Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1215: :ready to go

The boy left after the explanation, leaving Qingyang himself in this yard. Although the yard is small but very delicate, it is a cage for Qingyang, looking for the nine ghost lotus to refine the spirit and life together. Dan needs half a year to leave before he can leave easily.

After coming, Qing Yang quickly settled his mind. After sealing the formation outside the small courtyard, he found a quiet room for cultivation and began to meditate. As the place where the Yuanying monk’s cave is located, the cultivation conditions of the whole mountain are very good, but compared to the ghost monks, it is not very beneficial to the fairy monks like Qingyang, but Qingyang is coming. Ghost Valley had prepared enough Yuanju Pills for decades before, so there was no need to worry about lack of pill during cultivation.

And Youmu Zhen-jun is also more considerate of Qingyang. Among the training materials sent to him, there are many materials of Juyuan Pill. Juyuan Pill is a standard Jindan-level pill, except for testing Qingyang Pills. In addition, it can be regarded as compensation for Qingyang's imprisonment in the first half of the year.

There are several training materials sent by Youmu Zhenjun, all of which are materials of Jindan-level pill, which can test Qingyang's alchemy from all aspects. Qingyang also understands Yumu Zhenjun's purpose and spends time on it. These pills were refined, but he didn't expose his alchemy too much, he only kept looking at the level of the spirit pill king, and the rate of pill formation was controlled at 30%.

After the refining was completed, Qing Yang only left the Juyuan Pill, and the other pills were returned to True Monarch Youmu. After that, True Monarch Youmu never disturbed him again. He obviously recognized Qingyang's Pill. Shu, think he is qualified to refining Lingming Heshou Pill with real person Guixia.

In the days that followed, Qing Yang stayed in this small courtyard for cultivating. The entire mountain belonged to Zhenjun Youmu. Who knew where he would peep? Or send someone to monitor yourself? Although there is a protective formation outside the small courtyard, this place is after all someone else’s territory, and Youmu Zhenjun is a Nascent Soul monk, much higher than Qing Yang’s cultivation base, Qing Yang can’t guarantee that the protective formation is absolute. insurance. Therefore, Qingyang is very cautious during this period of time, never leaving the yard for half a step, so as not to cause misunderstanding, and even some important things or things that are easy to be coveted by others, Qingyang dare not take it out casually, so as not to provoke unnecessary unnecessary Trouble.

Under such circumstances, Qing Yang is really no different from imprisonment in this small courtyard. Fortunately, he has gone through countless retreats and practiced for so many years. For countless long periods of time, he has adapted to such a day, half a month. Time is still easy to pass.

In the last month before departure, Zhenjun Youmu delivered the pill of Lingming Helongevity Pill as agreed, and Qing Yang spent several days getting acquainted with the whole pill.

The refining of the Lingming Heshou Pill is not particularly difficult, it is just a little more cumbersome. The whole pill refining involves various main medicines, auxiliary medicines, dispensing, medicine introduction, etc. There are nearly a thousand kinds, and each material All require special treatment, and many special techniques are required in the process, which is very troublesome for refining. According to Qingyang’s estimation, it takes several days to refine a Lingming Heshou Pill according to this procedure, which is several times that of other Jin Pill-level pill. How can infant-level pills be so easy to refine?

In recent years, Qingyang’s Pill Pill technique has also improved, but because he spends most of his time on cultivation, the improvement in the level of Pill Pill refining is very limited, and it cannot be compared with his spiritual pill technique. Therefore, I don’t know much about the introduction of the Pills on the alchemy, but he couldn’t help him with the things about the Pills. Qing Yang read it carefully, and it was indeed as true as Youmu Zhenjun said that the spirits and the meditations are in the pill of longevity. The difficulty of the part related to him is only equivalent to the level of refining the Juyuan Pill, as long as it is at the level of the Qingyang Preparation Pill King, there will be almost no mistakes.

As early as many years ago, Qingyang’s pill technique reached the level of a senior pill king. In recent years, it has improved a lot. It should have been trying to refine the Nascent Infant grade pill and try to attack the pill emperor, but he has been I haven't come into contact with Yuanying-level pill, and I don't know the level for the time being.

After that, Qing Yang spent a few days to get acquainted with the pill of Lingming Heshou Pill, and even went through the refining steps silently several times in his heart, and basically knew the whole pill. With the materials of Lingming Helongevity Pill, Qing Yang can now help refine the crude pill that is related to the Ling Pill. However, the materials for this pill are more difficult to find, and Youmu Zhenjun did not provide him with this. Regarding materials, we can only give up temporarily.

Unknowingly, half a year has passed. In these half a year, Qing Yang spent a small amount of time refining the pill, and spent the rest of his time on cultivation. His cultivation level has improved a lot, but he has been stuck in gold. The level of Dan's fourth-level peak still lacks an opportunity to break through.

However, Qing Yang is also content. It has only been more than seven years since he left Degenerate Ghost Yuan, and he has almost improved his cultivation level by another level, which greatly exceeded Qing Yang's expectations. Of course, this is incomparable to the speed he used to cultivate with spirit stones when he was in Qingman Mountain, but it was several years faster than purely using elixir. The key is that he didn't use much elixir, and the cost of buying Hantan Ling was less than that of elixir. .

After the agreed period of six months, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Qingyang was invited to the yard where Yuki Zhenjun lived again. Here, he saw the real person Guixia again. He didn’t see him in just half a year. It seems that the real person Guixia It is more stable than before. It is estimated that Zhenjun Youmu told her all the inner details of refining the Lingming Heshou Pill, so her expression is very solemn, it seems that she is burdened with a heavy burden.

At the same time, Qing Yang also saw seven other people who were walking with them. Two of them were Guixia’s personal guards, Ghost Eagle and Ghost Bird, one male and one female, both of them were cultivated on the ninth level of Jindan. They were extremely capable of cleaning up. Behind the real person Guixia, giving people a great sense of security, both of them took the oath in front of Zhenjun Yuki, swearing to the death to protect the real person Guixia is thoughtful.

Another person is an old white-bearded man with a resolute face. This person's golden core cultivation is perfect, no need to ask, it must be the personal guard of Youmu Zhenjun, this time the ghost he who is responsible for leading the team. As for the remaining four ordinary guards, ghost jackals and ghost wolves are on the eighth level of golden core, and ghost fox and ghost leopard are on the seventh level of golden core. Just to refine a pill, Zhenjun Youmu sent a group The team of nine Golden Core cultivators, of which there are seven of them in the late Golden Core period alone, which shows the depth of their entire family.

The missions for this trip had been arranged long ago, so after the team gathered, Zhenjun Yuki didn't say much, just tried a few words casually and sent everyone down the mountain.

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