Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1483: : Attribution of Pregnancy God Fruit

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The Iron-armed Monkey passed the Transformation Tribulation smoothly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There is no need to worry about it for the time being, so the one-horned ghost king took everyone to the side of the God of Pregnancy Fruit Tree. Everyone knows that the God of Pregnancy Fruit Tree is. It is precious, and I also deliberately avoided this area during the battle, so after so many battles, this pregnant fruit tree turned out to be intact.

Everyone looked at the two pregnant fruit trees, one large and one small, with eagerness in their eyes, but they knew very well in their hearts that this thing might not be their turn. For this pregnant fruit, it happened several times. In the battle, the Palace of Ten Kings had already lost four hall masters, ghost kings. Without powerful means, even if they were obtained, they would not be able to keep them. They could only bring disasters to themselves.

The one-horned ghost king is very clear about everyone’s thoughts, and said: "I am going to leave this pregnancy fruit to the little friend Qingyang. You don’t have to look at it eagerly. Although your cultivation base is higher, you use this pregnancy fruit. It’s unlikely that it will be fruitful, so it's better to leave it to those who need it."

The one-horned ghost king is telling the truth. The giant ghost king has the highest cultivation level among the ghost cultivators of the Ten Kings Palace, but his life span is not long, and the cultivation level is not yet complete. If he has the long eyebrow ghost king’s birthday eyebrows, Maybe there is still some chance, but Shoumei hasn't got it now, and the foundation was damaged because the previous continuous battles stimulated too much potential, and there is no hope.

The Fuliu Ghost King does have this potential. The Huanxi Ghost King can barely count as one. Unfortunately, they are already dead and have paid the price for their greed. The cultivation bases of the big belly ghost king, coffin ghost king, cloth bag ghost king, Baimei ghost king, etc. If it is not as good as the potential, it is even more useless. Unless it is a miracle, it will be wasted if the pregnant fruit is given to them.

But Qingyang is different. He has the cultivation base of the 9th level of Golden Core at a young age. It can be said that he has unlimited potential and is greater than their hopes. Moreover, this person has a life-saving grace for everyone. He is still valued by the single-horned ghost king. No one can say anything to him. Of course, Qing Yang also has a shortcoming, that is, his cultivation level is too low. It seems too early to consider this issue now.

The long eyebrow ghost king was not convinced, and said: "The one-horned ghost king, he is only the golden core cultivation base, now it is too early to consider the transformation of the gods. It is hard to say whether he can break through the Yuan Ying. Leave the small ones to him, and the big pregnant fruit should be given to more useful people."

"I don't know who is the more useful person in your mouth?" the one-horned ghost king asked knowingly.

The Long-Browed Ghost King knew that this was the last chance. Once the God of Pregnancy was assigned to Qingyang, and there was a one-horned Ghost King, he couldn't come back again. Don't dispute when to wait? So he said: "Although Huanxi Ghost King Yin Chayang was defeated by him, the longevity eyebrow belongs to me. It is now in the hands of the coffin ghost king. I don't need that longevity eyebrow. How about using it in exchange for this pregnant fruit? "

After hearing the words of the King of Longbrows, the one-horned King of Ghosts looked at him and smiled, and said: "The King of Longbrows, I didn’t say some things before, but we all know that in my heart, I had an accident. You were my old friend for many years. Should you see the strangeness? In the end, you just didn’t help, and you took the lead and seized a lot of my things. I wonder if you plan to give me an explanation?"

Because the other people in the Palace of Ten Kings didn’t have much contact with the one-horned ghost king, they didn’t know that the one-horned ghost king had an accident. The one-horned ghost king is quite affectionate, knowing some details about the one-horned ghost king, and seeing that the other party has not shown up after breaking through the god, he guessed that something might have happened, so he used his identity as a ghost king to get the moon when he approached the water tower. Preempted a lot of benefits.

Over the past many years, the ghost king with long eyebrows has almost forgotten. I didn’t expect that the one-horned ghost king remembered it and brought it up in person. The ghost king with long eyebrows could only sneered and said: "This...I am not afraid of you. Are things in vain for others? This is what I looked at for you, and I don’t have any other thoughts. Now you have come back, I can pay you back if you need it..."

The things that the long eyebrow ghost king dominated the one-horned ghost king were considered a huge fortune hundreds of years ago. It was very important to the long eyebrow ghost king at that time, but now it’s nothing. The lord of the Palace of Ten Kings for hundreds of years is highly respected and strong. The accumulation of hundreds of years is extremely rich. I don't know how much it has increased from that year. If you can use those things in the past to exchange for a pregnant fruit, it would be more worthwhile. of.

The long-browed ghost king's little abacus is very good, but the one-horned ghost king did not intend to satisfy him, waved his hand and said: "I don't care about the past. Since those things were taken by you, I have no plans to come back. , But don’t worry about this time. The pregnant fruit is mine, and the long eyebrows were taken back by Qingyang. It has nothing to do with you~www.readwn.com~ Besides, even if your long eyebrows are gone, the ghost king is gone. With Shoumei, there is still a life span of more than 500 years, so it shouldn't be difficult to break through the gods."

The one-horned ghost king has spoken to this point. The long-browed ghost king knows that it is impossible for him to get the pregnant fruit anymore. The one-horned ghost king and Qingyang's team are not high in cultivation, but their strength is stronger than each, then Fu Liu The true strengths of the ghost king and the Huanxi ghost king are not much worse than the long eyebrow ghost king, but they are not their opponents. At this moment, the long eyebrow ghost king does not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

This time the trip to the Valley of Gods and Infants was a big loss. Not only did he not get any benefits, but he also lost a longevity eyebrow. It was really not worth the loss, but compared with the other hall masters who lost their lives, he is still considered to be Fortunately, at least he saved his life.

The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. The long-browed ghost king is the best among the hall masters. Otherwise, he will not change his position repeatedly in the previous battles. Now the single-horned ghost king is strong and he can only choose Retreat and stop competing for that pregnant fruit.

Seeing this, the one-horned ghost king nodded, knowing that the other party would choose this way. The two were old friends for many years, but the one-horned ghost king returned to the Palace of Ten Kings to seek revenge but did not ask him for help. It was because the one-horned ghost king had long ago. Understand the character of the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows, this person is greedy for life and fear of death, and forgetting justice. Although he is not as extraordinary as the Ghost King Fuliu, he is not a good person. If he rushed to ask the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows for help, it might not be done. Instead, he lost his life.

Although the one-horned ghost king is very scornful of the long eyebrow ghost king’s behavior, he did not intend to trouble him. One is that the long eyebrow ghost king is very strong and it is not easy to defeat him. The other is because of the successive losses of the ten kings. Several hall masters, ghost kings, were greatly injured and could no longer fight inwardly. The long eyebrow ghost kings were also for the future consideration of the entire ten kings palace.

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