Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 135: : Combing

The guy took the two to the door of the room. Just as he was about to enter, one person suddenly walked out of the opposite room. Qing Yang saw that he was a little familiar. This rough appearance and dark face were not just at the gate of the city. Luding Mountain, the thick black monk in front of them? The two of them are really predestined, and they met here again.

   The black rough San Xiu also seemed to recognize Qing Yang. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he said, "I am in Qingyun Mansion and go to Luding Mountain. This fellow Taoist looks familiar, I don't know how to call it?"

   Qingyang also arched his hands and said: "Xiping Mansion is doing Qingyang casually, and bringing my younger sister to Yuling City to see the excitement. Fellow Lu Dao is also here to participate in the Fairy Fairy Conference?"

The black and rough Xiu Lu Dingshan said: "Yes, I came here specifically for this Knock Fairy Conference, but I don’t know if I have the opportunity to join the Fairy Gate. Fellow Qingyang, I also have a chance to meet again. I don’t have time today. When we look back, we must communicate together."

   "Definitely, definitely, Fellow Daoist Yunda should go to work first." Qing Yang said.

   After a few words of greeting, Lu Dingshan hurriedly left the inn. After the man introduced the usage of the isolation formation at the door of the guest room to Qing Yang, he also left.

   This kind of room for casual repairs is not very different from that of ordinary people, that is, the space inside is larger and the setting is more luxurious. However, these are secular things and have no value. The main value is the isolation formation and the gathering spirit formation. The main reason for collecting the Qi Yang Pill from the guests is also because of those two things.

   Qingyang felt that the aura here is indeed stronger than other places, but the strength is very limited. Although there is a gathering of spirits outside the inn, the whole inn has so many monks living in it, so it is not good to share it. However, Qing Yang's current cultivation base is still very low, and with the aid of pill, the demand for spiritual energy is not very large, so it is good to live here.

   finally settled down, and when Yu Mengmiao fell asleep in another suite, Qing Yang couldn't help but start to sort out his experience of cultivating immortals during this period.

   From the westernmost midland of Xiping Mansion, to the encounters of Kaiyuan Mansion, and then to this Yuling City, all the way, although only a short period of a few months, but a lot of gains.

From a young man who didn’t know anything about cultivating immortals, Qing Yang became a cultivator at the fifth level of the Open Vein Realm. Now he has a deep understanding of matters related to cultivating immortals, and he has even come to Yuling City, a holy land for cultivating in Liangzhou. He had four magical artifacts, two spirit stones, and some other things on his body. He had a wealth of wealth. It is estimated that many of the open veins in the late stage of casual cultivation are inferior.

  The characteristics of the four artifacts are too obvious. Now I have to deal with Liang Chongtian frequently. The silver lightsaber itself is something Liang Chongtian often uses. Go back to Sanxiufang City to see if you can deal with it and replace it with something else.

Qing Yang tried many times on the silver needle artifact he got from Hong Mantian on his way to Jade Spirit City, but he couldn't control it with his spiritual thoughts. He tried dozens of times, just in the last few times. It is impossible to control the silver needle by being able to barely move it.

   Qingyang knew that this was because his divine consciousness was too weak to drive the silver needle. It would be fine when the divine consciousness became stronger in the future. He didn't plan to dispose of the silver needle. This thing is not used frequently. As long as it is not taken out, Liang Chongtian should not be able to see the flaws.

   And Qing Yang found that every time he tried to use the silver needle, he would get dizzy and mentally exhausted. But after each recovery, the divine consciousness will increase slightly. Although the magnitude is not large, it is also a rare shortcut to strengthen divine consciousness. When you have time, you can practice. There are only benefits and no harm.

   Qing Yang has also tried several times for making talisman, but he has not gained much. He is only familiar with the process of making talisman, and he is not proficient, let alone making a talisman. It took many years for Shen Jian Li to barely master the refining method of low-grade magic talisman. Qing Yang wanted to learn it in a short time. It was impossible at all. When I have time to look back, buy a better talisman and try again. .

  After arriving at Jade Spirit City, Qing Yang finally confirmed that the longevity art he had cultivated was indeed a common genre in the realm of cultivation. The casual cultivators who practiced this kind of exercises in Jade Spirit City did not know where. When shopping today, Qing Yang had seen the manuscript of Longevity Secrets in several shops. You can buy it with just one Qi Yang Pill, or even buy one get one free.

Really good exercises are definitely not sold like this. They are usually recorded by high-level monks with special jade slips. The production process is complicated. When using it, you need to receive information with the gods. The jade slips can only be used once. It will be broken, avoiding the random spread of the exercises.

   Generally, monks and forces who have good exercises will deliberately control the spread of exercises, as a last resort, they will not sell their exercises casually, so as not to be discovered by others. Even if you open a shop, you will control the shipment of good exercises. The scarcity is the most expensive. If you sell all the exercises into a big market, how can you make money in the future~www.readwn.com~ Although the longevity trick is a big market. , But there are no obvious shortcomings, otherwise there would not be so many people choosing. Moreover, the open pulse realm belongs to the quasi-monks, and the requirements for the cultivation method are not high, so there is no need to change it temporarily. After the Qi refining period, it is not too late to choose the cultivation method that suits you.

The alcoholic bee in the drunk fairy gourd is still the same, sluggish, and seems to be badly injured. Before Qingyang could not solve this problem, now in Yuling City, as long as there is a spirit stone, you can buy anything good, and you can buy it later. Give them some spirit wine to try.

   One more thing is that Qing Yang finally confirmed the aptitude of himself and Yu Mengmiao. Yu Mengmiao is the root of heaven, and the seven immortal gates can be chosen at will, so there is no worries about worshipping the immortal gates. But I’m in trouble. It’s impossible for the Five Elements Spiritual Root to worship the Immortal Gate directly, so I need to think of other ways.

   Originally, Master Xi Yingxian once said that there are two other methods, one is to get an immortal order, and the other is to complete the mission of the fairy gate. Neither of these two conditions is easy. Qing Yang had also inquired about it. Every time the Knock on the Immortal Conference, those who were able to complete the mission of the Immortal Gate were generally the best among the Qi-refining monks.

   And the knocking fairy order is extremely rare, without a strong relationship, without huge financial resources, ordinary casual cultivation is simply impossible. And at this time, there is only a short period of more than a month before the start of the Fairy Knock Conference. Without a clue, where should he go to get the Fairy Knock Order?

   After sitting in the middle of the night, he didn't think of any solution. In the end, Qing Yang had to give up his random thoughts temporarily and fell asleep with his head covered. There is no other way, I can only go one step at a time. If you really can’t worship the immortal gate this year, you should practice in this jade spirit city first, and wait for the next opportunity. Anyway, I’m still young. , There are many opportunities.

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