Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1513: : Looking back

Now Qingyang’s strength has reached the Nascent Soul Stage, and it is already at the top of the Gufeng Continent. The entire Netherworld can pose very few threats to them. Even if individual forces have this ability, they will not provoke Qingyang and Tie casually. As for opponents at the level of Armed Monkey, as for the other low-powered but not long-eyed opponents, they quickly solved Qingyang and Iron Armed Monkey, so the road went smoothly. It only took three and a half years. It was near the Fallen Ghost Yuan.

On the way, Qingyang and the Iron-armed Monkey took turns driving the Yufeng Gourd. After their cultivation level was improved, it was a very simple task for them to control the flying spirit weapon. They could even use the Yufeng Gourd with one heart and two purposes at home. While on the road, you can still practice while practicing, but the efficiency of cultivation is much lower.

Since breaking through the Nascent Soul, Qing Yang feels that it is very difficult for her to increase her cultivation base a little bit. The effect of Ju Yuan Dan is much worse than before, and it is almost useless. However, it is slow to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to cultivate. It's desperate. According to Qingyang’s estimation, if it takes at least one or two hundred years to improve one level of cultivation by simply absorbing aura from the outside world, even if one’s lifespan is exhausted, he can at most cultivate to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Don't even think about it.

For three and a half years, Qing Yang has just consolidated the cultivation base of the first level of the Nascent Soul. It seems that in order to achieve the Nascent Soul in this life, he must find other ways, or find materials to refine the medicine that meets the needs of the Nascent Soul. , Either find a cold pool that can support the cultivation of the Nascent Soul cultivator, or gather a large number of spirit stones, relying on them to pile up your own cultivation base.

However, these conditions are not easy to achieve. The elixir Qingyang that meets the needs of the Nascent Soul cultivator has not been touched yet. However, the material of such a high-level elixir is definitely not simple, and it may not be easy to collect it, even if the Qingyang elixir is superb. , It is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

It is relatively easier to find the cold pool, but the small cold pool is not enough. A cultivation base like Qingyang can use up the aura in it in one or two years. After that, you have to continue to spend time and energy to find it, saving you money. Time was wasted again, and the large cold pool was either occupied by the super martial arts, or it was the kind of inaccessible place, and it was not Qingyang's turn.

As for the spirit stones, it’s even harder to say. It takes five to six hundred thousand spirit stones to upgrade the Golden Core Realm to the first level of cultivation. The Nascent Soul Stage needs at least several times that of him. , At least tens of millions, even the Giant Ghost King and Fuliu Ghost King of the Ten Kings Palace have accumulated millions of spiritual stones, tens of millions of spiritual stones, even the top super sects on the Ancient Wind Continent. Without the financial resources, this road simply won't work.

Qing Yang thought about it for a long time and didn't have a clue, so he simply put the matter aside for the time being, he had just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, and his life span was still long, so it was not too late to think of a solution slowly.

After driving the road for more than three years without stopping, Rao Qingyang and the Iron-armed Monkey have been replacing the Yufeng Gourd, and both of them are Yuan Ying monks. At this time, they are also a little tired, and they have returned to the old. Locally, Qing Yang couldn't help slowing down, recalling the past as he walked.

I thought that Qingyang was chased and killed by True Monarch Shifu and fell into the Fallen Ghost Abyss. Jin Dan broke up and almost lost his cultivation. Later, it took a lot of effort to recover. Qingyang stayed in Fallen Ghost Abyss for a long time, and he knew a lot. People, such as the old paper man, Ma Xingchen, Shangguanyan, etc. at the bottom, and the Immeasurable Sage, the Jade-faced Bodhisattva, and the Yin-Yang Buddha at the upper level, eventually reunite with the Unicorn Ghost King at Qingman Mountain.

The seven overlords of the Fallen Ghost Yuan were taken away by the one-horned ghost king. The remaining Shou Yuan was not much powerless to break through the Nascent Soul and gradually withered. The current Fallen Ghost Yuan probably has long since become a human being. Among the Fallen Ghost Abyss, the one that left Qing Yang with a deep impression was the Shang Guan Yan. Later, I looked at Qing Yang’s face and was designated as the successor by the Blessed Sovereign. I don’t know how it is now, but it’s just life. One of them hurriedly passed by, and Qing Yang didn't have the thought of seeing him again.

This Fallen Ghost Yuan is almost the boundary between the Nether Territory and the Immortal Spirit Realm. After passing the Fallen Ghost Yuan and continue to move forward, Qing Yang soon entered the scope of the Immortal Spirit Realm, feeling the gradual aura around him, and more and more The brighter the sky, it seems that the mood is much better. After all, Qing Yang is a fairy cultivator. He is used to the environment with sufficient spiritual energy. Although he has that Yin and Yang profound arts, he can stay in the cold and dark environment of the Nether Territory for a long time. How can he feel better?

When he was in a good mood, Qing Yang didn't rush on, stop and go, and even stayed for a while in the place where he was shot down by True Monarch Stone Talisman and fell into the Degenerate Ghost Abyss. At the beginning, Qing Yang's cultivation base was not high, and he could not judge True Monarch Stone Talisman. The true cultivation base, but certainly not higher than the mid-Yuan Ying, at that time he and the one-horned ghost king were chased by the sky and no way to the ground, and finally they could only venture into the Fallen Ghost Abyss. Now Qing Yang has also become the Nascent Soul. Monk, if you encounter it now, you will definitely not be afraid anymore.

As for going to the Lingfuzong to find Zhenjun Shifu to avenge, Qingyang has no such plans for the time being. Although he has the strength to fight against Zhenjun Shifu, the Lingfuzong is someone else's territory after all, and there is no way that there is only one Yuanying monk in the sect. , Youdao is hard to beat with two fists and four-handed heroes can’t hold on to many people. If people from the Spirit Talisman rush to www.readwn.com~, they will only have to run away.

Qingyang walked and watched, and brought back a lot of memories. Before he knew it, he came to the place called Baishou Lake. Qingyang also made love with Yu Mengmiao here, and it was also the golden pill formed here. It was here that Shi Ruyu beheaded, and he formed a vengeance with True Monarch Shi Fu.

Decades have passed, Baishou Lake is still the Baishou Lake, almost unchanged, but Yu Mengmiao was left in the Palace of Ten Kings by Qingyang. I don’t know when he will wake up, and the village next to Baishou Lake has long since changed. It has become a pile of ruins. Think about it, the villagers of this village were arguing that they and Yu Mengmiao became relatives, but unfortunately they were all killed by the stone as a jade. It was originally a grievance between the immortal cultivators, and the result was a bunch of secular villagers. The innocent was killed.

After staying at Baishou Lake for a day, Qingyang headed towards Jiuxian City after a short rest. In Jiuxian City, Qingyang had two old friends, Xiying and Xiao Yuhan. Arrived in the Middle Sand Region, and then came to the Ancient Wind Continent together, it is also considered to share the joys and sorrows together, and later the two formed a pair of monks and stayed in Jiuxian City.

At the beginning, Qingyang Dan failed. In order to catch up with Duanqing Fairy and Yu Mengmiao's master and apprentice, he hurriedly left Jiuxian City. After that, he never came back, nor did he specifically say goodbye to the two. Meet them.

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