Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1520: : It makes sense

Of course, Qing Yang's forceful killing of the real red eyebrows still shocked Shi Ruyin to a certain extent, causing the **** in his heart to fade a little. The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, and now he is not an opponent, he can only choose to retreat first, and then report to his father. , It’s not too late to trouble them.

Thinking of this, Shi Ruyin had already begun to retreat, but he didn't lose the battle. How could his dignified Lingfu Sect master's only son be scared away by a Jindan monk? Shi Ruyin looked at Qingyang and said, "How dare you kill my personal guard. When I go back and tell my father, I absolutely want you to look good."

Qing Yang's purpose was to draw out the true monarch of stone talisman and completely resolve the grievances he had had before. How could it be possible to easily leave this stone as silver? He smiled and said: "Dare to threaten me at this time? If so, then don't go back. Anyway, you have offended True Lord Shifu, killing one person is enough, killing two to earn one, and letting the master of the spirit rune It’s not bad for the only son to be buried with me."

This Shi Ruyin is also arrogant. He always felt that even if he had no guard, no one in Jiuxian City would dare to do anything to himself. How could Qingyang not play the card according to common sense, and even prepared to break the jar and pull him back. Although Shi Ruyin At a young age, a lot of things are still understood. The power behind you is true, but you have to be afraid of the other party. If you really encounter a madman who is not afraid of death and do it yourself regardless of the consequences, then the power behind yourself is just a display.

Thinking of this, Shi Ruyin's arrogance was extinguished, and she said inwardly, "You...what do you want to do? My father is the lord of the spirit talisman, the true monarch of the middle-level cultivator Shifu..."

The foundation-building cultivator dressed as a servant also stepped forward two steps to stand in front of Shi Ruyin, saying: "I warn you, my sect master is a guest at the city lord's mansion in Jiuxian City. If you dare to hurt my family's young lord, invite True Monarch Yue and My Sect Master will come in an instant, and you will never escape from Jiuxian City. As long as my Young Master loses one hair, he will make you worse off than death."

Faced with the threats from the two, Qing Yang didn't seem to be afraid at all. He laughed a few times and said: "True Monarch Stone Talisman is very powerful, but unfortunately he is not here. I have every means. Now I have the final say. If your father is killed now, I can completely take you hostage. The only son of Zhenjun Shifu is in my hands, so he wouldn't dare to do anything to me."

Seeing that the threat was useless, Shi Ruyin was really a little scared. Having lived such a long life, it was the first time he saw a person so afraid of his father and Spirit Talisman. This time it was really dangerous, and he was frightened and exasperated: " You... Are you determined to fight my father?"

Xiying does not know the details of Qingyang, but knows the power of the Spirit Talisman. Once they form a vengeance, it will be an endless situation. They are afraid that they will not be able to escape from Jiu Xiancheng, let alone the Tianluo Net under the Spirit Talisman. So he said with concern: "Junior Brother Qingyang, although this Shi Ruyin was offensive to our couple, it did not cause any substantial harm. This stone like jade is fine, presumably the true monarch of stone talisman will not pursue and kill us vigorously for this matter."

Qingyang knew what Xiying was worried about. He waved at Xiying and said, "Senior Xiying, don't worry, I know the consequences of this matter. I have my own reason for doing this."

Qing Yang’s words immediately settled the hearts of Xiying and Xiao Yuhan. At the beginning, the three of them shared the joys and sorrows and came to Gufeng Continent from the Kyushu Continent. They don’t have a better understanding of Qingyang’s character, and they will definitely not be unsure. The matter, since Junior Brother Qingyang has said so, it is that there are corresponding countermeasures, no matter what the final result is, it is right to follow Junior Brother Qingyang, anyway, the three of their family are saved by Junior Brother Qingyang, and it will be a big deal. Compensate to the other party.

Soothing the Xiying family, Qingyang took a few steps forward, and stood face to face with that Shi Ruyin, and said, "You are right. I am determined to be more against Zhenjun Shifu. How are you doing?"

Qing Yang didn't do anything, even with a slight smile on his face, but in Shi Ruyin's eyes, it was unusually terrifying. He was not worried about the death of the real man with red eyebrows, because he still had a talisman, that was his father Zhenjun Shifu He Lingfuzong, now this amulet didn't work anymore, he realized that he was just a foundation-building monk, and the golden core monk on the opposite side could kill him easily.

Shi Ruyin is not very old, only about forty. In these forty years, he has killed many people and done many evil things. He saw that others face the fear of death, the kind of helplessness and despair, in his heart He was extremely excited. He never thought that he would face this day. Thinking that he might die, Shi Ruyin couldn't help but feel sore and cold in his legs.

The foundation-building monk dressed up as a servant was similar, but he knew in his heart that even if he was afraid, he had to stand up at this time, otherwise True Monarch Stone Talisman would never let him go. At that time, death was a luxury. Thinking of this, he He rushed to Qingyang and said loudly: "Young Master, you go quickly, I will hold him, as long as you escape to the main street, it is safe."

Even the real man with red eyebrows is not Qing Yang’s opponent~www.readwn.com~ The foundation building monk dressed as a servant didn’t think that he could block Qing Yang with his own cultivation in the later stage of foundation building. He only hoped that he could stop Qing a little. When the sun is over, Shi Ruyin is striving for a ray of life. As long as he escapes to the main street and meets the people in Jiuxian City, Shi Ruyin is basically safe. It doesn't matter if he is dead, as long as the young master can go back alive, for the sake of his desperate rescue of his only son, I think Zhenjun Shifu will treat his family well.

The foundation-building cultivator wanted to fight for an opportunity for Shi Ruyin, who knew that Shi Ruyin had never experienced this kind of thing before, and was so frightened by Qing Yang that his legs were so weak that he couldn't even move at all. And even if the stone is like silver, it can't escape Qing Yang's palm. Today Qing Yang is not the same as before. If two foundation-building cultivators escape from his own hands, what face would he have to be a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Facing the raid of the servant dressing up the monk Zhuji, Qing Yang didn't take it seriously. He didn't even move his feet. He just waved his palm lightly and slapped the opponent to death with one palm. The monk's body was directly squashed, leaving flesh and blood all over the floor.

Before the real man with red eyebrows was burned to ashes by Qing Yang's Nether Lihuo Sword, the stone such as silver did not take him to heart. One was that he did not leave a corpse, and the other was that he still had a talisman, and he felt that Qing Yang didn't dare to do anything with it. Now he was frightened by Qing Yang, and when he saw Qing Yang slap the foundation-building monk to death from close range, the **** corpse on the ground seemed to be his end. He could no longer hold on to it, and then his legs fell together. Soft, limp on the ground, wet between his legs.

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