Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1240: : 1 house and 1 half

Sure enough, at this moment, I heard the ghost ghost smile coldly, and said: "Major Guihe has a good abacus, and the Lingming Helongevity Pill is in my hands, so you will cast the rat avoidance device. If you hand over the pill, I am afraid The three of us died immediately, not to mention that I took the risk of offending your family just for the sake of this Lingming Helongevity Pill. I gave it to you. Wouldn't it be a waste of work?"

Seeing Master Guichen did not let go, Master Guihe frowned, and said, "Since you don't agree to my terms, then tell me, how can you give in? You know, now the three of your brothers and sisters have been surrounded by groups. There is not much capital to negotiate."

True person Ghost Chen understands this naturally, he has an idea in his heart, so he said: "Since True Person Ghost He has spoken to this point, then I will give you some face. The pill to increase lifespan is generally the strongest when the first one is taken, and the effect of taking the second one is even less than half of the first one. Isn’t there two pills here? I can take the initiative to get one out. How about half of our family?"

We spent countless energy to refine this pill, and the price paid is not a big one. Why should we give it to people like you who get something for nothing? Even if the effect of the second one is less than half of the first one, at least it can increase the life span of 20 to 30 years. It is also a rare treasure in the world. Isn't it better to keep it for yourself? Ghost He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he still held back. This Lingming Helongevity Pill is too important to get one. If you don’t agree with the other party’s request, maybe even You can't keep one, so promise to come down first.

After thinking for a long time, Ghost He stretched out his hand and said: "Yes, let's get our pill first."

Master Ghost Chen did not immediately hand over the Lingming Heshou Pill, but looked at Master Guihe and shook his head, and said, "You don't need to be so impatient, my conditions are still not finished yet."

"What do you have?" Guihe Zhenren said.

Ghost Chen looked at Qingyang next to him, and said, "It's very simple. My third younger brother has an enmity with this Qingyang boy. I have promised that the younger brother will avenge him. You only need to catch this boy. Everyone stepped aside, and we handed over the elixirs one by one."

The condition of this person of Ghost Chen can be described as killing two birds with one stone. One can vent his anger for the third junior brother and fulfill his previous promise to him, and then he can divide the other party's camp. He knows how difficult this Qingyang is, if it is true Guihe. If you agree to your conditions, you need to spend a lot of energy to deal with Qingyang. The more chaotic the scene, the greater the chance of one's escape. Even if the other party does not agree, hidden dangers will be buried in the hearts of both parties, and sooner or later they will explode.

Master Guichen thought that Master Guihe would hesitate for a while, but who knows Master Guihe said without thinking: "This condition is not difficult to achieve, I can promise you now."

Ghost Ghost is so refreshing, Ghost Chen is a little bit unbelievable. Will there be fraud? So he said, "I promised so soon, Ghost He doesn't need to think about it anymore?"

Guihe Zhen said: "You don't need to think about it. This is a convenient thing. I'm afraid you don't know it? When I left Ghost Valley, my master told me. After completing the task, I will find a chance to get rid of this Qingyang boy. Some The less people know about things, the better."

Master Guihe dared to say this in front of Qing Yang, naturally he had a chance to win, knowing that Qing Yang could not escape even if he put on his wings. Yes, it's just a Golden Core fourth-tier cultivator. Even if Qingyang can fight again, how many people can he beat? There were six cultivators in the late Jindan stage alone, and Qing Yang couldn't escape even if he had three heads and six arms.

Qing Yang was not surprised by the words of the real person Guihe. He was no longer the rookie who first entered the world of immortality that year. After decades of blood and rain, how could he not think that the other party might kill people? It's just that there is still a trace of luck in his heart, and Yu Mengmiao's things are pressing in his heart, even if there is one in ten thousand hope, he wants to give it a try.

Now that Ghost He spoke his heart in front of him, Qing Yang completely let go. He was a tool to Zhenjun Youmu's family. Now that the tools are used up, it is time to throw them away. It is estimated that Zhenjun Youmu chose Qingyang to do this because he had no background in Ghost Valley, and he would not cause too much trouble after killing people.

Qing Yang didn’t say what he was thinking. After listening to Guihe’s explanation, Guichen was overjoyed. This was a hit, so he said, "Okay, okay, okay, so we will all be happy. Please also Guihe for now. Get out and grab this kid to complete the transaction as soon as possible."

The two parties quickly reached an agreement. Ghost He turned his head, looked at Qing Yang, and said faintly: "Friend Qingyang, you have seen what happened just now. It's not that I want to embarrass you, but Ghost Chen wants to kill. You avenge your younger brother, and my master also ordered you to kill you. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for your bad life. You have offended two families at a time. Don't trust others easily in the future."

Qing Yang hadn't seen such a person before, and he was about to kill people, but he still said these high-sounding words pretendingly, so he said impatiently: "Don't be long-winded, hurry up if you want to do it."

While talking, some changes have taken place in the situation on the field. The ghost eagle, the ghost bird, and the ghost wolf each take a few steps forward~www.readwn.com~ one-on-one staring at the ghost brothers, lest they Take the opportunity to escape. Ghost He was forced to Qingyang, and it seemed that he was planning to do it himself. With so many people present, he would be able to take Qingyang as quickly as possible.

The real person Guihe reached a few tens of meters in front of Qingyang, and when his divine mind moved, he would sacrifice a magic weapon to launch an attack. At this moment, the real person Guixia stood in front of him and said, "I don't agree."

Real person Guihe knew that Real person Guixia would definitely have doubts about this matter, but she didn't expect that she would stop it directly, so she said blankly: "This is what the master meant."

"I don't care who meant it. Anyway, I don't allow you to do this. Daoist Qingyang was invited back by me. I must guarantee his safety." Gui Xia said humanely.

As a veteran monk who has practiced for many years, especially a ghost monk who came from the ghost sect like ghost valley, it is said that Guixia should not be so emotional. Although she has never done such things, she has seen a lot of things. , Sometimes it must be so for the benefit of the family.

But I have seen Guihui. When the truth comes, she will more or less hesitate to cross the river and demolish the bridge. Moreover, the real person Guixia always has an inexplicable emotion towards Qingyang, and she can't bear it even more. Others killed people in front of them.

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