Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1523: :Oh it's you

The Gu family brothers did not come back after entering the Fallen Ghost Abyss, but there was no news of Qingyang. Zhenjun Shi Fu thought that Qingyang had already died in the Fallen Ghost Abyss. After that, Fairy Jue Qing gave birth to his second son, Shi Ruyin, and he never came back. I thought about this, but didn't expect that Qing Yang was so fateful that he would survive that situation, and it seemed that his cultivation level had improved a lot.

Recognizing Qingyang, Zhenjun Shifu suddenly understood that this Qingyang was the murderer in all likelihood, because he had heard from Fairy Duanqing that more than sixty years ago, this Qingyang only had the cultivation level of the golden core. , While resisting Fairy Duanqing, he could kill Shi Ruyu on the fifth floor of the Golden Core at the same time. Now it is the cultivation base of the fifth floor of the Golden Core. Killing the true red eyebrows on the eighth floor of the Golden Core seems to be justified.

In this way, the whole thing was straightened out. After this kid escaped from his own hands, he raised his cultivation base incognito. Now he feels that he is strong enough to avenge himself. He found him and followed him secretly, but he found the flaw. Killed his second son Shi Ruyin.

Okay, you Qingyang, you will run away, only if you were dead more than sixty years ago. I didn’t expect you to come back and kill my second son Shi Ruyin again. It’s really abominable. New hatred and old. Hate, Zhenjun Shifu couldn't wait to swallow the Qingyang life in front of him. Fortunately, this time, unlike the last time, this guy was stuck in Jiu Xian City, and there would be no chance to escape.

Zhenjun Shi Fu resisted the anger in his heart, looked at the corpse of Shi Ruyin in his arms, and said coldly at Qingyang: "So it was you. You killed my second son, Shi Ruyin?"

Qing Yang didn't deny it either, and said directly: "It's underneath."

Zhenjun Shi Fu pointed to Qing Yang and said angrily: "You killed my son Shi Ruyu sixty years ago, and now you kill my son Shi Ru silver. It's really deceiving. I will never forgive you this time."

Qingyang said, "I can't blame me. It was your son who refused to let me go. I couldn't wait to die, so I had to kill him. This time it was your son who insisted on robbing my friend's daughter. They were the first to provoke me. Mine, you can only blame your godson for nothing."

Zhenjun Shifu was extremely angry, and said: "They provoke you first, you killed them, and now you provoke me, then is it right for me to kill you?"

"Xiuxian realm is weak and strong, it depends on whether you have this ability." Qing Yang said.

Zhenjun Shi Fu smiled at Qing Yang's words, and said: "Okay, okay, okay, I really didn’t expect that you, a little Golden Core fifth-tier cultivator, would dare to talk to me, a fifth-tier cultivator, since So, let you see if I am capable."

After speaking, Zhenjun Shifu was about to start his hand, but at this moment, a dozen monks flew towards this side. The leader was the lord of Jiu Xiancheng invited Zhenjun Yue, and the others were all those who participated in the wine tasting with Zhenjun Shifu before. Monk. The situation was too urgent before, and Zhenjun Shifu was eager to find the murderer. He flew out from the city lord's mansion at that time, and did not tell what had happened.

However, from the face of Shifu Zhenjun, everyone can also see that the situation is not right. Inviting Yue Zhenjun as the lord of Jiu Xian City, he must not let it go, so he doesn't care about tasting the wine, and brings everyone along, but they are a little faster. It was a little slower, and then it caught up.

There are a group of more than ten people, and there are five Yuanying monks. The first one is Zhenjun Yuanying. On the left is the fat white-bearded old man Qingliang Zhenjun. On the right is the Qingyi woman Qingyuzhenjun. On the side is Jiuxiancheng. The two Yuanying monks were all golden core monks, and several of them were Lone Star, Qingsong, Ziyun, Han, Gu, and others who had several connections with Qingyang.

Seeing Zhenjun Shifu, Qingyang and others who were facing each other, Zhenyu Yue asked from a distance, "True Monarch Shifu, you left in a hurry, what happened?"

Zhenjun Shi Fu suffocated his stomach and was nowhere to vent. When he saw Zhenjun Yuanyue and others, he finally had someone to talk to. He showed his son's body to everyone, and said sadly: "My poor child Shi Ruyin, for a while. I was killed by these guys if I didn't see the Kung Fu."

The truth about Shi Ruyin’s going out shopping is also known to True Monarch Inviting Yue, and he also knows that Shi Ruyin’s eighth-layer red eyebrows are by his side. He can kill a few of them in such a short period of time, and he is not afraid of the spirit talisman and stone behind Shi Ruyin. Fu Zhenjun, indeed a little surprising, Zhenjun Yingyue asked: "Who is so bold to commit murder in my Jiuxian City?"

While speaking, Zhenjun Yaoyue was already looking at Qingyang. He felt that Qingyang seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him. However, Qingyang's cultivation level made him a little weird. He asked: "True Monarch Stone Talisman, did you make a mistake?"

True Monarch Inviting Moon is clear about the meaning of True Monarch Inviting Yue, and he explained: "Don't look at his cultivation base with only the fifth level of Golden Core. The actual combat power is not much better than Jinda's eighth and ninth level, more than sixty. Years ago, he just broke through the Golden Core Realm and killed me as a stone."

Zhenjun Yaoyue had heard about Shi Ruyu being killed more than sixty years ago, but he didn’t know that he was killed by a monk at the first level of the golden core. Killing the eighth-layer cultivator of the Golden Core with the fifth-tier of the Golden Core is really amazing. If this person hadn't offended True Monarch Shifu, True Monarch Inviting Yueyue even wanted to draw him to his city lord mansion.

At this time, the real Lone Star at the back took a few steps forward and quietly spread the voice to Zhenjun Yaoyue: "Master, this person is the second place in the wine tasting more than sixty years ago. Use a jar of spirit wine from you. I got a Wind Fire Order in my hand, which should be the pill formed after coming out of the Yinfengjihuo cave."

With such a reminder from Lone Star, True Monarch Invited Yue suddenly remembered that at the wine tasting more than sixty years ago, in the last wine appraisal session, Shi Ruyu won first place, second place and second place thanks to his father’s favoritism. The third place was won by two foundation-building monks, which shocked everyone at the wine tasting party. The wine tasting was over. The spirits of the two people were exchanged for their own wind and fire orders. It is not this person who won the second place. NS? No wonder I looked familiar just now.

Unexpectedly, he had not seen him in more than sixty years. Not only did he succeed in breaking through the golden core, he also became a fifth-level golden core monk. He was able to increase his cultivation level by one level almost every ten years, which was faster than he was before. , And more importantly, this person can actually kill the enemy at the third and fourth levels. This kind of younger generation is hard to meet for thousands of years, and the future achievements are limitless. Thinking of this, the true monarch invites Yueyue to become more and more interested in this Qingyang. If it wasn't for the fear of offending Zhenjun Shifu, he really wanted to rush up now and ask the other party if he would like to be his true disciple.

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