Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1489: : Fuso Ghost King

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Before the one-horned ghost king could speak, the people in Fuliucheng were in a hurry. The Fusong ghost king complained directly: "Brother Fusang, how can you believe their nonsense? This is all nonsense, how can it be possible with them? Is it the opponent of our ghost king?"

The Fusang Ghost King waved his hand and said, "Junior Brother Fusong, stay safe, and I will judge whether the city lord has any trouble. I'd better listen to what they say first."

Fusong Ghost King wants to say something more, but seeing that the general manager Fusang Ghost King has made up his mind, he can only shut our mouths. Now that the city lord is not there, the general manager has the final say in Fuliu City, even if he is expensive. The second manager, in many cases can't help but listen.

When the other party wanted evidence, they saw the one-horned ghost king flipped his hand and took out a thick-armed willow stick, and said to the people in Fuliu City: "You want evidence? Look what this is?"

Before asking for his life, the people in Fuliu City absolutely didn't believe it. How could they be the opponent of their own City Lord based on the strength of this group of people? Now that they heard the one-horned ghost king said that there was evidence, they were immediately shocked. Could it be that the Lord of the City really had something wrong? It’s not that they think that the one-horned ghost king has the ability to kill the Fuliu ghost king, but there is an accident in everything, no one can say, it may also be that the city lord has encountered some accident outside, and it happened to be met by this group of people. .

The willow stick in the hand of the one-horned ghost king looks very inconspicuous, but if you look closely, you will find that this thing has some spirituality and should be a treasure, but most people have not seen this willow stick and support. What is the relationship with the Willow Ghost King? Only Fusang Ghost King and Fusong Ghost King recognized them. They are the direct relatives of Fuliu Ghost King, and they are familiar with the magic weapon of their own city lord. The Futian Willow usually looks like a humble willow. Great.

This discovery immediately shocked the Fusang Ghost King and Fusong Ghost King. The person opposite turned out to be true. His own Ghost King was dead. If the Fuliu Ghost King hadn't had an accident, how could his destiny magic weapon appear here? Thinking of them, they have always lived by relying on the ghost king Fuliu. The reason why they have such a high position in the palace of ten kings and the reason they dare to be arrogant in front of others is because of the protection of the ghost king Fuliu. If it is Fuliu The ghost king is dead, what should I do in the future?

They are still waiting for their city lord to become the first hall lord of the Ten Kings Hall one day, and the people below will ascend to heaven together with a dog and a dog, gaining higher status and benefits, but they have waited for such a bad news. If their city lord is gone, Wouldn't Fuliu City also want to collapse the hustle and bustle?

Seeing that the two directors looked worse and worse after seeing the willow stick, others also noticed something was wrong, and asked in disbelief: "This willow stick looks familiar, could it be that this is the magic weapon of our city lord's life? Liu? So the city lord really has something to do with him?"

Fusong Ghost King did not speak, but just nodded, acquiescing to the other party's words, and the others immediately fry the pot, saying: "The city lord is an old man with great strength. Few people in the entire Ten Kings Hall are his opponents. How could it suddenly happen? Something happened? This willow is fake, isn't it?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, how could someone kill our city lord in the Palace of Ten Kings?"

"Did the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king be jealous of the lord of my house, and in order to fight for the position of the first palace lord, they worked together to calculate him? Otherwise, how could something happen to our city lord?"

Amidst the harassment of other people, Fusang Ghost King finally sorted out his clues, raised his head, and stared at the Unihorn Ghost King with two eyes: "You can tell me honestly, where do you come from? Got it? What happened to my city lord?"

The one-horned ghost king didn't care about the other party's attitude, but smiled and said: "Isn't my person already talking about it? The Fuliu ghost king has been killed by me."

If the one-horned ghost king is a monk of the late Nascent Soul, or even the sixth floor of Nascent Soul, Fusang Ghost King will seriously consider what he said. The third floor of Nascent Soul is too far away, and no one will believe it. Fusang Ghost King thinks The one-horned ghost king is testing his IQ, so he coldly said: "The one who provokes me to help Liucheng has only a dead end. Now I give you one last chance to honestly tell what you know. Maybe I Can spare your life."

"What I'm telling is the truth, why doesn't anyone believe it?" The one-horned ghost said kingly.

Fusang Ghost King even said threatening words, but the other party didn't take it seriously. Fusang Ghost King suddenly became angry and said angrily: "It seems that you don't want to tell the truth?"

The Fusong Ghost King next to him had long lost his patience and said, "Brother Fusang, I don’t think there is any need to talk nonsense with them. Although they are not capable of killing our city lord, the Futian Liu is in their hands. These people It can be regarded as half the enemy of our city lord~www.readwn.com~ first kill a few of them to commemorate the city lord, and wait for the real murderer to avenge the city lord in the future."

Fusang Ghost King also had the same idea. These people in front of him not only offended Fuliu City, but also came here with their own city lord’s natural magic weapon to swear. It's really not a shame to catch them first, and interrogate them. They can survive the means of Fu Liucheng.

Thinking of this, the Fusang Ghost King was about to order everyone to do it together. A ghost in the early Yuan Ying suddenly said: "Fusang Ghost King, the city lord is gone, what is the use of revenge for him? I think the most important thing now is to consider Fuliu City. The future and the way out for everyone."

The other party’s words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Fusong Ghost King, and said: "Fuhuai Ghost King, what do you mean by this? The city lord has been very good to you these years. Now that something happened to his old man, you don't want to avenge him. It’s really ungrateful to consider your own gains and losses first!"

The ghost king Fuhuai turned his lips back and said, "The ghost king Fusong is too serious. Who said I only think about myself? This is for everyone's consideration. Our city lord is withdrawn and has few friends in the Palace of Ten Kings. There are a lot of festivals. There used to be a city lord, and those people did not dare to ask for trouble. Now that the city lord is gone, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not come here. We have to plan ahead."

After Fuhuai Ghost King finished speaking, another early Yuan Ying monk also said: "I agree with Fuhuai Ghost King's opinion that people cannot be resurrected from death. We really should consider our own situation first."

There is also humanity: "Yes, life and death have fate and wealth in the sky. The city lord’s accident is also God’s will. What does it have to do with us? He can't survive without revenge. Why do you do that? I heard that the city lord’s mansion’s treasury There are still a lot of good things in it. I have been in Fuliu City for more than a hundred years. I have no credit and hard work. I think I should share the contents."

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