Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1236: :Yuanying-level pill

Once the thoughts are opened, they can’t be held back. It’s normal. At the critical moment of alchemy, the result can be imagined. A small mistake caused the third refining of Guixia to fail. She hated it. Glancing at Qing Yang, he blamed this guy for failing early and late, but at this time he became a pill, which made himself fall short.

However, Guixia real person also knows that this is no wonder Qing Yang, in the final analysis, she is not enough concentration, originally thought that Qing Yang's identity was unknown, and everyone didn't know much about his alchemy, it was most likely that there was a problem. As a result, he was there early. After refining the pill, there was something wrong with it.

Now that Jiufen has failed three copies of materials, if there are problems with the remaining six copies, how can you deal with your father after returning? How do you face the ardent expectations of the whole family for yourself? If the ancestor had a problem because of his own mistakes, he would probably be the sinner of the whole family.

Thinking of this, Guixia's heart couldn't help calming down, and once again converged, abandoning all selfish thoughts, and started the fourth pill refining. The pill has long been deeply burned into Guixia's heart. One step has been carefully completed countless times, so when the fourth pill refining, the real person Guixia was familiar with it, and everything went smoothly.

Qing Yang was idle, and after taking a pill, he recovered his true essence and spiritual consciousness while observing the practice of Guixia real person. I haven’t seen it for more than five years. It seems that Guixia’s alchemy has improved a lot. When Qingyang entered the ghost valley and first came into contact with Guixia, the opponent’s alchemy was only at the level of the Zhundan king. Now it has improved a lot. Cut, although it is not up to the level of King Pill, it is almost the same. It seems that in the past few years in Hantan, the real person Guixia has spent much time on this. It is estimated that Zhenjun Youmu dare to let her come, too. I feel that her current alchemy is adequate.

Sometimes, it doesn’t mean that the alchemy is absolutely successful when it is high. It is also related to many external factors. The fourth refining of Ghost Ghost is very smooth, but in the final stage, it is because of some small foods. , Resulting in the failure of the refining of this material.

This time even Qing Yang couldn’t pass it. Under this situation, the mission would definitely not be completed. Although it wasn’t for his own reasons, but the mission failed in the end, and he had no choice but to get angry. In desperation, it was the fifth time. When refining, Qing Yang had to **** a little bit more, and during the process, she gave a few words to help Master Guixia avoid a lot of small mistakes.

In Ghost Valley for so many years, although Qing Yang hasn’t refined the Pill of Darkness, he may have seen a lot. His Pill of Darkness has also improved a lot. Of course, it is far behind King Keqing Pill, but Alchemy is almost the same, plus Qing Yang's experience in refining spirit pills, as well as the many similarities between Ming and spirit pills, it is still possible to guide Guixia in certain aspects.

As the senior pill king of the spirit pill, Qing Yang's experience is extremely helpful to the real person Guixia. Under his guidance, the refining process of the fifth material is fairly smooth, and finally a black pill is refined. It was dark and smelly, but it was no different from the introduction of the Ming Pill in the Lingming Helongevity Pill. It was definitely a successful refining.

After that, Ghost Ghost did not stop, but refined all the remaining four ingredients. Even if the Jiuzi Ghost Lotus is soaked in the special medicinal solution refined by True Monarch Li, it can only be stored for two or three days. It's also a waste, it's better to use it up all at once.

For the remaining four ingredients, Real Guixia made another pill. Of course, it was incomparable with Qingyang’s rate of pill formation, but Jiufen made two pills, which are for real Guixia’s. As far as Pill Shu was concerned, it was not bad, basically reaching her usual level.

Looking at the two black pills in her hand, Guixia Zhenren couldn't help but smile, and finally she was one step closer to success. The remaining thing is to refine the part of the spirit pill that Qingyang has refined with Guixia Zhenren. Just add a certain material to the prepared part of the Ming Dan, and use a special technique to refine them together, so as to combine them into a new Ling Ming and Longevity Pill.

The additional material Guihe Zhenren has been handed over to Guixia Guixia. This step is simple and important. Both Qingyang and Guixia can operate with the abilities of Guixia and there is almost no possibility of mistakes.

Originally, this part of Guixia Real Person planned to do it himself. Not only did Qing Yang fail to fully obtain the trust of the Guixia Real Person family, but he was also worried about Qingyang’s alchemy, but now he knows that Qingyang’s alchemy is much higher than himself. , Ghost Guixia doesn’t have any thoughts of being a classmate. If Qingyang has other thoughts, he can just sit and watch her failure by silently just now, and he just spoke out to help her refine the pill, indicating that Qingyang has not Nothing to think carefully.

So the real person Guixia handed over the two medicinal pills and the additional materials that he had just refined to Qing Yang, and asked him to do this last process. Qing Yang did not refuse, and first added the additional materials to the pill furnace. Chahuo Gourd quickly refines him into a mass of liquid.

It's almost time to watch the fire, UU reading www.uukanshuu. Com Qingyang took out the two high-quality turquoise pill that he had refined before and threw it into the pill furnace, waiting for the two pill to gradually melt into the liquid in the pill furnace, and then put the two The black pill was added to the pill furnace. After the two pill were melted, Qing Yang re-used a series of methods such as liquid collection, thickening, astringent ointment, gathering spirit, and nourishment, to sacrifice the synthetic liquid in the pill furnace. Refined into two green and black pills.

Maybe this step is really simple, maybe the Qingyang pill is high enough, or maybe the two Qingyang pills are of high quality. The whole process went smoothly, almost without any mistakes, two Yuanying level. The Lingming Heshou Pill was born in Qingyang's hands.

Because they are made from four medicinal pills, the two green and black medicinal medicinal pills are twice as large as ordinary medicinal pills. The surface is delicate and shiny, and it is not ordinary at first sight. If you observe carefully, you can still Feeling the power of immortality and the power of Yin and Ming contained in the pill, the green and black texture on the outside proves that this pill is a combination of two kinds of pill.

Spiritual objects and pills that increase life expectancy are not uncommon in the world of immortality. For example, the blood lotus root obtained by Qingyang when he was in the mainland of Kyushu and the Liji Bushou Pills refined in the middle of the sand region have this effect, but these things The effect is very limited, and at most it will increase the life span of several years. Like the Lingming Heshou Pill, which can increase the life span of decades, it is too bad for the sky. It is no wonder that such a small pill is difficult to refine. It's not too high, but it can be among the Yuan Ying level.

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