Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1416: : Ask for your own blessings

However, even if the attack speed of the Huangchen Earth Spider slows down, it is not so easy to deal with. After all, there are still at least tens of thousands of Huangchen Earth Spiders around them. It is constantly pouring in, and even if Baimei Guiwang and others try their best, they can only kill a hundred each time. It is almost impossible to completely defeat these Huangchen soil spiders in front of them and to stand out from the encirclement.

Seeing the encircling circle getting smaller and smaller, the Thousand Hands Ghost King frowned and said, "It's not a way to go on like this. Sooner or later, I will be trapped and die here, Baimei Ghost King, I'm going to act alone."

After Qianshou Ghost King finished speaking, he didn't wait for Baimei Ghost King to answer. He found a gap and used his own method of pressing the bottom of the box. In one move, he killed more than 30 Huangchen Earth Spiders, and instantly cleared a blank area in front of him. , At the same time, Qianshou Ghost King hurriedly left the crowd.

How can those Huangchen soil spiders allow the Thousand-Hand Ghost King to escape easily? They spit out spider silk towards him one after another, wanting to rely on this speed to interfere with him, but I don't know that the Thousand-Handed Ghost King has been prepared, and I don't know when he suddenly stretched out several arms behind him, and they used means to block them.

After all, the Thousand Hands Ghost King is a sixth-layer ghost cultivator of Yuan Ying, powerful and well prepared. Although Huang Chen has a large number of soil spiders, because of the limitations of the terrain, there are not many that can rush to the front, so he was quickly killed by him. Out of a **** road, we are getting farther and farther away.

Baimei Gui Wang wanted to follow this, but she also knew very well in her heart that since Qianshou Gui Wang had said that, she definitely didn't want them to follow. Every ghost king has his own secrets and means of pressing the bottom of the box. It is always inconvenient to shoot with others, and there is not enough trust between the hall masters of the Ten Kings Palace. Especially when the number of people is small, it is inevitable to act separately.

In fact, it is not only the Thousand-Handed Ghost King who thinks so, but the Baimei Ghost King also thinks so. Among the four monks present, she can only believe that the Rongma Ghost King who has been with her for countless years, let alone the Thousand-Handed Ghost King, even Qingyang. She has a certain degree of wariness, so naturally she separates better.

The reason why Baimei Guiwang brought Qingyang to Shenyingyuan at the beginning was that on the one hand, he felt that Qingyang could not get the long eyebrows of the long eyebrow ghost king, so he planned to make compensation in this respect, and on the other hand, she had no one under her. , The cultivation level of the other two maids was too low, and even Chengen Mingzun and Chengze Mingzun couldn’t get in. The two maids were useless to follow. The last reason was that they didn’t expect the situation in the God’s Infant Garden at the time. It is so complicated that this kind of situation arises.

As for Qing Yang, his thoughts were similar to those of them. He was not close to other ghost kings and monks. Although Baimei ghost king brought him over, it was nothing more than that. At a critical moment in the future, if Qing Yang is sacrificed in exchange for the safety of others, Qing Yang is sure that Baimei Ghost King and others will absolutely do this without hesitation, so in the end, it will depend on himself.

This is also the normal state of adventure in a group of monks. If there are many people and the security situation is not severe, everyone will naturally work together to overcome the difficulties. Careful thoughts all came out. Thousand Degrees Chinese Network

Bai Mei Gui Wang looked at Qing Yang and didn’t say much. The meaning was obvious. The situation was too critical. There was only a dead end to stay here. She had to take people out. If Qing Yang could keep up, she wouldn’t mind taking a place. , If Qingyang can't keep up, then you can only ask for more blessings.

Baimei Guiwang's gaze swept across Qingyang's face, and then his hand shook, and a ribbon of tens of meters long flew out. She and Rongma Guiwang stood upright, stepped on the ribbon, and then quickly moved forward. Away. The Huangchen soil spiders on the ground naturally wouldn't let them leave easily, and one after another stood up from the ground, spitting out overwhelming spider silk towards the two people on the ribbon.

Baimei Guiwang’s ribbon is made of no material, and it is so smooth. The silk spit out by the Huangchen soil spider on the ground is difficult to stick to it. Even if some of them end up on the ribbon, as long as Baimei Guiwang takes a meal, It was able to shake this spider silk off, and there was also the guardian of the ghost king Rong next to him. There were really a few Huangchen soil spiders climbing up the spider silk, and she could also take care of it.

In a blink of an eye, the two Baimei Ghost Kings came to the end of the ribbon. At this time, Baimei Ghost King suddenly issued a big move to clear out a large part of the Huangchen soil spider in front. With a flick, the ribbon flew from behind, and the two continued to use the previous methods, and gradually moved towards the outside of the encirclement of Huangchen Earth Spider.

This method is rather stupid. The two of them can only go forward a distance of tens of feet at a time, which consumes the cultivator’s true essence and divine consciousness. Another disadvantage is that the Huangchen soil spiders on the ground will move with them, and eventually they still haven’t escaped from the spiders. Surrounded by the group, the movement of the Huangchen Earth Spider is still limited after all. As long as Baimei Ghost King and the others can persist beyond the range of the yellow hills, or can catch up with the previous groups of people, they will eventually be able to get rid of the Huangchen Earth Spider.

Monk Yuan Ying is really not easy. From the previous method of the Qianshu Ghost King to the current method of the Baimei Ghost King ~www.readwn.com~, we can see that each of them has a lot of unique methods, but they have not used them before. Come out, and now it's a moment of life-threatening, and I can't take care of that much.

When Bai Mei Gui Wang broke through, Qing Yang also tried, but he could not keep up with the two Bai Mei Gui Wang. In desperation, he could only watch the two go away. As for Qing Yang himself, he could only use his whole body. Solve the number and kill the Huangchen Earth Spider, so as not to be completely besieged by the spider group.

Thousand-handed ghost king and Baimei ghost king left one after another. It is not a benefit. At least the surrounding Huangchen soil spiders have been led away by them. Now there are more than 10,000 Huangchen soil spiders around Qingyang, which seems not as good as before. It's spectacular.

Of course, even if there are only more than 10,000 Huangchen soil spiders, that is not what Qingyang can handle. Now even if Qingyang uses the five-element sword formation, it can only kill a hundred Huangchen soil spiders at a time, and Qingyang's current **** The strength of Nianhe Zhenyuan can be used at most a dozen times. As for the other three-dimensional sword formations and four-dimensional sword formations, the power is even smaller, and it can't kill him if he is exhausted.

Now only Qingyang is left. Seeing that the encirclement of Huangchen Earth Spider is getting smaller and smaller, he can no longer hide his clumsiness. Suddenly his momentum changes, he puts away Yin and Yang profound arts, and the whole person is restored to the fairy spirit. The state of the monk, and then his mind moved, and the Five Elements Sword Formation was released.

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