Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1494: : Ghost Claw

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The Ghost King Fuhuai who had been standing on the other side was also stunned. He didn't expect that a mere golden core monk could issue such a powerful attack, let alone the second-tier monk, even if he faced such an attack. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with, no wonder these people dare to directly help Liucheng to seek revenge, this is enough to rely on, just now everyone has taken a blind eye.

Fusang Ghost King was also taken aback. He thought of another question. A little Jindan monk can actually display the strength as good as the Yuanying three-tier monk, so how powerful is the Yuanying monk? Could this group of people really challenge their own strength?

As for the others, they couldn’t help but rejoice in secret. At that time, they saw that the second-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying stood up. They regretted that they had missed the opportunity to show their loyalty to Fusang Ghost King. The result is now clear. Fortunately, they were a step slower, otherwise they would be unlucky. It's them.

Just as the cultivators in Fuliu City were thinking about them, the Five Elements Sword Array had fallen on the head of the second-tier cultivator of Yuanying. When they were in the Shenying Garden, Qingyang’s Five Elements Sword Array could kill even the fourth-tier cultivator of Yuanying. What's more, it's the second floor of Yuanying? What's more, the second-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul was too big before, thinking that Qingyang was just an ordinary golden core cultivator, so he didn't make any preparations at all. As a result, it was a little late when he discovered the power of the Five Elements Sword Formation, and he hurriedly responded. How can it work?

The second-tier cultivator Yuan Ying didn't even have time to scream, he was directly twisted into pieces by Qingyang's Five Elements Sword Formation, and even Yuan Ying did not escape. Ghost Xiu’s body is cultivated the day after tomorrow. If the injury is not serious, the body can be reassembled after being damaged. This time Qing Yang has destroyed even the second-tier cultivator’s Yuan Ying, and it’s impossible to do it again. Resurrected.

The energy of the sword formation was exhausted, the sword shadow disappeared, and the five giant swords returned to Qing Yang's side. The battlefield was suddenly empty. The second-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying did not know where to go, leaving Qing Yang alone standing on the spot. The silence was a bit scary, and no one dared to make a sound for a long time.

The people in Fuliu City were frightened. They looked at Qing Yang with shocked faces. They didn't understand, how could a Jindan monk perform such a powerful attack? When did such a monster appear in the Palace of Ten Kings? He was able to kill the second-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul with a single move. According to this situation, there are not many of his opponents here. Could it be that Fu Liucheng is going to be finished this time?

The ghost king Fuhuai looked at the ghost king Fusang and the one-horned ghost king. He thought he had to give in to the ghost king Fusang this time. Since then, he was enslaved without dignity. It's really amazing, and it seems good to mix with him.

Even more shocked was Fusang Ghost King. He didn't expect that he thought he was going to be successful, but it took such a big turning point. A Jindan monk was so powerful. The middle Nascent Soul was on the third floor. How strong should a monk be?

As for the other side, the one-horned ghost king is relatively calm. He has known this result for a long time, and he is not so surprised. As for the people such as Yuhun Mingzun and Soulchaser Guizun, although they also know that Qingyang is very powerful, they can be regarded as them. When they really saw Qing Yang killing the second-tier cultivator Nascent Soul with a single move, they still couldn't help but gasp. This kid has grown too fast.

I think Qingyang was the young man who entered and exited the Golden Core in Fallen Ghost Yuan. Although he was amazing at the time, he was still far behind them. After only a few decades, his strength has been improved. The point where even a few of them can't beat is really amazing.

Seeing the reactions of everyone on the field, Qing Yang seemed very satisfied with his performance this time, with a slight smile on his face, then put away the five giant swords and returned to the team.

Qing Yang shocked everyone in Fuliu City, and no one dared to stand out casually. Even the people who were going to take the Fusang Ghost King to control the Shendan before, stopped at this time. Seeing the current situation, can the Fusang Ghost King be able to do so. It's not always necessary to be the Lord Fuliu, it's better not to stand in line in advance, in case Fusang Ghost King loses in the end, don't you have to follow along with you in the funeral.

Seeing that the cultivators in Fuliucheng had the intention to shrink back, Fusang Ghost King knew that he would not be able to do anything, and if he drags on, the threat he just established will probably disappear. In this situation, he can only use his own powerful means. Only by beheading the one-horned ghost king and others can the gang of cultivators in Fuliu City be once again shocked, and the position of City Lord Fuliu can be stabilized.

It’s really scary for the Jindan monks to display the strength of the Nascent Soul monks, but this kind of battle for higher ranks is not common. It's too powerful. It's purely to scare yourself. The real thing is to try it out. Maybe that Yuanying three-tier monk is just a Yuanying three-tier monk?

Besides ~www.readwn.com~ Now the Fusang Ghost King has no retreat. In order to become the new city lord of Fuliu City, he paid such a high price. He even killed the Fusong Ghost King face-to-face, almost offending all the senior leaders in Fuliu City. It's already hard to get off, and naturally there is no reason to shrink back.

Thinking of this, Fusang Ghost King leaned forward and pointed to the one-horned Ghost King and said, "Didn’t you say that you killed the Fuliu Ghost King? You also brought Fuliu Ghost King Futian Willow’s magic weapon, which seems to be there. Somewhat capable, in that case, would you dare to fight me?"

The one-horned ghost king waited for this sentence, saying: "Why not?"

The Fusang Ghost King reported his desire to use powerful means to kill people at the fastest speed, and the one-horned Ghost King also planned to make a quick fight. The two sides could be described as hitting it off. Seeing the Fusang Ghost King's momentum changed, he had a meal. It disappeared from the place, and at the same time, ghost claws suddenly appeared in the sky, grabbing toward the unicorn ghost king from all directions.

Although Fusang Ghost King didn't think the one-horned Ghost King could be so powerful, he still paid enough attention to the opponent, and immediately used his own stunt to cover the sky with the ghost claws.

This ghost claw is the method by which the Fusang Ghost King has become famous. Its power is not much worse than that of other monks. The killing of the Fusong Ghost King just now is just a small test. Now it is his true strength. I can only see the sky. The ghost claws rushed towards the face, and it was hard to guard against.

Among the ghost claws in the sky, each one carries the power as powerful as the attack of the Nascent Soul monk. Each seems to be able to break through the enemy’s body instantly, and each seems to be able to grab the opponent’s Nascent Infant and heart, and the power is unstoppable. , Not to mention others, at least in Qingyang's feeling, if Fusang Ghost King's move to cover the sky and ghost claws attacked him, he would definitely not be able to cope.

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