Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1453: : Re-cast Ghost Pyramid

"Drunk Xian Gourd (

What Fuliu Ghost King needs to do is to persist until the Huanxi Ghost King and Linglong Ghost King vacate their hands. The three of them will fight against the giant Ghost King and Long Eyed Ghost King with limited strength. It is not difficult to win.

The ghost king Fuliu wanted to delay time, but the giant ghost king did not want to give him this opportunity. Seeing that other people were injured one after another, the form on the court became more and more unfavorable for him. The giant ghost king suddenly became anxious. If this continues, let alone the pregnant fruit. With Shoumei, even my life may not be saved.

In order to conceive the **** fruit and the longevity eyebrows, the giant ghost king can be said to have exhausted his mind, also spent countless energy, and paid a huge price. Seeing that he was about to succeed, he was attacked by the ghost king Fuliu. Everything is cheaper for others, how can he accept it?

This is his only hope to become a god, and it is also the guarantee of whether he can continue to live in decades. Whoever wants to take him is taking his life. It is absolutely not allowed. Thinking of this, the giant ghost king Suddenly, his heart slammed, ready to use his own assassin.

This assassin was actually used by the giant ghost king before. It was used to deal with the ghost pyrotechnics of the thirteenth-order bloodthirsty vine and the Huangchen soil spider. This ghost pyrotechnics is extremely powerful, even if his strength is limited by the dream of the soul grass. It is not something that ordinary Yuan Ying eighth-tier cultivators can bear, but as long as it can be used, it can definitely damage the Ghost King Fuliu.

However, the ghost pyrotechnic technique also has its drawbacks. It needs to be fully prepared before it is cast, and it takes a lot of time. When we met the Bloodthirsty Vine and the Huangchen Earth Spider before, everyone was in the same boat. Others can buy the giant ghost king time to prepare, but now it is different. , Everyone has his own opponent, everyone can’t make his move, the situation on the field is extremely unoptimistic, and the ghost king Fuliu is not one of those ghostly beasts with low intelligence, and will not give him time to prepare, as long as Seeing the giant ghost king cast ghost flames, Fuliu ghost king will definitely find a way to interrupt him.

In fact, this shortcoming can also be overcome. As long as the giant ghost king is willing to give up, he can also force the ghost pyrotechnics, but after casting it will cause a lot of sequelae to himself. There is no absolute recovery in ten or eight years. The lifespan is not long, if the foundation is damaged by forcibly casting the ghost flame technique, it is afraid that the death will be faster. It is for this reason that the giant ghost king has not made up his mind to use the ghost flame technique to deal with the Fuliu ghost king.

But now he has figured it out. As long as he can defeat the ghost king Fuliu, he can get the long-brow ghost king's longevity eyebrows, and his life span will be greatly increased, and he will have enough time to recover from the sequelae of the ghost flame technique. The remaining decades of life are still earned by comparison. As for the ghost king Fuliu after casting the ghost pyrotechnic technique, he still hasn’t defeated the ghost king Fuliu and won the pregnancy fruit and longevity. Any other?

Having figured this out, the giant ghost king didn’t hesitate anymore, and suddenly his expression became extremely solemn, but forcibly used the ghost flame technique, the long eyebrow ghost king seemed to understand what the giant ghost king was going to do, and quickly offered his own means of pressing the bottom of the box, wanting Hold the ghost king Fuliu on the opposite side.

The speed of forcibly casting the ghost flame spell is much faster, but it is only compared with the normal casting. After all, it is the treasure of the palace of the ten kings. The powerful spell that can hurt the power of the gods actually takes a little time. Yes, during this period, there is no room to be interrupted. Of course, the ghost king with long eyebrows also understands this. The two of them have the same disease and pity each other.

Since entering Shenying Valley, the giant ghost king has performed ghost flames several times. Although this is an express version, the techniques and power effects are similar. The ghost king Fuliu on the opposite side can naturally smell the danger, and he can feel it. Come out, if the giant ghost king is really allowed to show it, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured. The consequences are unpredictable, so it must be stopped.

Seeing the long eyebrow ghost king desperately blocking him, and the giant ghost king's ghost flame technique gradually began to take shape, the Fuliu ghost king did not dare to retain the slightest reservation, and tried every way to break through the long eyebrow ghost king.

It's a pity that the two sides have been fighting for a long time, and the three of them are very familiar with each other. In order to resist these two ten kings, the ghost king Fuliu was also regarded as a super level performance, and he had almost no reservations about his own strength, so Whether it is the fighting style and rhythm of the Fuliu Ghost King, or the Fuliu Ghost King's skill and many special methods, the Longbrow Ghost King understands well, and he dare not say it, but he is sure to block the Fuliu Ghost King Banzhacha. of.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, the ghost king Fuliu finally broke through the defense of the ghost king with long eyebrows, and was about to attack the giant ghost king, but found that the ghost flame technique had taken shape. Seeing this situation, the face of the ghost king Fuliu suddenly changed, and he didn't care anymore. Nothing else, he hurriedly retreated back~www.readwn.com~ Not only him, but also the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows, and even the Ghost King Huanxi, Linglong Ghost King, Big Belly Ghost King, Qingyang and others who were fighting next to him. Dodge, the ghost pyrotechnic of the giant ghost king is an indiscriminate attack, but it does not recognize who is the enemy and who is his own. When dealing with the bloodthirsty vine and the Huangchen soil spider, everyone was hiding behind the giant ghost king, and this time a dozen people Being in a melee, it is impossible to let his own people escape before attacking.

There are even those gloomy-minded people who think that if the Giant Ghost King did this deliberately, an indiscriminate attack, while severely injuring the Ghost King Fuliu, it also indiscriminately injures his own person, and then no one poses a threat to him. , That pregnant fruit and Shoumei are all his.

Let’s leave aside what everyone thinks. The Ghost King Fuliu retreated less than a dozen feet. The Giant Ghost King yelled, and the spell that had just been formed was sent out to him, and the sky suddenly appeared within a radius of hundreds of miles. The flames drowned the Ghost King Fuliu.

The range of the ghost flame technique's attack was too large. Not only did the Ghost King Fuyu not escape, but other people on the battlefield were also affected. Only the Ghost King with long eyebrows saw the chance faster and was not affected at all. Fortunately, other people are far away from the giant ghost king and are already on the verge of magical attacks. The flames that ignite on their bodies are not many, and they can be extinguished with a few hands and feet, but those who were seriously injured in the first place are not so lucky. They must have been burned to death.

The people outside are like this. The result of the ghost king Fuliu who was in the center of the attack can be imagined. Seeing the ghost king Fuliu did not escape, a smile appeared on the face of the giant ghost king, which finally solved this nasty guy. , Pregnancy Shen Guo and Na Shou Mei are still themselves, the giant ghost king can even vaguely hear the Fuliu ghost king wailing in the ghost flames.

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