to have the infant pill, and the importance of people exceeds the pill. , Maybe someone will take Jie Ying Pill in exchange for a life.

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