Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1430: : Iron Eater Lair

In this battle, the surrounding mountains and the ground were cracked and iron filings flew horizontally. One person and one beast became more and more fierce, and they refused to take a step back. Qingyang was hit with a real fire. Since entering the Shenying Garden, there has been no success. The bloodthirsty vines and ghost flowers in the Shenmu Forest, the Huangchen Earth Spider on the Huangchen Hill, and the Huangquan Winged Snake in the Huangquan River are not good. To deal with it, I thought that there would be a stone body for a while at Wanfeng Mountain, but an iron eater appeared again to entangle him.

If this is the case, let the other party try their own methods, and the corpse of such an iron-eater at the peak of Tier 9 can still sell a lot of underworld stones. I found the exercise technique behind the Five Elements Forging Immortal Art and a stone tablet for body protection in his stone room. There was no other gain. If he could kill this iron-eater, it would be a worthwhile trip.

As for the iron-eater, it is even less likely to shrink back. This Wanfeng Mountain is his site, and he has always bullied others. No one has dared to be arrogant to him yet, is that group of people powerful enough? When you meet yourself, you can only run away separately. This person is not even as strong as his own. He even dared to show that he is fighting against himself. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, how can he be the king and hegemony here in the future? Besides, this Wanfeng Mountain is his lair, where can he hide?

One person and one beast refused to give each other, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Qingyang's forehead, and his true essence was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. The use of the five-element sword formation still consumes too much true essence and energy. It's sacred, and replenishment is definitely not more than consumption.

Not only that, several wounds appeared on Qing Yang's body, and his clothes were torn in several places. They were all scratched by iron-eaters. The wounds were not too deep, but they were dangerous and dangerous several times before. Luckily enough, he might have stretched out his hand and was seriously injured at this time.

Of course, the iron-eater is not much better. There is a place on its back where several scales have been broken. Although the iron-eater’s defense is strong, it is not invincible after all. It was hit by Qingyang’s five-element sword array. After being positioned several times, a wound finally appeared.

Moreover, the attack speed of the Iron Eater is also much slower than before. It is obviously a sign of excessive consumption. Now there is a trace of deep fear in the eyes looking at Qing Yang, and even when attacking, it is not as decisive as before. It seems that Already knew that he was not Qing Yang's opponent.

The Iron Eater also didn't expect that the person in front of him could be so powerful, and his cultivation seemed obviously not as high as his own, but his combat effectiveness was so strong. Under normal circumstances, even if the strength is much higher than him, because of the special restrictions of Wan Fengshan, he will be restrained during the battle. The iron-eater can fight whatever he wants, and the person in front of him is not limited. It can even perform at a super level, which is so strange that the simple mind of the iron-eater can't figure it out.

Iron-eaters are not very intelligent, and they have the instincts of beasts. They are brutal, greedy, and cunning. They have no mercy when meeting the weak, but they know that they can’t beat them when they meet the real strong, and they may even die if they continue to fight. When here, they will be timid and afraid again.

Seeing Qing Yang fighting more and more bravery, he was going to drive himself to death, and his proud scales were broken, the iron-eater was finally afraid, leaving Qingshan not afraid that there would be no firewood, it would be better to stay away for the time being. Fengmang, when this person leaves Wanfeng Mountain, this place is still his own territory.

Thinking of this, the iron-eater violently attacked a few times, and took advantage of Qing Yang's inadvertent turn to flee. one eight

Qing Yang is also an old monk who has been cultivating for more than 100 years, how can he not see the little abacus of the iron-eating beast? This trick has long been guarded against. Moreover, Qing Yang and the Iron Eater have spent so long, and seeing that they are about to win, how can they easily let the other party run away? This Wanfeng Mountain is not big, so where can the iron-eaters escape? So as soon as the iron-eaters escaped, Qing Yang chased them without hesitation.

The iron-eaters escaped very quickly, and they took advantage of the geographical advantage. They knew everything about the sand, the stone, the cave and the cave of Wanfeng Mountain. They escaped easily, but Qingyang had already prepared for it and used it during the battle. Shennian made a mark on the body of the iron-eater, so that it could hide within a few hundred feet, and even if it was lost halfway, it could be quickly retrieved.

The strength between the two is comparable, and the speed is not much different. The Iron Eater can't completely shake off Qingyang at all. Although he has a geographical advantage, under the tracking of Qingyang's divine mind, that advantage has no effect at all. Even if it was hiding somewhere, Qing Yang would soon be able to find it. As a result, the iron-eater almost used the strength of suckling, and he just didn't get rid of Qing Yang.

Perhaps it was the first time I encountered this situation. The iron-eater became more and more timid as it flees. Gradually, he lost the courage to turn his head back to fight Qingyang. In a panic, he fled to his lair, and finally came to a place. In an inconspicuous cave, and then dived into it.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yang was overjoyed. He could see that this time the iron beasts were not entered at will. This should be a more important place. The iron beasts hiding in this cave are suitable for catching turtles in the urn. I have a lot of strength, and maybe there will be unexpected gains, because the old nests of monsters and beasts will have some other things more or less.

Of course, you can't be too careless. Since this is the old nest of iron-eaters, you need to be careful when you enter~www.readwn.com~ Who knows if there are any agencies ambushing inside? If there are other iron-eaters in this cave, you may not be able to deal with it alone.

Standing outside the cave, Qing Yang made a lot of preparations. Needless to say, the pill and the talisman not only raised layers of defenses outside of his body, but he also called out the five giant swords to protect the top of his head in advance. Dangers can also be dealt with in time. When everything was ready, he bowed his head and entered the cave.

The cave is not big, it's as tall as a person, and it's two or three feet wide. I don't know whether it was naturally formed or dug out by an iron-eater. Although the light in the cave is very dark, it has no effect on monks like Qing Yang. , I just don't know the situation, Qingyang walks very slowly.

The cave seems to be very deep. Qing Yang has been going four or five miles without reaching the end, but he can feel that the iron-eater is hiding in the depths of the cave. This iron-eater has been scared by himself. Just plug him at the bottom of the cave and it should be easy to kill.

Of course, the more you have to be cautious at this time, but you can't overturn the boat in the gutter. Qing Yang is on guard and walks forward step by step. Gradually, he can feel what he made on the iron beast before. Divine Sense Mark, that is to say, he was only a few hundred feet away from the bottom of the cave, and he would soon be able to find the iron-eater.

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