Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1476: : It's your turn

Qing Yang didn't understand the truth, but he always felt that it seemed to be related to the spiritual restraint of ghost cultivation by Buddhism, because with so many monks present, even the ghost king with long eyebrows and the one-horned ghost king fell softly to the ground. Only Qing Yang was able to do so. Reluctantly standing, it can be seen that his situation is the lightest. Qing Yang does not realize that he is more persevering than those people, and does not think that he is stronger than those people, so the only thing that can explain it is Qing Yang and other people. Different, is a fairy monk.

While others were not paying attention, Qing Yang quietly operated Yin-Yang profound arts, quietly transforming the Ming Yuan in his body into True Yuan. With the transformation of Ming Yuan, Qing Yang could clearly feel that his mind gradually became clear, and his body began to regain control. , Mingyuan no longer showed signs of instability, and even the reverberating Sanskrit spells in the air gradually became clearer, and the more you listened, the more calming.

Qing Yang has always been relatively low-key, and everyone will not notice him for a while.

How did Qingyang deal with this Diamond Vortex Demon Orb, let’s not talk about it. At this time, the situation of the Ten Kings Palace in the formation is already precarious. A dozen ghost repairs are all controlled by the Sanskrit spells constantly coming from the air, and they are not only unable to move. , Even Ming Yuan is losing a little bit.

Although this speed is very slow, for the monks, the loss of Mingyuan’s cultivation base is an extremely terrifying thing. They didn’t know how much energy it took to achieve today’s cultivation base. It is not only cultivation that reduces the loss. For, there are countless hours and energy spent, even the future and hope, and more importantly, they have no way to deal with this situation, and they don’t know how to deal with it. The only thing they can do now is to wait for death. NS.

Huanxi Ghost King is also a ghost repairer, but the robes on his body seem to be specially made, which can be used to resist the damage of the Sanskrit spells of the Buddha's King Kong. Therefore, the Huanxi Ghost King has been safe and sound in the formation. Think about it, too. How can you not even protect yourself?

However, the Huanxi ghost king is not much easier than others at this time. As the long-brow ghost king and the one-horned ghost king said before, manipulating formations and treasures requires meditation and spirituality. The more powerful the formations and treasures require the meditation. With more and divine consciousness, the Vajra Vortex Devil Bead encloses so many ghost cultivations at once, and the consumption of Ming Yuan and divine consciousness is definitely not small, so the superficial ghost king seems to be very relaxed, but in fact it is trying to support it, just see. Who can last longer.

But judging from the situation on the field, the ghost king of Huanxi is more dominant, because the ghosts of the ghost practitioners have been losing their souls and their injuries are constantly increasing. In other words, the longer the stalemate between the two sides, the more relaxed the ghost king of Huanxi. The ghost cultivators in the Palace of Ten Kings will become weaker and weaker.

The future is at a loss, and many ghost cultivators are desperate again. Today’s Palace of Ten Kings can be described as plagued by disasters. Just after removing a ghost king Fuliu, a ghost king of joy appeared in the back, and one is more powerful than one. , Could it be that God wants to destroy their Ten Kings Palace?

Although they could not move, the ghost cultivators could still speak. Seeing their own cultivation level fade a little bit, the big-bellied ghost king said sadly: "Happy ghost king, this Vajra Devil Orb is like a special refining for us. All of us can't move, and Sora has a self-cultivation base but can't use it. Is it true that my Ten Kings Palace is really going to be annihilated by the entire army this time?"

The giant ghost king also said: "It's no wonder that my Ten Kings Palace can't get any benefits every time I face the Thousand Buddha Caves. Their methods are too powerful. Fortunately, there are not many monks in the Thousand Buddha Caves, and they don't come to us all the time. Trouble, otherwise there is no room for survival in the Ten Kings Palace?"

"Senior one-horned ghost king can have a way to deal with it?" Baimei ghost king said without giving up.

The one-horned ghost king said: "I knew that the disciple of the Thousand Faces Buddha was not easy, and I had expected that the Happy Ghost King would use powerful methods. It’s really regrettable to trap us in the formation."

After hearing the words of the one-horned ghost king, the heart of Baimei ghost king suddenly became cold, and said: "Even the senior one-horned ghost king can't do anything about it. Aren't we dead this time?"

"If you die, what's so great? We Gui Xiuben died once, what's to be afraid of? Let's go on the road together, and you can be a companion on Huangquan Road," said the ghost king urn.

The long-browed ghost king discussed with everyone: "Should we still submit to the Thousand Buddha Caves? The site of the Ten Kings Palace is not something that the monks of the Qianfo Caves can manage. Those outsiders are afraid. I don’t even bother to care about these mundane things, these ten palaces are still ours."

As soon as the ghost king of long eyebrows finished speaking, the ghost king of Huanxi said: "The ghost king of long eyebrows is right. If you want to survive, you can only follow our Qianfo Caves. But I don’t want a thousand Buddha Caves. , Only two or three of you can get forgiveness from my Thousand Buddha Caves. As for who lives and dies in the end~www.readwn.com~ then it depends on which of you surrendered to my satisfaction."

As soon as Huanxi Ghost King spoke out, the atmosphere on the court suddenly changed. The long eyebrow Ghost King's eyes flickered, and he seemed to have made a small calculation in his heart, but there were still many people who were more sober. Baimei Ghost King shouted directly: " Don't listen to him bewitched. He just wants us to kill each other. If everyone gets messed up, he can easily kill us all."

Seeing that the ghost king of Huanxi hadn’t succeeded yet, he might get messed up first. The one-horned ghost king raised his head and glanced at the ghost king of Huanxi, and said, “The methods of the Thousand Buddha Caves are really powerful, but my Ten Kings Palace hasn’t reached the point of exhaustion, everyone. Don’t despair, I have a back hand."

"The one-horned ghost king even has a back-up? I know that the seniors will not disappoint us." Baimei ghost king said in surprise, the words of the one-horned ghost king immediately made everyone ecstatic. , It’s just that his gasping effort is really scary, and the ghost king with long eyebrows is even more secretly slanderous.

Even Huanxi Ghost King craned his neck and looked at the one-horned Ghost King, wanting to know what he was talking about. Don’t look at Huanxi Ghost King’s manipulation of the Vajra Devil Orb to trap everyone. In fact, he is also a little bit frustrated. After all, this one-horned Ghost King is a master of his master’s generation. Although his cultivation has not fully recovered yet, who There is no guarantee that he has any hidden means. The Ghost King Fuliu is a lesson for the past, so the Ghost King Huanxi did not dare to relax.

Everyone is waiting for the one-horned ghost king to use his back hand, who knows that the one-horned ghost king turned his head at this time and looked at Qing Yang and said: "Little friend Qingyang, it's time for you to take action now."

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