Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1448: : Betrayal of the 10 Palace of Kings

The giant ghost king suddenly became anxious, and pointed to the nose of the Huanxi ghost king: "You...you...what advantage did he promise you for helping the willow ghost king, is it worth your betrayal of the Ten Kings Palace?"

Huanxi Ghost King said: "Fuliu Ghost King has promised me that after the event is over, that longevity eyebrow will be mine. I don’t even dare to think about the matter of transforming gods. If I can get this longevity eyebrow and increase my life span by a hundred years, maybe in this life There is still a glimmer of opportunity to achieve the power of transforming gods."

It's reasonable for Fuliu Ghost King to divide this way. Fuliu Ghost King has good qualifications, and his cultivation level is improved quickly. After only six or seven hundred years of cultivation, he is already an eighth-tier cultivator of the Nascent Soul. The most important thing he needs to consider is to break through the transformation of the gods, and the pregnant **** fruit has this effect, so it is appropriate to leave the pregnant **** fruit for his own use.

   And Huanxi Ghost King is a little poorer, and Shouyuan is much less than Fuliu Ghost King. It's useless to have the pregnant fruit, and you have to cultivate to the Yuan Ying Consummation, so that longevity eyebrow is more useful to him. As long as the life expectancy is sufficient, there is no problem in raising the cultivation base to Yuan Ying Consummation. Only in the future can we consider breaking through the transformation of the gods. Although the Huanxi ghost king is also very greedy for the pregnant **** fruit, the two are only a cooperative relationship, and it is impossible to let everything good. He got it, so he could only choose Shoumei first.

   "Just for this birthday eyebrow, you choose to betray the Palace of Ten Kings?" The Big Belly Ghost King asked.

Huanxi Ghost King said: "Of course, this trip to Shenying Valley, I did some loss-making business, and finally got a reward. As a result, the **** of pregnancy is the long eyebrow ghost king, and the long eyebrow belongs to the giant ghost king. We I can’t get any benefits. And now that I work with Fuliu Ghost King, I can still get a long eyebrow Ghost King’s longevity eyebrow, which can increase my life span by a hundred years. Why don’t I do this?"

Speaking of this, Huanxi Ghost King smiled slightly and said: "The Big Belly Ghost King, there is nothing with them. Cooperating with Fuliu Ghost King, you can get some benefits. For the sake of our previous battles, I advise you. It’s better to recognize the situation early, so as not to regret it in the future."

The Big Belly Ghost King didn’t even think about it, and he uttered directly: “Bah, don’t think I’m as nasty as you. I can’t do things that betray the sect. If you cooperate with them like this, you’re just looking for the skin of a tiger, so you’re not afraid of the end. The bamboo basket was empty?"

   Huanxi Ghost King said: "This is not something you should consider. Since I dare to do this, I naturally have the means to guarantee my own interests, and you don't need to instigate discord."

Seeing that the Big-bellied Ghost King was determined and they were fighting, Huanxi Ghost King was too lazy to spend his tongue. At this time, Fuliu Ghost King said: "Everyone, I will give you one last chance. If you are willing to cooperate with us, there will be ten kings in the future If you have a place where you are stuck, don't blame us for being polite. From now on, the Ten Kings Palace will no longer have your name."

Fuliu Ghost King has enough confidence to say so. In addition to the nine ghost kings, there are five others left. Qingyang was brought by Baimei Ghost King, and the other Jindan monk was brought by the giant Ghost King. Up to now, the three Yuanying followers are the giant ghost king, the long eyebrow ghost king, and the Fuliu ghost king. The follower of the Fuliu ghost king must follow him.

In this way, Fuliu Ghost King and the others have three late Yuanying cultivators and one early Yuanying cultivator. Among the ten people on the opposite side, the Giant Ghost King and the Long Eyebrow Ghost King are more powerful, but because of the relationship between Dream Soul Grass , Fuliu Ghost King can be blocked by one person, Huanxi Ghost King can completely hold the Big Belly Ghost King, Handbag Ghost King, Baimei Ghost King, and the other five exquisite Ghost Kings can easily cope with it. As for Fuliu Ghost King Yuan Ying's follower , Just need the help from the side, if you can draw one or two more, then the odds of winning will be even greater.

It is a pity that the rest of the people are determined people. Even if there is no benefit to following the giant ghost king, they will not betray the Ten Kings Palace. At this time, they even have the same hatred of the enemy. Although the Ten Kings Palace is only a loose alliance between ghosts , But the cohesion is still very strong. These people were born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Sri Lanka. They have regarded the Palace of Ten Kings as their homes. How can they allow others to destroy them?

Even Qing Yang did not flinch. Although he was not a member of the Palace of Ten Kings, after all, he had the reputation of being a subordinate of the Baimei Ghost King in the Palace of Ten Kings, and it was brought by the Ghost King Baimei. At this time, naturally he couldn't make that kind of view. Regarding Li Wangyi, what's more, the ghost king Fuliu and the ghost king Huanxi have always targeted Qingyang, and Qingyang doesn't like their behavior, so he will definitely not fight with them at this time.

   Of course, this is under the circumstance of his ability. When his life is not guaranteed, his life is still important. Qing Yang will escape without hesitation. This is definitely the choice of others.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely dull. Although the people in the Palace of Ten Kings were bitter and hated, everyone knew that the Palace of Ten Kings had really come to life and death this time. Either they defeated the Ghost King Fuliu and others to save their lives, or they were killed by the Ghost King Fuliu. Take away the treasure, but no matter who wins or loses, the ultimate damage is the vitality of the Ten Kings Palace. After this incident, the martial arts will definitely lose their strength~www.readwn.com~ The giant ghost king also saw the seriousness of the situation and whispered Said: "Brother Changmei, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle next. Are you sure of the current situation?"

The long-browed ghost king shook his head and frowned: "There is no certainty. If there is no dream of soul grass, we can easily solve the four of them, but now we can't even play half of our strength, and we really want to defeat them. Difficulties, Fuliu Ghost King painstakingly planned this game, what he wants is not only the pregnant fruit, I guess there are other means behind."

The giant ghost king said: "Anyway, we have to fight. This is not only to save our lives, but also a battle for the survival of the Ten Kings Palace. With their deeds, once the Ten Kings Palace falls into the hands of these people, the consequences will be disastrous. , Absolutely can't let them succeed."

The Palace of Ten Kings is a huge system. Several ghost kings have lived in the Palace of Ten Kings for hundreds of years. There is a huge power behind them. In addition to the people brought this time, there are many cronies, younger generations, and even family and friends. , Once they fall in the Valley of the Gods, the Ghost King Fuliu will definitely not let those people go. The Palace of Ten Kings is about to set off a **** storm.

Seeing the pessimistic attitude of the two big guys, Bai Meigui Wang said: "The two ghost kings must not show their ambitions to destroy their prestige. The matter has not reached that point. Didn't he just say it? He used the dream when he was in Scarlet Smoke Valley. Soul grass, no matter what, has a time effect. From the Red Smoke Valley to the present, more than a day has passed, presumably the effect of the dream soul grass is almost the same, as long as we persist until the effect of the dream soul grass disappears, see How arrogant he is."

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