Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1433: : Strengthen the sword formation

Qing Yang had considered this before coming. According to legend, there will be more or less accompanying treasures in the thunder pond. The thunder and lightning here are so powerful that there may be good things at the bottom of the pond. I saw that the bottom of the pit was bare, and Qing Yang was still a little disappointed. Only now did I know that the good things were blocked by the iron-eaters. The value of the spirit tree at the bottom of the pit would definitely not be more valuable than what I got from the dragon relic many years ago. How different is the dragon's horn root, it may even be a treasure of the same level.

Qing Yang had heard from the ancestor of the Zhou family at the beginning that the dragon's horn root is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and it is the main material used to refine the Heaven-Mending Pill. If this is a treasure of the same level as the spirit wood, it is probably also a kind of heaven and earth. Spirit root, dragon horn root is wind attribute, this spirit tree grows in thunder pond, and contains the terrifying thunder attribute energy, it must be thunder attribute, that is to say, if you get him, you will have two kinds Heaven and Earth Spiritual Root, you can refine the double-color Heavenly Patching Pill.

  Men Tian Dan is used to supplement the spiritual roots of the monks. The more Jin Dan monks have spiritual roots, the more perfect the Nascent Soul is formed, and the stronger the strength of the monks after breaking through the Nascent Soul. Originally, the spirit roots of the Qingyang Five Elements are much stronger than other monks. If he can supplement the two spirit roots of wind and thunder, it will be easier for him to break through the Nasal Infant, the Nasal Infant will be more complete, and the future strength will be stronger. .

For low-level monks, the more spiritual roots, the more difficult it is to cultivate. The multi-spiritual monks who can cultivate to Golden Core Consummation are rare, and heaven and earth spiritual roots are so rare, and it is even more difficult to supplement Qi Ling roots, like Qingyang. There are almost no such five-spiritual cultivators, let alone seven-spiritual cultivators. Once Qingyang forms a Nascent Soul, what a terrifying existence would it be?

Before, Qing Yang chased down this iron-eater, just for the iron-eater’s corpse to be worth some meditation stones. He didn’t have the will to get it. If the cost to kill the iron-eater was too great, Qing Yang would probably give up. But now that there is this spiritual tree at the bottom of the pit, Qing Yang has changed his mind, and will not give up on what he says this time, even if he pays a high price.

In fact, Qing Yang didn’t know that this spirit tree was not only useful for monks, but also very useful for monsters and monsters. The reason why the iron beast kept the spirit wood for now was not because he didn’t need it, but because he couldn’t bear it. Now it is the strength of the ninth rank peak, and it is not far from breaking through.

It’s just that the advancement of monsters and monsters is very difficult. Iron-eaters have not been sure to proceed so far. His original plan wanted to keep the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and wait until the critical moment of breakthrough to use them, with the help of the huge gains obtained when refining the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Energy may be able to advance to success.

   But I didn't expect that I encountered hard stubble when I went out today. Not only did he not hunt for food, he was chased to the nest by the other party, and the spiritual roots of heaven and earth that he had guarded for countless years were also exposed.

  Iron-eaters had no choice but to retreat. Qing Yang also made up his mind at this moment. Seeing that the iron-eaters had rushed and the distance between the two sides was less than ten feet, Qing Yang quickly set up a five-element sword formation.

Qing Yang seems to have forgotten that he still has to resist the lightning that is constantly released by the thunder pond, and his five-handed giant sword has just received a burst of lightning energy, and before it has time to release it, he can only use that lightning energy to forcefully use the five-element sword. Array, killed the iron-eater that rushed over.

Qing Yang responded hastily, and the iron-eater was dazzled by hatred in order to protect his treasure. He didn't notice the difference between the five-element sword formation this time and the one that was cast outside. In a blink of an eye, the two sides collided. Together, there was a loud bang, and the whole cave shook.

Such a big movement, if an ordinary cave had long collapsed, fortunately, the entire Wanfeng Mountain was piled up with metallic materials. After countless years of solidification, ordinary impacts would be difficult to damage. The cave just shook a few times. Down, layers of sand and gravel dust were lifted up, and they did not collapse.

The huge impact pushed Qing Yang back several steps in a row before he stood firm. At the same time, his face turned pale, and he felt a tingling pain in his spiritual thoughts. There is thunder and lightning energy in the huge sword, which is a bit overloaded. After that, Qingyang forced the five-element sword formation. Under the double pressure, the body of the magic weapon was slightly damaged. , Divine Mind will also be affected.

   In fact, Qing Yang had expected this a long time ago, but the situation was urgent at the time, so he had to do this. As for the damage to the magic weapon, he could only slowly recover after returning, and he would be able to recover in three to five months.

   Qingyang paid such a big price, the iron-eater was naturally not much better. As Qingyang retreated, the iron-eater also rolled out screaming, and fell to the bottom of the pit with a snap.

At this time, looking at the iron-eater, although the scales are still intact, there was a palm-sized wound on the back where it was once injured by Qingyang. It was dark inside, and black blood was constantly leaking out. , The iron-eater was sluggish and seemed to be seriously injured.

   Qingyang also did not expect ~www.readwn.com~ the power of this five-element sword formation was so powerful, it almost killed the iron-eater half life, according to this situation, at most two more visits would be able to solve the battle.

In fact, this is normal. The iron-eater has lived in the thunder pond for a long time and has adapted to the lightning strikes in the thunder pond. The damage is a big tonic.

But lightning is destructive after all. Once it is combined with Qingyang’s Five Elements Sword Formation and exceeds the endurance of the Iron-Eater, there is no benefit to damage. Just like a person eating, it’s a good thing to eat a moderate amount. If you eat too much, you may be blown up.

The five-element sword array containing thunder and lightning energy doubled its power. One attack caused the iron-eater to lose its defense, and the other attack caused the iron-eater to suffer heavy damage. This result occurred. Qing Yang did not expect that the food The Iron Beast couldn't even expect this result.

Of course, although this method is powerful, the damage to the magic weapon is not small. After using it, you must spend energy on repairing the magic weapon. If you can avoid it in the future, you should use it as little as possible, so as not to cause damage to your own destiny. The big damage, fortunately, the iron-eater had already been hit hard, and now Qing Yang could surely defeat it even without the Five Elements Sword Formation.

Perhaps it was affected by the battle just now, and the thunder pond also fell into a standstill at that moment. There was no new thunder and lightning for a long time, but after a while, the thunder pond seemed to have recovered, and gradually there were thunder and lightning in the deep pit. As it was brewing, Qing Yang couldn't care about the iron-eaters at the bottom of the pit, so he could only sacrifice five giant swords to resist the thunder and lightning that struck him.

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