Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1511: : The Holy Queen

Feeling the breath of the Alcoholic Queen Bee, Qing Yang couldn't help but relax. At this time, the Alcoholic Queen Bee seemed to have relieved that breath, and the connection with Qingyang gradually recovered, but the situation of Alcoholic Queen Bee was too serious to communicate with Qingyang.

At this time, the robbery cloud in the sky suddenly changed its color, and a colorful glow shot down from the air and entered the body of the Alcoholic Queen Bee. After that, the body of the Alcoholic Queen Bee was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The breath is gradually strengthening. Qing Yang had seen the iron-armed monkey crossing the transformation, knowing that it was the critical moment for the alcoholic queen bee transformation, and that there should be no interruption, so he quietly stepped back for a certain distance, so as not to affect the opponent's transformation.

Seeing the changes in the Alcoholic Bee Queen, Qing Yang was deeply moved. He did not expect that the Alcoholic Bee Queen seemed fragile, but with his own strength, he could have survived all nine thunder tribulations, even more than the iron-armed monkey. Great. At the beginning, the two thunder tribulations in front of the Iron-armed Monkey were blocked by the Happy Ghost King, two thunder tribulations less than the Alcoholic Queen Bee, so no one can underestimate it.

I don't know how long it took, and the breath of the Alcoholic Queen Bee gradually stabilized. At this moment, he was seen struggling a few times, throwing off the charred outer shell, revealing a white body.

Just like when the iron-armed monkey had just gone through the transformation, there was no clothing on the body, and there was a white body in front of him. The body was like a willow, and the skin was as creamy, as beautiful as a peach and plum, charming and abnormal, and the body should be convex. Where the place is convex, the place that is concave is concave, which is dizzying.

The only regret is that this body is too small, only a foot long, but this is also normal. When it broke through the Golden Core Realm, the body of the Alcoholic Queen Bee was only the size of an egg. With the improvement of strength over the years, gradually It has grown to the size of a fist, and it is much larger than ordinary bees. Now that it has been transformed into shape successfully, it must have increased a little, but there is still no way to compare it with humans.

So in terms of the size of the Alcoholic Queen Bee, it is quite good to be able to transform a body of this foot long, and it is more in line with the situation of the Alcoholic Queen Bee.

After the transformation was completed, the Alcoholic Queen Bee slowly opened her eyes and saw Qingyang staring at her intently. The Alcoholic Queen Bee blushed at first, and soon returned to normal, and then cast a wintry eye towards Qingyang. Jiao said: "Master, but did you fall in love with the body of the slave family?"

While talking, the alcoholic queen bee waved her hand, and a light veil was draped over her body. This light veil was thinner and more transparent than the wings of a bee. After putting it on, it did not completely cover the vital points. On the contrary, it adds a bit of temptation, coupled with her charming voice and movements, it is even more attractive.

Yu Mengmiao is the one who has been in close contact with Qingyang, but unlike Yu Mengmiao’s greenness, the alcoholic queen bee has a mature beauty, her face is full of coquettish, her eyes are full of tenderness, and her body is full of temptation, just like The ripe peach makes people want to eat a bite.

Qing Yang can be regarded as a more determined person. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but swallowed his throat. He swallowed and spitted, feeling that he was a little gloomy. Qing Yang shook his head quickly.

Seeing Qingyang's heart move, the alcoholic queen bee twisted and approached with a variety of customs and said: "You are the master of the slave house. If you want it, the slave family will naturally do everything."

The temptation of the Alcohol Queen Bee has become stronger. At this time, Qing Yang has fought a cold war with Ji Lingling, and then said with a straight face: "Presumptuous, dare to be rude to the owner, why don't you hurry up and put away your charm?"

The Alcoholic Queen Bee has just improved in her form, and her heart is a little bloated. She wants to find someone to try her own means. Seeing that Qingyang has been looking at herself, she has a prank mind and boldly displays her master's skills. Mei Gong, she didn't dare to hurt her master, but she taught Qing Yang some small lessons to let him know how good he was, or take advantage of the master, or even some indescribable things happened with the master. OK.

Knowing that Qing Yang is so powerful, she broke her tactics at a glance. Seeing that Mei Gong was ineffective, the alcoholic queen bee chuckled and said, "The slave is just a joke. What is the master doing so coldly?"

Qing Yang said with a stern face: "Don't look at what time it is now? Is the transformation completely successful? Are there any sequelae? Has your cultivation level been consolidated? Your group of disciples and grandchildren worry about you, but I don't know now. What is it like to be in a hurry?

Qing Yang asked a series of questions, and the Alcoholic Queen Bee suddenly put out his thoughts of mischief. There are still many things waiting for him. It is indeed not the time to be joking, but her mouth is still not to be outdone, and whispered: "It's really an old fashioned , Incomprehensible style."

I have been with the Alcoholic Queen Bee for more than a hundred years, and he couldn't see it when his cultivation base was low. Since breaking through the Golden Core and opening the Spiritual Tribulation, Qing Yang has a deep understanding of the Alcoholic Queen Bee's temperament. Knowing that she is a joke-like temperament, she has no bad thoughts. When she is in a good mood, she not only flirts with her master, but sometimes deliberately teases the iron-armed monkey. The iron-armed monkey’s solid-eyed temperament is addicted to the queen bee. I have suffered a lot in front of me. Recently, the iron-armed monkey has been staying outside and reluctant to go back to the drunk fairy gourd. It may not have avoided the mind of the Alcoholic Queen Bee~www.readwn.com~ The Alcoholic Bee Queen shook her body and replaced it. The other piece of clothing is completely different from the light veil that seemed to be unworn before. This is a heavy palace outfit, calm and solemn, luxurious and elegant, coupled with the holy expression of the alcoholic queen bee, just like a noble queen, Sacred and inviolable.

The Alcoholic Queen Bee only reveals her daughter's posture when facing Qingyang. Facing the Alcoholic Bees below, she is the sacred queen, the majestic commander, without the slightest doubt. The Alcoholic Queen Bee just broke through, and there are still many things to do, and Qingyang didn't want the Alcoholic Queen Bee to be exposed to other ghosts, so with a move, he sent the Alcoholic Queen Bee into the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

After doing all of this, Qing Yang completely relaxed. The Iron-armed Monkey was successfully transformed in Shenying Valley. This time he successfully broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Alcoholic Queen Bee also completed the transformation. One after another in a short period of time, I am afraid that the entire Ancient Wind Continent will not be able to find a second one. Now Qing Yang's comprehensive strength is not afraid even if he meets the fifth and sixth-tier cultivators of Yuan Ying.

I think that when I was in the Jiuzhou Continent, Qingyang was just a casual cultivator at the bottom. When I saw the Qi-refining cultivator, he would walk around. The highest strength in the entire Jiuzhou Continent was the Golden Core Nine-layer cultivator. Now it is not only Qingyang. Beyond them, even the spirit beasts and spirit worms he raised overwhelmed everyone. It is estimated that any return to the Nine States Continent would be able to dominate the entire world of cultivation.

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