Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1538: : Tunyang Shendan

"I don't know that Zhenjun Shifu was so unrelenting. After I gave birth to him a son, he changed his face and snatched Shi Ruyin from me, and then regarded me as a furnace for his cultivation and repair, even his concubine. It’s not as good. I have never treated me as a normal person. I originally had a life span of nearly a hundred years, but under his devastation, my potential was exhausted and my foundation was completely destroyed. After that, he felt that I was useless, even more so. Throwing me into the dungeon to fend for itself, the multiple blows and the dark environment in the dungeon turned me into a lunatic. Until then, I was hit hard and my life was not long before I regained some intelligence..." Fairy Junqing said .

The cultivation base of Fairy Duanqing was raised by one level when he first came to Spirit Talisman, and then he made no progress, and even regressed slightly, but he was as old as he was in his early 300s. This is all because of that. It was caused by Zhenjun Shifu’s constant replenishment. The reason why she was able to suppress the two seventh-tier cultivators with the sixth-tier golden core was mainly because she was still in a state of madness at the time, and she didn’t want to fight for her life. People are scrupulous and dare not to shoot casually.

It can be seen from the fact that they treat the Fairy Jieqing in this way, Shifu Zhenjun is not a good person, and the entire Spirit Talisman is not much better. Before, Qing Yang was somewhat guilty of destroying the Spirit Talisman just because of some private enmity, and now he feels relaxed. too much.

I think that Fairy Duanqing was so arrogant at the beginning, icy and deserted, unattainable. When she tried in the Valley of Chaos, only one of her apprentices in the foundation-building period could make a point in front of Qing Yang, but Now, I can’t see the original shadow, his body is rickety, his face is wrinkled, his face is unkempt, his brown clothes are knotted, and he is not even as good as a beggar. Uncertainty at this time has become a pile of mud, how high he stood at the beginning, and now he fell hard, it can be said to be good luck.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. It seems that there is providence in the dark. By now, Qingyang can no longer have any hatred for Fairy Duanqing. Anyway, she is Yu Mengmiao's master, even if she is selfish, Yu Mengmiao can After all, she was raised up by herself. The original festivals have disappeared with today's meeting, not to mention that she doesn't have much time to live.

Sure enough, after such a long speech, the state of Fairy Juanqing dropped sharply, and soon her breath became unstable. She insisted and said: "The retribution of the cycle of heaven is unhappy. I killed two apprentices selfishly, and later suffered. In the days when life is not as good as death, this spirit talisman flew domineeringly and did not treat the female nun as a human being, and ended up causing a disaster for himself. I did not expect that one day I would avenge my revenge, but it was the person I looked down on the most, Qing Yang. , Thanks a lot."

Qingyang said: "Don't thank me, it's just a coincidence."

At this time, Fairy Duanqing seemed to think of something, and tentatively asked: "The entire Spirit Talisman Sect has been destroyed. I wonder how my son Shi Ruyin is now?"

Qing Yang was not afraid to tell the other party the truth, saying: "That Shi Ruyin offended my friend and was killed on the spot. It was exactly the same as his eldest brother's experience at the time. It was because of this incident that I had a conflict with Zhenjun Shifu, and then again. Killed this spirit talisman in one fell swoop."

Fairy Duanqing's face changed, and then he sighed and said, "Yes, when I was born in the environment of the Spirit Talisman, and followed a person like True Monarch Shifu, where can his character be better? Dead, good, dead. After a hundred, I have nothing to worry about."

Speaking of this, Fairy Duanqing has gradually entered a dying state, but looking at Qing Yang, who was once overlooked by herself, has now become a supreme Yuan Ying monk. Her heart is full of sourness, and she was silent for a while, looking at Qing Yang Dao. : "I have a secret, I wonder if you want to listen."

secret? What secret? What secret can Fairy Duanqing have? Qingyang was puzzled.

Fairy Duanqing didn't wait for Qing Yang to ask questions, and continued: "In fact, there is a solution to marrying Yi Shen Dan."

What? Marry Yi Shen Dan actually has a solution? Qing Yang was suddenly shocked. If he had known that the wedding dress **** pill had a solution, Qing Yang would have rescued her according to the method. How could it be necessary to suffer so many sins? Fairy Duanqing knew about this a long time ago, but didn't say until this time, is it true that people will die?

In the past, Qingyang spent all his energy to rescue Yu Mengmiao. Not only did he go through the hardships to find the great monk of the late Yuan Ying in the Ghost Valley, he lost three levels of cultivation for Yu Mengmiao to perform the inverse Yuan Shen Jue, and he found the long eyebrows in the depths of the Nether Realm. Ghost King, use his long eyebrows to increase Yu Mengmiao's lifespan, but even so, Yu Mengmiao is still in a coma. As a last resort, Qingyang asks the ghost king to use his crystal coffin to continue the treatment temporarily, but I don’t know when Yu Mengmiao will wake up. , Who knows that now, Fairy Duanqing actually said that there is a solution to marrying Yi Shen Dan. Didn't he do all those things in vain? Have all the hardships suffered over the years been in vain?

"What you said is true?" Qing Yang asked in a deep voice.

Fairy Duanqing raised her head with difficulty, and said: "Of course it is true. When I was an elder in the Yin and Yang Sect, I used to pay special attention to the matter of marrying clothes **** pill. Although this pill is domineering, it is not incomprehensible~www .readwn.com~ It is rumored that there is another pill in my Yin-Yang sect. Its level is similar to the effect of the Yi Shen Pill. It can relieve the troubles of the Yi Shen Pill and bring the female cultivators back to life."

"What kind of pill is it?" Qing Yang asked quickly.

Fairy Duanqing said slowly: "This pill is called the Sun Swallowing God Pill. The usage of this pill is exactly the opposite of the wedding dress God pill. When the man takes the double cultivation method, he will be able to give half of his own cultivation skills. Returning to the woman, although it will not restore the woman to the original state, it can also solve most of the problems. I heard that there is one in the treasure house of the Onmyoji Sect. I don't know if it is still there."

Marry Yi Shen Dan and Yang Swallowing God Pill, you can guess the general effect by just listening to the name. I can’t think of the small Yin-Yang sect, but there is such a good thing. If Yu Mengmiao had an accident, Qing Yang had the Swallowing Sun God Pill. Will use it to save Yu Mengmiao without hesitation. Even now, Qingyang is willing to dedicate half of his cultivation to save Yu Mengmiao. It's a pity that the Swallowing God Pill is in the Yin Yang Sect. Now it has been hundreds of years, and this time I will return to the mainland of Kyushu. I don't know if I can find it.

The way to treat Yu Mengmiao by swallowing the sun **** pill is much simpler than that of Ni Yuan Shen Jue and the long eyebrow ghost king's long eyebrows. Knowing this way, Qing Yang must go directly back to the Kyushu Continent to find the pill. Maybe now Yu Mengmiao has recovered. , How can you continue to lie in the crystal coffin? Thinking of this, Qing Yang said angrily: "Why didn't you say when Yu Mengmiao had an accident?"

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