Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1473: :0 Face Buddha is still alive

Baimei Ghost King sneered: "The Thousand Buddha Caves and my Ten Kings Palace do not share the same sky. It is a pity that those old bald guys hid too deep to find their lair. I thought there would be no chance for revenge in this life, but I didn't expect you. Huanxi Ghost King came out on his own. There is really a way in heaven. You don’t go to **** and you don’t have a way to vote. This time we calculate the old and new accounts together, making you regret coming to my Ten Kings Palace."

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you kill him together now, and avenge the ghost cultivators who died in the Palace of Ten Kings." Long-browed ghost king incited behind.

Seeing that everyone was filled with righteous indignation, I wished to step forward and cut the corpse of the happy ghost king. The one-horned ghost king hurriedly waved his hand at the others and stopped him: "Everyone, stay calm. Let’s figure out the ins and outs of the matter."

Although the current cultivation base of the one-horned ghost king is not as high as that of others, as the old senior of the Palace of Ten Kings, he is also a former cultivator of the gods, and just now he used his cultivation base at the early stage of the Yuan Ying to kill the help of the late Yuan Ying. The Willow Ghost King, the people present didn't dare to give him face, so they stopped moving. Anyway, the Huanxi Ghost King was surrounded by them, and he couldn't escape even if he put on his wings.

After stopping the others, the one-horned ghost king looked at the Huanxi ghost king and said: "Ashamed, you Shuangxi ghost king from Jindan to Yuanying, in my house for two hundred years, but I did not find your abnormality. Recognizing your identity back then, but based on the characteristics of certain thousand-faced Buddhas, it turns out that you are most likely the ghost king of Shuangxi. Your master's methods of the thousand-faced Buddha are really extraordinary."

The one-horned ghost king sighed and reminded the Huanxi ghost king of many past events, so he slowly said: "My master Thousand Faced Buddha was also the number one genius in the Thousand Buddha Caves, and his name in the Thousand Buddha Caves is no less than your single-horned ghost king. He is also a very proud person. After being injured by you, he spent a lot of energy to heal his injury. The first time he suffered such a big loss, he was naturally worried about the matter and even became Master’s heart demon. And I was originally a low-level ghost cultivator. I was able to be accepted as a disciple by a Buddhist monk like him. Naturally, I was grateful. Waiting for two hundred years, until you are ready to break through the transformation of God, I know that Master will not be able to make a move, so I tried to find out the approximate location of your retreat, and passed the news to my Master."

Speaking of this, Huanxi Ghost King paused and said, "The one-horned Ghost King said well before. The place where you retreat is too hidden. Although my master knows the general location, he wastes a lot of time looking for your retreat. , And I don’t know that you actually got the God of Pregnancy, so when you arrived, you found that you have reached the final point of breaking through the gods. You can only hurriedly shoot. In that battle, you both lost and no one gained any benefits, but you disappeared from then on. , My master thought you were badly injured and died from your heart disease, but I didn’t expect you to survive."

As for the later, Huanxi Ghost King was accustomed to the life of the Ten Kings Palace, and felt that there were too many restrictions on returning to the Thousand Buddhas Cave. After the Ming Master, the Thousand Faces Buddha, he stayed in the Ten Kings Hall, but worried about the sequelae of the previous events. So he changed his name and changed his surname to become Huanxi Ghost King.

The one-horned ghost king nodded and said: "When I am about to break through the transformation of the gods, you can calm down and fight with me. Your master is also very remarkable. In this life, there are not many people who can make my one-horned ghost king admire. One, your master is one of them."

If it weren’t for the Thousand-faced Buddha at the critical moment of the One-horned Ghost King’s breakthrough, the subsequent betrayal by the Fuliu Ghost King and the Linglong Ghost King would not happen. It can be said that everything he has today is caused by the Thousand-faced Buddha, but the Single Horned Ghost King treats him. However, there are not many hatreds. Regardless of their respective positions, the one-horned ghost king admires many aspects of the Thousand Faces Buddha. Perhaps this is the so-called sympathy for each other.

After a moment of silence, the one-horned ghost king said again: “I know everything that should be known, let’s talk about business first, you know that I am the one-horned ghost king, and even watched me kill the more powerful ghost king Fuliu. You dare to come out at this time, what should you rely on?"

Not only the one-horned ghost king, others are also very puzzled. What kind of support does the Huanxi ghost king have? Seeing that everyone is looking at him, the Huanxi ghost king smiled slightly and said: "It can't be regarded as a reliance, but there are some things that can deal with your ghost cultivation. That’s it. I planned to help the Willow Ghost King defeat the Giant Ghost King and the others. I would take action again, so that I could completely disrupt the Ten Kings’ Palace, but I didn’t expect the one-horned Ghost King to emerge suddenly. Now I can kill the one-horned Ghost King, but Master I wish that I can still get my life eyebrows and the fruit of pregnancy. How can I not take care of things that can be accomplished in one fell swoop?"

"Are you so sure?" This time it was the turn of the one-horned ghost king to ask the other party.

Huanxi Ghost King said: "Of course, my biggest reliance is my master Thousand Face Buddha~www.readwn.com~ What, Thousand Face Buddha is still alive?" The Unicorn Ghost King exclaimed.

He couldn't help being shocked, and Huanxi Ghost King turned out to be the Thousand-faced Buddha. Doesn't it mean that the Thousand-faced Buddha is still alive? That thousand-faced Buddha is a figure of the same age as him, unless the other party possesses the root of time spirit like the long eyebrow ghost king can greatly increase the life span, otherwise the one who has such a long life span can only break through the realm of transforming gods. The reason why the one-horned ghost king is still alive is that he has broken through the realm of transforming gods back then, although in the end there is only a trace of remnant soul that needs to be re-trained, but his life span has been opened, just like other monks of transforming gods. .

Since the Thousand-faced Buddha has become a cultivator of God, his strength is definitely not imaginable by the Yuan Ying monk. The one-horned ghost king does not think that the Thousand-faced Buddha is as unlucky as himself, and what happened to him after losing both sides, and now it is also Yuanying monk.

Not only the one-horned ghost king, but everyone else in the room was also shocked. They stared at the happy ghost king, and their faces were full of horror. If the one-horned ghost king stood behind the cultivator, then even the one-horned ghost king was also the one. Can't deal with it, this time the people of their Ten Kings Palace are probably dead.

Thinking of this, the ghost kings who had just yelled to kill were suddenly silent, as if they were pinched on their necks, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Even Qing Yang took a breath of air. He didn't expect that when Shenlong saw the cultivator of the gods who didn't see the end, so many suddenly appeared. Today is an eye-opener, but he would rather not open his eyes. Because for his little Golden Core cultivator, the power of transforming the gods is really terrifying, and there is no sense of security in the face of such a person.

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