Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 128: : Two brothers from the Liang family

   The entire store is very rudimentary. Compared with the shops on the main street, it is much smaller, and it seems that it is not commensurate with the status of the Liang family. Perhaps it is because the location is relatively remote, or because there are fewer people who usually test their qualifications. The shop is very deserted. Only a buddy from the early stage of the open pulse state and a shopkeeper from the late stage of the open pulse state are guarding outside.

   The shopkeeper obviously knew Liang Chongtian, and when he saw him leading people in, he hurriedly ran over to courteously and said: "Second Young Master is back? Are you bringing someone to test Linggen?"

   Liang Chongtian nodded and said: "Yes, I just returned to Yuling City and brought friends to test Linggen. Why? Is the business here not very good?"

The shopkeeper said: "There are tens of thousands of cultivators in Jade Spirit City. Most cultivators test their spiritual roots once in their lives. It would be nice to have two or three guests every day. However, we can test the spiritual roots of the entire Jade City. There is not even the City Lord’s Mansion. Sooner or later, you will have to come. The elder Cai is in it, so you just need to bring people in."

The Linggen test chair is a relatively expensive thing, and its value is almost as high as that of the upper product. The Liang family will definitely not directly hand it over to the shopkeeper and buddies. Instead, they will send Liang Chongtian’s cousin, the elder of the Liang family, Liang Yucai. Take care of them, all in a large room at the back.

   Liang Chongtian knew all this well, he nodded at the shopkeeper again, and then walked back with Qing Yang and Yu Mengmiao.

Turning a hallway, I quickly saw the last room. Perhaps I heard the outside sound. An old man came out at the door of that room. He was about 50 or 60 years old. Unfathomable feeling.

   It is not necessary to judge the cultivation level with divine thoughts. Only by guessing, Qing Yang knows that the opponent is also in the Qi refining period at least, and it will not be less than the middle period of the Qi refining period, otherwise it will not give him so much pressure. Such a small shop sent a mid-stage Qi-refining cultivator to sit there. It seems that the strength of the Liang family should not be underestimated.

Although the old man Liang Yucai was a monk in the Qi-refining period, he treated Liang Chongtian respectfully. After the two met, he exchanged a lot of greetings. Then Liang Chongtian said that he would help Qingyang test the spiritual roots. Liang Yucai led them to the three. Entered the room.

   I saw a chair-like thing in the middle of the empty room. The material was not metal or wood, and I don't know what material it was made of. The length and width of the chair are three feet each, and the height is more than six feet. There is a sitting place in the middle, and many fine scales are engraved on the back.

Just now Liang Chongtian introduced to Qing Yang. This is a spiritual measuring chair. It is much heavier and heavier than the spiritual measuring instrument used by the martial arts in the Knock Immortal Conference, but it is relatively cheaper, so the Liang family can get it. one.

When using it, you only need to sit on it. After some testing, different rays of light will appear on the back of the chair. According to the color and length of the light, referring to the scale on the back, the attributes of the spiritual root and the person under test will be judged. Qualification potential.

Liang Chongtian had already talked to the Liang’s parent, Liang Yucai, about the use of the test chair. Qing Yang was about to step forward to test, and suddenly heard a loud noise outside, including the flattery of the shopkeeper outside. And the voice of a young man talking.

The old Liang Yucai seemed to have heard something, no longer caring about the three people in the room, and hurried out to greet him. Liang Chongtian frowned, a trace of disgust flashed on his face, but he quickly covered it, and then took Qing Yang with him. Waited at the door.

   Soon a group of people came to the door, besides the treasurer and the buddy, there were four other people. The first one was a young man in his twenties who looked four or five points similar to Liang Chongtian, except that his lips were slightly thin and he had a mean look.

Next to this young man were two teenagers. One was about seventeen or eighteen years old, slightly older than Qingyang, and the other was just in his early ten. The two teenagers looked similar to each other by six or seven points, and they were obviously close to each other. brother. The last person left is nothing special. He is about forty years old and should be a role like a bodyguard.

   Liang Chongtian is the second son of the Liang family. When he came, the shopkeeper only greeted him a few times. As soon as the young man came in, he was accompanied by the shopkeeper and his buddies, and he was extremely diligent. Coupled with the reaction of the elder Liang Yucai, and a slightly similar appearance to Liang Chongtian, this person should be a very important figure in the Liang family, maybe Liang Chongtian's eldest brother.

   Sure enough, after seeing Liang Chongtian at the door, the young man squeezed a smile on his face and said, "Yeah, the second child is back. Why didn't he even come back home and came here first?"

   Liang Chongtian also showed a blunt smile on his face, and said, "I just entered the city and haven't had time to go home. Why has my eldest brother come here today?"

The young man said, "The second brother is not at home during this time~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know if my eldest brother has a new concubine? These two are my younger brothers Li Shunfeng and Li Chengfeng, I Bring them here today to test Linggen to see if they have the potential to focus on cultivation."

The reason why the Liang family can become a big family in Jade Spirit City is not only because of their own strength, but also because of the many small families attached to the Liang family, which are relatively influential. They are deeply rooted in the entire Jade Spirit City. Some are because of interest, some It is the in-laws.

  Of course, normal in-laws usually refer to the wife's natal family, like this kind of concubine's in-law relationship is very ordinary, and powerful families will not let their daughters be other people's concubines. The daughter who was willing to marry out to be a concubine, either did not dare to provoke the Liang family and gave her daughter in desperation, or she took the initiative to send her daughter to the door and wanted to curry favor with the Liang family.

Qing Yang looked at the two teenagers opposite, the younger Li Chengfeng still couldn't see anything. The older Li Shunfeng had a bright face when he introduced him to the boss of the Liang family, and he didn't feel that his sister was acting as a concubine for each other. Humiliated, it seems that they obviously belong to the latter.

After the Liang family boss finished speaking, he turned his head to Qingyang and Yu Mengmiao next to Liang Chongtian, and looked at Qingyang's cultivation base with unbridled spirit. When he could see that Qingyang's cultivation base was only at the fifth level of the Open Vessel Realm, he suddenly felt Jian snorted, and said to Liang Chongtian: "My second child, you are getting more and more confused. The second young master of the Liang family in the dignified Yuling City, went to make friends with the low-level casual cultivators at the fifth level of the Open Vein Realm. It really lost us. The face of the Liang family."

If just talking about Liang Chongtian himself, he can still endure. Now that his eldest brother has turned his goal to the guests he brought, he has no choice but to speak, and said: "What kind of people do I have, elder brother doesn't seem to be able to control? Let alone you bring The cultivation base of these two people is not necessarily high."

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