Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1498: : All bitterness and joy

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Don’t look at Qing Yang’s surface, but his heart exploded long ago. He didn’t expect that his luck would be so good, and he would be able to get such a rare ice-attribute spiritual root of the Phoenix Blood Ice Lotus. With him, Qingyang can refine the three-color sky-replenishing pill to complement the three spiritual roots of ice wind thunder, plus the five-element spiritual root that Qingyang possesses innately, that is the unprecedented eight spiritual roots, and become the unique eight spiritual roots. For the infant monk, the level of completion of Yuanying is unparalleled.

If there is only one five-element spiritual root monk like Qingyang in the world, it is unlikely. Gufeng Continent is so big, and the world's monks do not know where they are. There must be other people with five element spiritual roots, but it is not certain whether those people can become monks. Even if you can become a monk, you may not be able to cultivate to the level of Nascent Infant. Even if you can cultivate to this level, it is impossible to have such good luck as Qingyang. He has successively obtained Longjiaogen, Qilin Thunder Wood, and Phoenix Blood Ice Lotus. Three treasures.

Therefore, if Qing Yang can refine these materials into a three-color patch of heaven and take it, and successfully break through to the realm of Nascent Soul, he will be the most complete monk of the entire Ancient Continent Nascent Soul, the first person in all ages, think so, old man The sky still favors Qingyang.

Aside from the excitement in Qing Yang's heart, the one-horned ghost king heard his introduction and said: "It turns out that you are the spirit of the five elements, and now you have the Phoenix Blood Ice Lotus. This kind of fortune against the sky really makes this king extremely envious."

Although Qing Yang told the unicorn ghost king about his experience over the years, he only told the story in general without explaining many details. If you let him know, Qing Yang has not only Phoenix blood ice lotus, but also dragon horns. Gen and Qilin startled Leimu, wondering how he should marvel.

Although the one-horned ghost king is envious in his heart, he is not jealous, because the phoenix-blood ice lotus is a fairy treasure, and it is of no use to ghost cultivation. Besides, Qing Yang saved his life, but he watched it grow up little by little. Yes, just like his nephew, the relationship between the two parties could not be destroyed by some foreign objects, so he would not have thoughts just because of this.

When Qing Yang put away the phoenix blood ice lotus, the unicorn ghost king took out a storage bag from his body, and said: "Although your strength exceeds many Yuan Ying monks, you are still in the Golden Core Realm after all. The powerful enemies still have some shortcomings and need to upgrade their cultivation as soon as possible, but there is no cold pool suitable for immortal cultivators near the Temple of Ten Kings, so they can only use spirit stones and medicine to improve their cultivation. There are half a million spirit stones here, I searched it during this period of time, but there are very few immortal monks in the Netherworld, and spiritual stones are rare. I sorted out the storage bags sent to the ghost king, and searched Fuliu City again, that’s all. , But you have yin and yang profound arts, and the dark stones can be transformed and used, so I have prepared another 500,000 dark stones, you can use them."

The storage bags of the ghost kings who died in the valley of the gods are all in the hands of the one-horned ghost king. He also got the Fuliu ghost king's mansion treasury. If you sort it out, the value is more than millions, almost all of them. Compared with the net worth of the giant ghost king, the long eyebrow ghost king and others.

However, although there are many things, there are many people who need to reward and win over. The one-horned ghost king wants to restore the realm of gods as soon as possible, and needs more resources, so these millions of net worth will not last long and can be evened out. It's not bad to come out so many, not to mention Qingyang is now the cultivation base of the ninth level of the golden core, a million spirit stones are enough to raise the cultivation base to the perfect golden core.

Qing Yang nodded, and reached out to take the storage bag. During this trip to the God Infant Valley, Qing Yang couldn't get through many things. He felt that his cultivation level was not enough, and he really needed these things to improve his cultivation. Because of the relationship between the two, it is unnecessary to be too polite.

After stabilizing the city lord’s mansion, the one-horned ghost king went into retreat and left everything to be taken care of by the souls, ghosts, and the others. The threat of the Thousand Faces Buddha is really too great, the Palace of Ten Kings He is the only one who has the ability to deal with it, so he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Qing Yang did not retreat, but he did not stay idle. Instead, he mobilized the power of the city lord’s mansion, looking for supplementary medicines and medicines for refining the three-color Tiantian Pill. With the million Lingshi and Mingshi, Qingyang quickly He can raise his cultivation base to Golden Core Consummation and try to condense the Nascent Infant. Before that, he must first refine the Dragon Horn Root, Qilin Thunder Wood, and Phoenix Blood Ice Lotus into a three-color Heavenly Patching Pill to supplement the spiritual roots.

Although the spiritual root can be replenished after the infant is formed, and the replenishment is also the acquired spiritual root, the effect between the two is very different. The spiritual root is supplemented before the infant is formed, and the support in the spiritual root is when the infant is condensed Next, what is directly formed is the Consummation Nascent Infant, and the foundation is extremely deep.

And after filling up the spiritual roots, Yuanying was born with deficiencies at birth, although it can gradually make up for it~www.readwn.com~ but this is equivalent to a post-plastic transformation for Yuanying, just like pasting The repair is the same, of course, the effect can't be compared with the innately consummated Yuan Ying.

With a more complete Nasal Infant, Qing Yang not only has much higher strength than the same-level cultivator, but also has a deeper foundation and a more stable realm. When Qing Yang cultivates in the future, the chance of encountering a bottleneck is much lower than that of others. When a certain bottleneck is reached, it is easy to break through.

In other words, Qingyang is very difficult to practice before the birth of a baby, and consumes more energy than others, but after the birth, this situation will no longer exist, and the speed of cultivation can even exceed that of all cultivators, as long as the resources can follow. If you can, his cultivation will be unimpeded.

Think about how much Qingyang suffered and suffered when it was in the lower realms of the opening of the veins, the refining stage, and the foundation building stage, how much thought and resources it had spent in order to improve the realm, if it weren’t his. Luck has always been better, and I have been stumbling all the way to the present. Maybe it was like countless low-level monks, exhausted their lifespan and died.

For Qingyang now, this situation can be regarded as suffering. Of course, the highest cultivation level in the entire Ancient Wind Continent is the God Transformation Realm. Qingyang doesn’t know what will happen to him in the future. Maybe after he reaches that realm, he will Fettered by the way of heaven, I can’t break through anymore. No matter how good his aptitude is, it’s useless no matter how perfect Yuanying is, but Qingyang will not give up any opportunity. No one knows what will happen in the future. If you prepare more, you will always have more hope in the future. no?

It is for this reason that Qingyang must find other materials for refining the three-color Tiantian Pill as soon as possible, and refine it into the three-color Tiantian Pill as soon as possible to fill up his own spiritual roots, otherwise it will waste these few. This spiritual root of heaven and earth also failed God's blessings for him.

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