Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1515: : Xi Linger

Afterwards, Qing Yang finally met Yu Mengmiao again, and as a result, the marriage of Yi Shen Dan happened again. After that, Qing Yang went through all kinds of hardships to find the birthday eyebrows of Ni Yuan Shen Jue and Long Eyebrow Ghost King. Although Yu Mengmiao recovered his original spirit and appearance, But he hasn't come to his senses. Although there is a crystal coffin to treat the ghost king, he can't guarantee that Yu Mengmiao will be fine, so Qing Yang is still worried about it.

Qing Yang returned to Jiuxian City alone, and when he mentioned the incident, seeing Qing Yang's face full of melancholy, without the slightest joy, Xiying suddenly understood that something bad should have happened during this period. Maybe Qing Yang didn't find anyone at all after he left.

He couldn't help but glared at Xiao Yuhan. This Taoist companion is good, except that there is a problem with not being able to speak. It is really no pot to open or pick which pot. Xiying quickly changed the subject and said: "We practitioners are most particular about Fate, fate can't be forced to ask, slowly find someone you can always meet, Junior Brother Qingyang finally come, Junior sister Xiao, quickly call out Linger, and see Uncle Qingyang.” Remember for a second on the mobile phone → m . Provide you with wonderful \\ novel reading.

Who is Linger? Qingyang was a little confused, could it be that their couple already had children?

Sure enough, seeing Qingyang had some doubts, Xiying explained: "About thirty years ago, our couple had a daughter named Ling'er. This child is better than blue because of blue, and has better qualifications than both of us. It is less than 30 years old, but it has already been built and repaired."

Speaking of her daughter, Xiying has a touch of tenderness on her face, and her expression is quite proud. Her daughter broke through the foundation building when she was about 30 years old. She is indeed proud. Qingyang was 41 years old when she broke through the foundation building, Xiao Yuhan and Xi The English duo were later. After Xiying finished explaining, she didn't see Xiao Yuhan moving, so she snorted and said, "Why haven't you gone to find someone? Could it be that you let it out again?"

Xiao Yuhan said slyly: "The city lord is going to hold a wine tasting again recently. Jiuxian City is a lot more lively than usual. You know, Ling'er is a kind of calm temperament, I can't help her, so I had to let her go out to play. Besides, Ling'er already has a foundation for building a foundation and has a certain ability to protect herself. It is time to let her go out and see the world. How can we keep her at home? I think we left the Kyushu mainland and came here. At that time, isn't it the foundation for the foundation?"

Xiying said angrily: "Can she compare to us? We all grew up in countless competitions, but Ling'er has been under our care. How can we experience the sins in the world? When so many people left the Kyushu mainland together, How many survived in the end? If it weren't for Junior Brother Qingyang, we don't know how many times we have died. Since ancient times, the loving mother has lost her children. I think something will happen sooner or later."

Xiao Yuhan seemed to be afraid of Xiying too, waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know, when Ling'er returns this time, she will be forbidden, and she will never be let out without your permission. Junior Brother Qingyang is still here. , Let’s just talk about the short things of the parents, and we are not afraid of other people’s jokes."

Xi Ying whitened Xiao Yuhan and said, "Junior Brother Qingyang is not an outsider, what's the joke?"

After speaking, Xiying looked up and down Qingyang again, and then said: "I have known that Junior Brother Qingyang is unusual. It has only been decades since you have not seen you. Not only did you successfully break through the Golden Core Realm, your cultivation base is actually better than mine. It's really gratifying to be two stories higher."

Xiao Yuhan said: "At the beginning, you said that Junior Brother Qingyang would come back if he couldn't hang around outside. With your cultivation base, he could protect his family for a lifetime, but you didn't know that Junior Brother Qingyang was better than us in terms of strength and chance. After a big shot, I really want to come back. I don't know who is protecting whom."

"I didn't want to relieve Junior Brother Qingyang from the worries of the future." Xi Ying said.

Regarding Qingyang’s situation, no one knows better than Xiying and Xiao Yuhan. Since leaving the Kyushu Continent, although the two have a higher cultivation base than Qingyang, Qingyang has already surpassed them in terms of strength. If it were not for Qingyang's special care, they would never have reached the Gufeng Continent alive, and they knew that Qingyang's achievements could not be lower than theirs, so for Qingyang to surpass them in such a short period of time, they would not be jealous, more Just happy for an old friend. The fastest https://.https://m.

Of course, this is because they don’t know that Qingyang has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm. Otherwise, they won’t be so calm. Qingyang didn’t discuss this issue too much, and said, “I haven’t seen it for a long time, I still have a lot. Flower wants to tell you, let's go in and talk slowly?"

When Qing Yang reminded him, Xiying reacted immediately, and said quickly: "Oh, it's all my fault. I was so happy to see my old friend, but I forgot to let Junior Brother Qingyang into the house. It's rude, please come in, please. Come in, Junior Sister Xiao, don't you hurry up and lead the way?"

Xiao Yuhan also reacted, and hurriedly wanted to let Qingyang go home. At this moment, a young woman bounced around from the street. The woman seemed to be less than twenty in appearance, and she looked stunning. , The cultivation base is on the first floor. When the woman saw Xiao Yuhan, she shouted from afar: "Mother~www.readwn.com~ I’m back. The wine tasting held in the City Lord’s Mansion is very lively. There are more than a dozen kinds of spirit wines that have reached the Yuan Ying level, which is really eye-opening."

Seeing her daughter's return, Xiying suddenly became angry and hummed: "Do you still know that you are coming back? The wine tasting will be a mixed bag. Is this the place where you, a foundation building monk, should go?"

Xi Ling'er was just happy and didn't notice that her father was beside her. At this time, she was shocked when she heard Xiying's scolding, but seeing her mother present, she became a little bolder and whispered: " Isn’t it just going to see the excitement, what can you do?"

Seeing that her daughter dared to talk back, Xiying became even more angry, but thinking that Qingyang was present, it was not easy to deal with her daughter in front of outsiders, so she could only turn her face cold and said: "This is the one next to me and your mother who once mentioned to you. The Master Qingyang who passed by, why don't you come over and see you soon?"

Regarding Qingyang, Xiying and Xiao Yuhan both told their daughters. First, they were grateful for Qingyang’s care for them during those years. Second, it was also to motivate their children to have a goal. So although Xi Ling'er had never seen Qing Yang, Qing Yang has already left a deep impression in her heart. It can be said that Qing Yang has always been her idol, and she finally met a real person today.

Outside Qingyang, it doesn’t seem to be much older than Xi Ling’er, but as a monk, Xi Ling’er naturally knows that monks can’t just look at their appearance. Facing the elders, they still have to have the etiquette and etiquette. Then Xi Ling’er came. Qing Yang approached Qing Yang and bowed his way to Qing Yang, saying, "Hello, Master."

Seeing the younger generation, of course, the meeting ceremony is indispensable. Qingyang took out a storage bag and handed it to Xi Ling'er, nodded and said: "Yes, I can break through the foundation building and cultivation base at the age of 30. I am afraid that my future achievements will surpass me. There is an old storage bag here, so I can take it for you to play."

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