Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1217: : Tyranny

Reality Guihe didn't delay after speaking, and looked for a direction and flew straight forward, while Reality Qingyang, Guixia and six other guards hurriedly followed.

There are not many reference objects in this desert, and it is not easy to identify the direction. The real person Guihe took them and the group of people went around and galloped all the way. It took a full two or three hours before stopping by a small sand dune. After coming down, and then turning around the small sand dune two times, he found a semi-weathered stone pillar buried in the ground, and finally determined the location.

The half of the weathered stone pillar seems to be the entrance of the ruins. The real person Guihe cleaned the sand around the stone pillar and turned around the stone pillar a few times. Without knowing what he had done, the surrounding sand suddenly burst into a huge sandstorm. The whirlpool surrounded them.

The people present were all taken aback, but seeing that Ghost He looked calm, everyone understood that this should be a normal phenomenon, so they stood there calmly. As the sandstorm whirlpool turned, the stone pillars slowly descended with the surrounding ground, and even Qingyang and the others gradually descended. When it descended to a certain level, the surrounding sand suddenly surged forward, sinking the place. After being buried, the surrounding area immediately recovered calm, and Qing Yang and others could no longer be seen.

From the outside, the weathered stone pillars were gone. The sand dune was still the same. Everything around it was exactly the same as before, as if Qingyang and the others had never been here.

In fact, Qingyang and Ghost He had reached another place, and the surrounding area was still a desert, but it was a little better than the sand that was full of eyes before, and occasionally you can see a few green plants, which gives you a hint of life.

Beside them, there is also a weathered stone pillar. I don’t know if the stone pillar was brought in by them, or there is a stone pillar exactly like the outside. Needless to say, this stone pillar should be the entrance and exit of the ruins. Rely on him.

"Master Guihe, the sky is full of yellow sand, almost exactly the same as the outside. Where did the nine ghost lotus grow?" Master Guixia couldn't help asking.

Guihe Zhen said: "I'm also here for the first time, and I don't know the situation inside, but when I came, the owner not only explained the method of entering the ruins, but also roughly said the approximate location of the nine-child ghost lotus. We only used Just look in that direction."

True Guixia said: "If this is the case, let's not hurry up? I don't like this kind of ghost place at all. I have made a pill so that I can return to life as soon as possible."

As the leader of this mission, the task on his shoulders is heavier than that of Guixia. He even wants to refine the pill and return to life as soon as possible, so that there will be more nights and dreams, so he does not need Guixia to supervise him. Flew up high in the sky and looked up to determine the direction.

Master Guihe has been observing for a long time, and he has some clues in his heart. He was about to speak, but suddenly he planted from the air with a scream and threw a big hole in the sand with a thump. Fortunately, his cultivation was high and deep, and he was also flying. It's not too high, and there is no problem with falling.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback. Did they encounter danger right after they came in? Everyone hurriedly prepared for each other, and Guixia asked, "What's the matter? Could someone sneak attack?"

True person Guihe's face was red, and the expression on his face was constantly changing, as if he was enduring some pain. After a long time, he said with difficulty: "No one attacked, it was the tyrannical spirit I said before. He has entered my body, and the blood is a little overwhelming."

As soon as Guihe’s voice fell, the ghost eagle next to him exclaimed: "I also feel that after the tyrannical air enters my body, my blood is like boiled water, and the blood is rolling, constantly impacting the blood vessels. And the heart, it’s very difficult to conquer them."

At the same time, Qing Yang also felt a trace of tyrannical air entering his body, and his qi and blood suddenly boiled, and began to roll and boil in the body. The blood vessels and heart were under tremendous pressure for a while, and seemed to be in danger of bursting. . Qing Yang felt that the temperature of his whole body had risen a lot, and his heart was beating rapidly. The sound of the sound in the soul made Qing Yang dizzy and turned, as if someone was beating a drum inside. generally.

This feeling is just like what Qing Yang felt when he drank too much inferior wine before he cultivated immortality. There was no other way. Qing Yang could only sit cross-legged on the ground, running the exercises to suppress the boiling blood in the body, and at the same time use concentration. Decided, I hope to cleanse my spiritual thoughts down.

After two quarters of an hour, the qi and blood tumbling in his body was slightly suppressed, but it was only a little better. He needed to continuously suppress the qi and blood in his body with his true essence, and he couldn't stop it for a moment. In this way, Qing Yang The strength of will be greatly affected. When facing the enemy, you can't put your heart and soul into the battle, I am afraid that you will not be able to display ten percent of your strength.

Qing Yang looked at the other people present, and Guixia's situation was similar to his. The others were still desperately suppressing the blood tumbling in the body, which could be roughly judged from the expressions on everyone present. The two guards of Guixia and Qingyang are the most relaxed, followed by the two guards of the ghost fox and the ghost leopard, the two guards of the ghost jackal and the ghost wolf again, and then the two guards of the ghost eagle and the ghost bird. The situation of Ghost He is the most serious.

It seems that Ghost He is true~www.readwn.com~ It is true that the higher the cultivation level, the greater the impact. The Golden Core monk is still reluctant, if the Yuan Ying monk arrives here, he will definitely explode and die. , It's no wonder that True Monarch Soul Li hasn't been here for six hundred years after he left.

True person Qingyang and Guixia stood there and waited for a short half an hour, and the others stood up from the ground one after another. With the buffer of this time, everyone gradually adapted to the tyrannical Qi and blood in the body, although they still need to be continuously consumed. True Yuan suppresses, but it no longer affects the action.

True person Guihe is mentally prepared for the tyrannical atmosphere in the ruins. After adjusting his state, he waved his hand and led everyone forward hurriedly. Before, True person Guihe had roughly determined the direction when he was in the air. There should be no mistakes following this path.

Perhaps it was because of seeing the real ghost ghost taking a bit of a loss in the air. This time everyone did not fly in the air, so the speed of the journey was much slower. An hour is dozens of miles away.

This speed is already very fast for the Jindan monks, saying it is walking, in fact, it is almost the same as a low-altitude sweep. While they are rushing at full speed, the surrounding sand dunes and vegetation continue to retreat, only to hear the ears. There was the sound of wind and sand passing by.

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