Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1435: : Linggen gets your hands

Seeing that the Qilin Thunderwood is less than a foot in front of him, it is almost at your fingertips, but Qingyang did not dare to touch it directly. Then, carefully dig the soil at the roots of Qilin Thunderwood.

Qing Yang's caution is right. The Qilin Thunderwood looks harmless to humans and animals, but it contains huge lightning energy, which will be released if it is not careful. If it is other times, he may be able to cope with it. Now he needs to divide it. He had to deal with the continuous lightning in the thunder pool, and at the same time carefully dig the Qilin Thunderbolt, which had reached the endurance limit. At this time, if the Qilin Thunderbolt released lightning and attacked, Qing Yang would definitely not be able to cope.

Sure enough, Qing Yang used his divine mind to control the magic weapon and just digging it a few times, the Qilin Thunder Wood suddenly released a finger-thick, pitch-black lightning bolt, which instantly hit the magic weapon. Regardless of the fact that this thunder and lightning is very thin, it is more powerful than the thunder and lightning released by the thunder pond. With only a bang, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the magical artifact turned into a pool of black water.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yang was afraid for a while. Fortunately, he was a magic weapon controlled by his divine mind. If he did it directly, he would definitely hit him directly. If he was hit by such a powerful lightning, he might end up with This became like a magic weapon of black water.

After the thunder and lightning, Qing Yang did not stop, and found an unusable magic weapon from the Universe Gourd, and controlled the soil from the roots of the Qilin Thunderwood with his divine mind. Perhaps it was just a thunder and lightning that had just released and hurt his vitality. The Qilin thundering wood stopped for a while, and Qing Yang took this opportunity to quickly dig a two-foot-deep hole in the bottom of the pit with the magic weapon.

Seeing that most of the roots of the Qilin Thunderwood were exposed, suddenly, another black thunder and lightning with thick fingers was released, hitting the magic weapon that was digging, just like the last time, the lightning was exhausted, that method The device turned into a pool of black water in a blink of an eye.

With the first experience, Qing Yang didn't even take a second look. He directly took out the third magical artifact from the Qiankun gourd, and controlled the soil that excavated the roots of the Qilin Thunderwood with his divine mind. This kind of magical instrument is not of high value. It doesn't hurt to be ruined, there are still many in the Qingyang Universe Gourd.

After releasing two black thunderbolts, the Qilin Jinglemu seemed to have lost a lot of vitality and seemed a little wilted. In a short period of time, he was afraid that he would never be able to release it again. This was in line with Qing Yang's heart. He was careful. Use the magic weapon of life to deal with the thunder and lightning that is constantly produced by the thunder pond, while separating a trace of divine mind to control the magic weapon, digging out the soil at the root of the Qilin Thunderwood.

In this case, the strength of the cultivator is very much tested. If Qingyang is not strong in his own strength, has enough patience, and has been practicing the concentrating judgment passed to him by the one-horned ghost king all the year round, his spiritual thought is much stronger than that of the cultivator of the same rank. Really may not be able to cope with it.

The super-charged operation of the divine mind made Qingyang suffer from a splitting headache, and his high concentration of spirit made Qingyang pale, and the rapid consumption of true essence made Qing Yang feel like his body was hollowed out. The difficult pill is more troublesome, more difficult than breaking through a huge bottleneck, but Qingyang still persists desperately, because he knows that Xiu Xian can't be smooth sailing. When it is time to desperate, he must desperately, for that Qilin thunders. No amount of effort is worth it.

Under Qingyang’s efforts, the soil at the roots of the Qilin Thunderwood quickly reduced, and the entire roots were quickly exposed. After losing the support, the Qilin Thunderwood fell directly to the bottom of the pit, but before that, he Desperately released the last black thunder and lightning. Hot search

However, Qing Yang had been prepared long ago, and took refuge in the back. The thunder and lightning still hit the magic weapon controlled by Qing Yang with his divine mind, and Qing Yang himself was unharmed. When the thunder and lightning energy dissipated, Qingyang Divine Thought took advantage of the trend and directly collected the Qilin Thunderwood into the Universe Gourd.

After doing all this, Qing Yang breathed a sigh of relief, but now is not the time to completely relax, because he is still in the thunder pond, and the thunder pond is still generating thunder and lightning. It is necessary for him to keep using his own The magic weapon of life brings these thunder and lightning into the ground.

Just now, Qingyang's divine mind is dual-purpose, the consumption of divine mind is so great that it can hardly bear it. If you stay, sooner or later, when there is a miss, Qingyang dare not delay any more, and quickly retreats at the fastest speed. After a few breaths, he left Lei Chi and retreated to the outside of the cave.

The thunder and lightning in the thunder pond can only attack to the edge of the cave. After Qing Yang leaves this range, those thunder and lightning can no longer pass, and it is completely safe. But at this time Qing Yang's body and spirit were exhausted to the extreme. He didn't even care about taking back the magic sword, so he leaned back against the wall~www.readwn.com~ Of course, certain guards are still needed, not to mention yes. There won't be any outsiders coming in suddenly, Qing Yang will also hide the injured iron-eater beast in the dark looking for a chance to sneak attack.

Fortunately, no outsiders broke in during this period. The iron-eater had never attacked Qingyang. Perhaps it was scared by Qingyang, and he didn't know where he hid.

After a quarter of an hour, feeling that the divine consciousness was not as painful as before, Qing Yang took out two recovery pills and took it, and then meditated on the ground. After another half an hour, divine consciousness gradually improved, and his true essence also recovered. Xiao Ban, Qing Yang got up and walked outside.

Outside the cave, everything is normal. The iron-eater seems to have forgotten the existence of his lair, and never reappeared from the beginning to the end. Now that the Qilin Thunderbolt has been obtained, Qing Yang has no idea about the iron-eater, so Striding towards the outside of Wanfeng Mountain.

Because of Shi Pai, Qingyang does not need to worry about the heavy burden and ubiquitous sharpness imposed by Wanfeng Mountain. The road down the mountain is naturally extremely easy, but the distance of two to three hundred miles, Qingyang only It took a short half a day to successfully cross Wanfeng Mountain.

Crossing these hundreds of miles of Wanfeng Mountain, Qingyang took a little more than a day. Compared with the previous Shenmulin, Huangchenqiu, and Huangquan River, it was much easier. Although there were some dangers during the period, Compared with the final harvest, this thrill is nothing at all.

Now that the Five Elements have passed four dangerous places, according to the record on the wall of the stone chamber at the bottom of the Huangquan River, there is only one Red Smoke Valley left behind. As long as you cross the Red Smoke Valley, you can reach the destination this time. The place where you grow depends on what you can gain in the end.

However, there is no one else outside of Wanfeng Mountain. Obviously, the giant Ghost King and others have been away for a long time, maybe they have already arrived at the place by this time, and they must hurry up.

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