Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1468: : The trap of the one-horned ghost king

The ghost kings of their palace masters have inferred many times about this matter, and they don’t think there is a trap, because the whole thing happened naturally, and this God Infant Garden and Pregnancy God Fruit are real, if everything is a unicorn. The ghost king's plan is too high, and so many hall masters can't find the flaws in it, this plan is also a little too clever.

At this time, I heard the one-horned ghost king continue to say: "Actually, it’s okay to tell you. When I became the lord of the first hall of the Ten Kings Hall, I found the ancient book about the Valley of the Gods and I spent countless energy on it. As a result of the investigation, I really found the legendary Shenying Valley, which is where we are now. Later, with my perfect cultivation base, I paid a lot of price, and finally I got one here. I was pregnant with the **** fruit, so I handed over the position of the lord of the first hall of the ten kings hall to the ghost king, looking for a place to retreat and break through the realm of the god."

"You mean that you resigned as the lord of the first hall more than three hundred years ago. It was because you got the fruit of the pregnant god, that you tried to break through the realm of the god?" The long eyebrow ghost king couldn't help asking.

The one-horned ghost king nodded, and said: "That's the case. The Nascent Soul cultivator on the Ancient Wind Continent is very rare, and there are only a handful of them who can become the god-transforming power. It can be seen that it is difficult to break through the god-transformation. Without the help of the pregnant fruit , How can I break through the gods so easily?"

The one-horned ghost king is true. Although Yuan Ying cultivators are much rarer than low-level cultivators, the total number of Yuan Ying cultivators in the entire Gufeng Continent is still quite large. Not to mention anything else, it is just a palace of ten kings. There are at least hundreds of ghost cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage, and there is only one single-horned ghost king who has truly broken through the realm of God Transformation in the past thousands of years. They seldom heard of the Yuan Ying monks.

The long eyebrow ghost king possesses an extremely rare time spiritual root, and his life span is more than a thousand years than other monks. Only then did he dare to consider the state of transforming gods, but if there is the help of the pregnant **** fruit, he will be more sure. For monks , Step by step, step by step, who doesn't want to break through the gods earlier? That's why he came here with the giant ghost king, and he was willing to trade with a long eyebrow.

As for the other ghost kings of the Palace of Ten Kings, they are more just thinking in their hearts. There is not much hope for breaking through the retribution of the gods. The situation of the ghost king Fuliu is better, but compared with the one-horned ghost king of the year, there are still some The difference is that because of this, he is determined to win the pregnancy. It is a pity that he is not lucky enough, and he is about to succeed, but he is ruined by the one-horned ghost king.

The one-horned ghost king continued: "It's a pity that I accidentally leaked my whereabouts. At the critical moment of the breakthrough, my enemy came to my door. He wanted to make a sneak attack when I first broke through. At that time, I had no ability to resist. I was able to slaughter him. Fortunately, he didn’t know the news that I got the fruit of pregnancy, but it was a step late. At that time, my breakthrough was nearing the end, and my body was able to move. The enemy hurriedly shot, I can barely deal with it, a fierce battle. After coming down, it almost hurt both sides. The enemy fled in embarrassment and lost most of his life."

The next thing does not need to be repeated by the one-horned ghost king. At that time, if he was able to cultivate well, he would have more power in the world from now on. As a result, he was not lucky enough. When he returned to the cave to get the healing medicine, he encountered The ghost king Fuliu and the ghost king Linglong who were having **** with each other were conspired by them, only a trace of the remnant soul escaped, and fell into a deep sleep after hiding in the soul-raising jade.

The one-horned ghost king did not elaborate on the things that happened in these three hundred years, but only a few general sentences. Then he said: "My one-horned ghost king has never suffered such a big loss in my life. The concubine teamed up and calculated, I will definitely find this place back. Back then, there were two pregnant fruits on the pregnant **** fruit tree. I picked the big one for my own use, and the small one I kept for the time being. This is a secret after my accident. I kept it. This time I returned to the Palace of Ten Kings. I knew that it would be difficult to get revenge through normal means. Even with the coffin ghost king, it is impossible to break the two of them. The only way is to draw them out. This pregnant fruit is the best bait. With the character of the willow ghost king, I will never miss this opportunity, and I will never use any means to seize the pregnant fruit, so I let one of the handicraft ghost king’s subordinates discover the bottom of the yellow spring valley. I don’t need me to push any further, everything just happened naturally.”

After listening to the one-horned ghost king, everyone present was in deep thought. It turns out that all this is really a trap. They are in the plan of the one-horned ghost king from beginning to end, but the one-horned ghost king did not lie. There are indeed in the valley of the gods. Pregnancy **** fruit. For the Yuanying monks, a pregnant fruit is enough to make them crazy. This is an irresistible temptation, let alone they don’t know this trap~www.readwn.com~ even if they know there are traps in the Shenying Garden , The vast majority of people will try.

All of the plans of the one-horned ghost king are to deal with the Fuliu ghost king and the Linglong ghost king. These people can only be regarded as suffering from the fish, especially the thousand hands ghost king. Death is too worthless, but everyone knows that Xiu The immortal world is so cruel, there is no reason at all.

Just as the one-horned ghost king spoke, the five ghosts and five subordinates continued to reinforce the five ghost prisoners' dragon formation. At this time, the entire formation had shrunk to the extreme. The magic weapon was taken back into the body, while the ghost king Fuliu was tied firmly.

Looking at the unmovable ghost king Fuliu, the one-horned ghost king said lightly: "I have said everything I should say. At this time, even if you are dead, you are a ghost. It's time for me to send you on the road."

After speaking, the one-horned ghost king waved his hand and he was about to take pictures of the ghost king Fuliu. Who knows that the ghost king Fuliu was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled strangely at the one-horned ghost king and said: "I know, you Deliberately seeking revenge on me, spending countless energy and finally trapped me. At this time, you can’t let me go, but you still don’t know me enough. In fact, I still have a last resort that is useless. I don’t know if you want to take a look."

"What? Do you still have the means to save your life?" The one-horned ghost king was suddenly startled.

Seeing Fuliu Ghost King can still laugh at this time, the one-horned Ghost King has a bad premonition in his heart. The other party has been locked up by his five ghost prisoners and dragon formations, and the failure of blood burning and soul burning will soon be in effect. Disappeared, the one-horned ghost king couldn't think of any other means for the other party to make a comeback. Could there be other people hiding around here? But the situation next to it doesn't seem to be the same either.

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