Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1224: : Damaged Serpent Armor

The real person Guique also knows that it is helpless to let the real person Qingyang and Guixia participate in the battle. After that, they have to rely on them to practice alchemy. The absolute safety of the two must be guaranteed. Therefore, although the two participated in the battle, they were only auxiliary in nature. The real ghost ghost will pin down the wasteland demon rat from the side to relieve some of her pressure, and the real ghost will still be the main battle.

On the surface, the real person Qingyang and Guixia are only the fourth-tier golden core monks, but their actual combat power is much higher than that of the monks of the same rank. As the disciple of the ghost valley family, the fourth-tier golden core can perform close to the golden core. With the strength of the seventh floor, Qing Yang is even more powerful. If he uses real means, I am afraid that the real ghost may not be the opponent.

With the participation of these two people, the battle did have some turning points. After all, the wasteland monster was only a Tier 8 monster, and its strength was lower than them. Previously, it alone dealt with the ghost ghost real person, and it can gain the upper hand with its geographical advantage and speed advantage. Once the real person Qingyang and Guixia participate, in the case of one-to-three, the advantage of the wasteland magic rat will be greatly reduced.

Although the Wilderness Rat is already at a disadvantage, his brutal nature and the tyrannical atmosphere in the ruins made him unwilling to retreat. After finally encountering delicious food, how could he easily give up? He feels that he can do a good job, and he has a strong tendency not to hit the south wall and not look back.

The wasteland demon rat is lying in the midst of killing enemies. The gray hair is not different from the color of the sand dunes, and the breath is inaudible. It is really difficult to find without using the spirit of a careful search, but if you look closely, you will find that it is in the gray. , With a pair of bright little eyes, staring at the three people present, his eyes were full of cunning and greed.

Suddenly, the wasteland demon rat moved, and a gray afterimage flashed in the air, which was much faster than the wasteland demon lizard that everyone was besieging at the beginning, and people almost didn't have much ability to react. The strongest ghost ghost real person is better, Qingyang and Guixia real person sacrificed their defenses completely based on instinct, and the enemy can't have any negligence at present.

Perhaps it is because I know that the ghost ghost is better at defending, or it is because the previous attacks on the ghost ghost repeatedly did not work. The gray afterimage that originally rushed towards the ghost ghost drew an arc in the air and turned towards Qingyang. I went, and I was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

In the past, based on instinct, Qingyang's activation of the true essence inspired the snake armor, and at the same time a layer of true essence shield was sacrificed on the body, which played a role at the critical moment. Only after hearing a stab, the claws of the wasteland demon rat slashed. Qingyang's true essence shield pierced the top of the spirit snake armor.

Then there was a harsh sound, and a deep scar was drawn on Qingyang’s snake spirit armor. Although the wasteland rat was fast, its attack power was slightly lacking. If it were the previous wasteland monster, this one would not only destroy it. With the snake spirit armor, Qing Yang could also be injured.

However, the snake spirit armor had been so damaged, and the aura on it became dim. It seemed that the damage was quite serious. If it were to come again, the snake spirit armor would definitely be scrapped.

This snake spirit armor was still the skin that Qingyang got from her shed in the cave mansion of Jindan monster flower green waist when the Seven Great Immortal Gates attacked Yinfeng Gorge in the mainland of Kyushu, and then let the Mo family brothers of Ziyan City It was made with help, and now he has been with Qingyang for decades. He has blocked countless swords and shadows for Qingyang and saved him many times, but he did not expect the damage to be so severe this time.

However, this is also normal. With the improvement of Qingyang's strength, the defensive ability of the Snake Spirit Armor, which is the best spirit weapon level, has gradually been unable to keep up. However, Qingyang already has feelings for this treasure, so he can wear it anyway. If it doesn't occupy a place, there is always an extra layer of defense, isn't it?

However, the battle was fierce at this time, Qing Yang did not have time to think about this issue too much, and the Desolate Rat on the opposite side did not intend to let him go. One hit was missed, and the beast swung around in the air with another sharp claw. He has already caught Qing Yang again.

The Wasteland Rat’s change of moves was sudden this time, but Qing Yang has already dealt with it. He used his instinct to defend layer by layer, and at the same time, he also sacrificed three great swords, but the speed was a little behind. Catch the first attack of the wasteland magic rat.

Now that the Wasteland Demon Rat attacked again, the three giant swords just caught up, I saw countless auras flashing in the air, thousands of sword shadows formed a three-element sword formation and stood in front of Qing Yang. The Wasteland Demon Rat attacked him first because he felt that Qingyang was not strong enough. He didn't know how powerful the Sanyuan Sword Formation was. He didn't avoid it when he saw the sword formation forced him. Instead, he went straight to the sword formation. Hearing a sharp scream, a gray afterimage flashed past, and the wasteland demon rat flew upside down.

Looking at the wasteland demon rat at this time, one paw was hanging down, and there was a slight oozing of blood. It was obviously injured. The wasteland demon rat and the ghost ghost have not been injured many times in the previous attack, but this time, he was killed by Qing Yang. He hurt his paw, so there was a trace of fear among the rat eyes staring at Qing Yang.

However, the Wasteland Demon Rat is a Tier 8 monster after all. Although the defensive power is not as good as the Wasteland Demon lizard, it is still much stronger than the monks and monsters of the same level. In addition, his speed is fast and he can close his hands in a timely manner. The injury is not very serious. , And the Sanyuan Sword Array was also broken by him.

The real person Guixia knows Qingyang's strength~www.readwn.com~ That time the Qingyang solo fight with the three brothers of the real person Guiyun, the real person Guixia went a bit late, and did not see the real battle scene, but from the time It can be judged from the situation above. Qingyang did not suffer any loss in the hands of their three brothers, which means that Qingyang's true strength may not be much worse than that of the ninth-layer cultivator of Golden Core. This matter will definitely be true. Tell Yuki Zhen-kun, and Yuki Zhen-kun will also notify the other monks who are traveling with him this time, so the other two are not surprised by Qingyang's great power.

Seeing the devil rat in the wasteland suffer, the ghost ghost and the ghost ghost have already sacrificed their magic weapons and attacked the place where the demon rat fell. The defensive ability of the monster attack is strong, but as long as they are not allowed to get close, the monk It is still relatively dominant.

Ghost Ghost’s attack was more powerful than Qingyang’s Sanyuan Sword Formation, and Guixia’s magic weapon was not too bad. The Wasteland Demon Rat had just been injured, so naturally he didn’t dare to take care of it. The magic mouse was so fast that it was easy for the two to miss their attack.

The two attacks did not hurt or scare each other. Instead, they aroused the fierceness of the wasteland rat. After avoiding these two attacks, they took advantage of the sand dunes around them. Under the cover of, the Wasteland Demon Rat launched a sneak attack on the three of them, and the ghosts and Qingyang and Guixia also cooperated with each other to start a melee with the Wasteland Demon Rat.

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