Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1486: : Restore appearance

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Qingyang said: "I could meet the late Yuan Ying monk in Ghost Valley in the desperate situation of that ruin. Miaomiao didn't wake up after the tactic, and I don't know how it works with Shoumei."

The one-horned ghost king groaned: "I have never encountered the situation like Yu Mengmiao. The original suggestion is the best way I can think of. If you use the two methods at the same time, there should be some effect. Now that Shoumei has been obtained , Then let’s take a look at the effect."

After speaking, Qing Yang took the one-horned ghost king into the drunk fairy gourd, took the jade coffin up from the bottom of the lake, opened the lid on it, and revealed Yu Mengmiao inside. I haven't seen it in a few years. Yu Mengmiao hasn't changed at all, still It was an old face, but his aura became much more stable.

Before Hun Su performed the Inverse Yuan Shen Jue on Yu Mengmiao, Yu Mengmiao in the jade coffin was not only extremely old, but his original spirit was exhausted, and his potential was exhausted. There was only a trace of remnant soul in his body, like a candle in the wind and in the waves. Lonely boat, the lamp may die at any time, the one-horned ghost king only used the jade spirit to hang her last breath, and it won't be cut off immediately.

After Hunsu used the Ni Yuan Shen Jue, although Yu Mengmiao has not changed in other aspects, he has obviously survived the crisis, and his breath has gradually stabilized, and even a new spirit has been reborn. Moreover, several years have passed. The energy has also been consumed, but Yu Mengmiao's situation has not deteriorated a bit. It can be seen that the Soul Sui Ni Yuan Shen Jue is still very useful.

Seeing Yu Mengmiao in the jade coffin, Qing Yang's heart suddenly became anxious. The two methods mentioned by the one-horned ghost king, the Ni Yuan Shen tactic, have been used. Although they are effective, Yu Mengmiao's changes are not very big, this Shou Mei It's the last option. What if it doesn't work?

After hesitating for a long time, Qing Yang finally made up his mind. Only after trying it will I know if it will work. If it really doesn't work, he will think of other ways to save Miaomiao anyway.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang flexed his fingers on Yu Mengmiao's body a few times, then took out the longevity eyebrow and gently pressed it on Yu Mengmiao's forehead, while the other hand kept moving, as if pinching an extremely complicated technique. , And proceeded methodically according to the method described by the King of Long Eyebrows.

It didn’t take long for the longevity eyebrow to melt on Yu Mengmiao’s forehead and became a liquid that penetrated into her body. At first there was nothing unusual, but as time went by, I saw Yu Mengmiao’s face visible to the naked eye. The speed became younger, the wrinkles were less, and the gray hair gradually turned black, but a short cup of tea made him a full teenager.

It works, it really works. Miaomiao can be saved. Qingyang is calm on the surface, but she is already very excited, thinking that her efforts over the past few decades have finally yielded results, thinking that she can be with Miaomiao again in the future. Together, Qing Yang couldn't help feeling surging.

Qing Yang could even feel that the powerful vitality released by that long eyebrow was gradually activating Yu Mengmiao's body functions, making her rejuvenate. The long eyebrow ghost king is worthy of being the rare owner of the root of time in the world. This longevity eyebrow is really magical. An inconspicuous eyebrow can increase the life span of a hundred years, which is indeed jealous. At that moment, Qingyang even appeared. There was an impulse to catch the ghost king with long eyebrows, and get all the remaining birthday eyebrows to add to Yu Mengmiao's body, but just think about it and forget it. The ghost king with long eyebrows lived for 1,300 years, how could it not be prevented. This trick? If it works, others would have done it a long time ago, but how can you get your turn?

There is always a limit to what you do. It's a blessing to be able to get one. How can you dare to ask for something else? If he really did that, he might be condemned by God, and Miaomiao would also be implicated.

Just in the midst of Qingyang's cranky thoughts, Yu Mengmiao's appearance changed little by little. After half an hour, he was a teenager, tens of years old, and after half an hour, Yu Mengmiao completely recovered his original appearance.

Yu Mengmiao in the jade coffin can be called the most beautiful in the world. It seems that no matter how good the word is in the world, it is rare to describe her appearance. Yu Mengmiao's true age is not much younger than Qing Yang, and she is more than a hundred years old by counting, but at this time. When she got up, she looked like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, Yu Mengmiao sleeping in her sleep, she couldn't give birth to the slightest blasphemous thoughts, and some were just pity.

Even the one-horned ghost king couldn’t help but be amazed, saying: “This king has seen countless people for thousands of years, but his appearance can reach the level of Yu Mengmiao’s. It’s never been before. He can be favored and treated like this by Yu Mengmiao. , Your kid is really blessed."

Qing Yang said with emotion: "Yeah, if it weren't for her, I might still be struggling to build a foundation at this time. Although I saved her, it was just a convenience. I didn't think I had done anything. What a great thing, but she returned everything to me..."

The one-horned ghost said: "You think it's a trivial thing~www.readwn.com~ but it is a big thing in Yu Mengmiao's eyes. The little girl is a simple temper. She knows who is kind to her. If you feel ashamed, you can treat her well in the future."

During the chat between the two, another half an hour passed. Yu Mengmiao's appearance in the jade coffin was completely restored. After that, there was no other change. Seeing that the energy of the longevity had been consumed, Yu Mengmiao did not. Wake up. In other words, now Yu Mengmiao's appearance has also recovered, and the soul seems to have gained a new life, but he can't wake up, I don't know why.

Caring is chaotic, Qingyang can’t accept it for a while, Ni Yuan Shen Jue has also been used, Shou Mei has also been found, and I have done everything that needs to be done, but Yu Mengmiao still can’t survive. Did everything he did was in vain? ? Qing Yang couldn't help but said, "Senior Ghost King, why is this so?"

The one-horned ghost king groaned: "In this situation, Yu Mengmiao's extraordinary method can work. The two methods I have provided you before are just a try. Now it seems that the effect is also effective, but it does not meet our expectations. That Ni Yuan Shenjue reversed Yu Mengmiao's soul, and Shoumei increased her lifespan and potential. The reason why she is still unconscious now is that her soul is damaged."

"Can the unicorn ghost king have a solution?" Qing Yang asked quickly.

The one-horned ghost king said: "If Yu Mengmiao needs only the soul, the difficulty of repairing is actually not high. This matter does not need to find someone else, the ghost king can help."

"Can the ghost king help?" Qing Yang was puzzled. He had also seen the ghost king of the coffin before, and didn't think the other party had anything special. The ghost of ghost valley's inverse origin magic art, and the long eyebrow ghost king's longevity eyebrows are all treasures of heaven and earth. Does the ghost king also have such good things? ?

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