Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1413: : Yellow spider

This is true for Qingyang, not to mention the remaining Golden Core cultivators. The one with the lowest strength can barely sense the surrounding ten meters, and only those hall masters, ghost kings, are slightly better, and their spirits can cover the surrounding area of ​​nearly one hundred meters. There is more or less a safe distance.

Because I don’t know what’s going on inside this hill, everyone didn’t dare to walk too far apart, so I tried to walk within the range of these tens of meters as far as possible within the scope of the hall master’s ghost king. Things, it's good to have a caring for each other.

Qingyang walked in the middle of the team, running Mingyuan propped up the shield outside of his body, resisting the erosion of the sand and dust, but the surrounding wind was too strong, every step was extremely difficult, one step, two steps, three steps, this The speed is much slower than before in the towering sacred woods.

Such a bad situation is only seen in Qingyang's entire life, but in general it is still barely able to bear it, and Qingyang has also seen it before. This hill is actually not very large, and the width is about four to five hundred miles. Hold on, top It takes four or five more days to get through.

For a period of time afterwards, everyone did not speak any more, just rushed. Under these harsh conditions, most people did not have the energy to speak anymore. By the next day, many people’s meditations had bottomed out. Under the protection of the ghost king of the famous palace, everyone took the pill and rested for a while, and then got up and continued on the road when they were almost recovered.

The group walked in the wind and dust for three consecutive days. In these three days, they took two rests. It is obvious that many people are a lot more emaciated, even if they have been protected by the phantom shield. , Is still a dry skin and a lack of focus.

Seeing this, everyone knew that it was time to rest again. The giant ghost king waved his hand and was about to greet everyone to stop repairing. Suddenly he discovered something wrong and hurriedly shouted, "No, under this hill. If there is something, everyone back up quickly, don't get stuck."

At this time, the ghost king with long eyebrows seemed to have noticed it too, and shouted: "There should be some kind of worms with soil properties coming out of the ground. Now the situation is unknown, everyone must be careful."

As soon as the long eyebrow ghost king's voice fell, he heard a rustling sound under his feet, and then countless insects came out of the ground. These bugs are about the size of a fist, have a bulging belly, and eight long legs. They look a bit similar to common spiders in the world, but they are larger and more terrifying in appearance. All the spiders are earthy yellow, similar to the color of the hills under their feet. If they weren't still crawling, ordinary people would not be able to tell them apart.

After these spiders got out of the ground, they besieged the monks next to them aggressively. Looking at it individually, the spider's strength is not that powerful, let alone those Nascent Soul Ghost Kings, the Golden Core monks present can easily cope with it, but the spirit Worms and worms are afraid of large numbers. Once the number reaches a certain level, the lowest-level spirit worms can also cause damage to high-level cultivators.

The number of spiders in front of me was too much, densely packed everywhere, and people’s scalp was numb. Although the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king reminded it early, it happened too suddenly, and there was still a golden core monk hiding. Slowed a little bit, and fell into the siege of spiders.

Seeing that he was about to be submerged by spiders, the golden core monk leaped up to a height of ten feet above the sky. He was about to adjust his direction and fly out of the danger zone, but he did not expect dozens of spider silks suddenly appeared on the ground and went straight. Brother Jindan came. These spider silks were naturally spit out by the spiders on the ground, and the speed was amazing. The golden core monk did everything he could, but was still entangled in the ankle by a few of them. The spider silk was extremely tough, and the golden core monk threw it a few times. But did not break free.

The golden core monk was about to use other methods to cut off those spider silks, but a huge force suddenly came from the spider silk, pulling his body down suddenly, and then before the golden core monk reacted, more The spider silk spouted from the ground, entangled the other leg of the Golden Core monk.

These spiders cooperate with each other tacitly, some are responsible for entanglement and delay, some are responsible for cooperating and strengthening, and some are only responsible for attacking the vital points. In a blink of an eye, the golden core monk was entangled in spider silk like rice dumplings, falling to the ground and not moving much. Then countless spiders swarmed up and drowned the golden core monk.

These are slow to say, but they all happened in a short period of more than ten breaths. During this period, no other monks came to rescue. It was not that others were cold-blooded, but that other people were also overwhelmed at this time.

Although the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king reminded it early, the number of spiders is really large, and under the influence of the violent wind and dust, their spiritual consciousness has also been greatly affected. Get together without escape from their encirclement.

Fortunately, the remaining twenty-eight people are gathered together, and there is no one left alone, so they can cope with the immediate predicament together, and will not be isolated and helpless when problems arise.

Everyone knows that the situation is critical, and they glanced at each other. There is no need to discuss it, and the big belly ghost king took the initiative to retreat into the crowd, seeming to be preparing for the ghost flame art, and the remaining eight hall master ghost kings He and those Yuan Ying Guixiu also occupy a position respectively ~www.readwn.com~ Then closed his eyes and pinched his mouth with both hands, and started to display the ten kings' boundary formation.

As for the Golden Core cultivators such as Qingyang, they were not idle either, because the Ten Kings Sealing Formation was arranged in a hurry, and many spiders were surrounded by the formation. Regardless of their small number, but if ignored, their strength is sufficient. Poisonously overturn the Nascent Soul monks who set up the formation, and once the formation is flawed, they will be overwhelmed by the spiders outside, so they must be cleaned up as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the number of spiders surrounded by the formation is not very large, there are only a few dozen in total, and the strength of a single spider is not very high. The golden core monks can easily deal with it, so take advantage of the ghost kings to arrange the formation. Kung Fu, Qing Yang and others quickly cleaned up those spiders.

Only one of these golden core monks was unlucky. He was surrounded by more than a dozen spiders. The spider silk spit out his head and covered his face, almost entangled him, and he was bitten by one of the spiders. It happened to bite the joint of the leg, and the bitten part quickly turned khaki, and it was extremely stiff, just like a rock, and I don't know what toxin it was.

Fortunately, the golden core monk was in the formation, and the number of spiders besieging him was not too many. With the help of other people, the remaining spiders were quickly wiped out. If it was outside, the golden core monk was entangled in spider silk. , Legs and feet are inconvenient to move, it is estimated that they will soon be overwhelmed by spiders. _

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