Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1649: :uninvited guest

Drunken Calabash Chapter 1649: Uninvited Guest Lei Yu Demon King took the initiative to show his favor. Of course, Qing Yang is willing to learn more about the Wan Linghui, so he asked: "I don't know where this pre-election hall is. The location, what are the characteristics of the enemies that are turned inside, what should I pay attention to when I enter, and what preparations should I make?"

   Qingyang asked in great detail, Lei Yu Demon King was also a good person to do it to the end, without hiding his own privates, and told Qing Yang all the news he knew about the pre-selection of the All Souls Association and the All Souls Secret Realm.

Although the Thunder Feather Demon King has no affection for True Monarch Qiansha, he did not avoid him when he said these words. Luan Yaoshan itself also knew a lot about the Wan Linghui. There is no need to be a villain. , The Demon King Thunder Feather also asked True Lord Qian Sha's opinion whether he was willing to act with everyone, True Lord Qian Sha did not know what he thought, and directly refused the invitation of the Demon King Thunder Feather.

But think about it, for True Lord Qiansha, Luan Yaoshan and Ten Thousand Demon Valley are hostile relations. He has offended the Thunder Feather Demon King before. If he is attacked during his adventures, he will get rid of him. The mountain with the most potential is not easy to guard against, so it is better to act alone.

The long talk lasted for four or five hours. Until the end, the Demon King Lei Yu said: "There are still two months left before the pre-election for the All Souls Association. I rushed to the pre-election hall from us. Twenty days is enough. So my family’s plan for the Golden Scale Demon King is to leave the customs and take us there in a month. During this time, we will invite two fellow Taoists to live nearby temporarily. Don’t miss the opportunity by walking around."

This place belongs to the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Demon Mountain. Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter casually. However, Qingyang and True Monarch Qiansha are both Yuan Ying cultivators. This Ten Thousand Spirit Society is of great importance. Ten Thousand Demon Mountain brought them there. Live here, but there are necessary restrictions.

   Qingyang and True Monarch Qiansha didn't want to grow up, so they nodded and said: "Leiyu Demon King, don't worry, we know that this is a forbidden area of ​​Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, and we won't just rush into it."

After the Leiyu Demon King gave his account, he left. After the Phantom Spirit Demon King arranged a place for the two of them nearby, he also got up and said goodbye. After all, this is the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Qingyang and True Lord Qiansha are both Yuan Ying. The cultivator, the living environment arranged by the Phantom Demon King for them is still very good, but the two of them can't walk around at will, as if they are under house arrest here.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Fortunately, for only one month, for their Yuan Ying monks, casual retreat is almost over, so in the days that followed, Qing Yang And True Monarch Qiansha closed up. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Knowing that a pill emperor had come from Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and that the emperor was still dealing well with them, the nearby Yuan Ying monks and transformation demon cultivators couldn't sit still and came to visit one after another.

The demon spirit domain pill emperor is respected. It can be said that it is difficult to find the pill emperor to help him refine the pill. Saying that the emperor will come again, it must be a visit. Even if you don't look for Qingyang alchemy, it's good to just be familiar with the relationship, maybe you will need it in the future.

Everyone seems to know that the pre-selection of the Wan Linghui will start soon. Qing Yang has no time to help them refine the pill, so they just come to visit Qingyang, the emperor, and have a familiar face in front of him. , But in the entire Ten Thousand Demon Valley, there are dozens of morphing demon cultivators, plus the Nascent Soul cultivators attached to him, even if only a small part of them come to visit, it will take Qingyang a lot of time, so in the next half month, Qing Yang can only end the retreat and specifically receive visitors.

Seeing that the month of January is about to arrive, the people who should visit are almost there, Qingyang and True Monarch Qiansha are also ready to wait for the Golden Scale Demon King to leave the customs, so as to take them there. Participating in the pre-selection of the All Souls Club, on this day, suddenly two people came to the door.

One of these two is a human monk of the third-tier Nascent Infant, wearing a purple robe, looks very young, and the other is an eleventh-order transformation demon cultivator equivalent to the fifth-tier of Nascent Infant, with his head still on his head. He kept two corners and looked rough and mad. Although the cultivation base of the demon cultivator was higher, judging from his attitude towards the human cultivator, it was obvious that the human cultivator was the main leader in this trip.

   After coming in, the monk did not speak, but looked up and down Qingyang with his patrolling eyes for a long time before he said: "Are you the Dan Huang Qingyang from Crouching Tiger City?"

During this period, Qingyang received many people from Ten Thousand Demon Valley. There were transforming demon cultivators from Ten Thousand Demon Valley, as well as Yuan Ying monks who depended on Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Among them, there were many people with rough personality and ignorance of etiquette, but there was never one. Just like the person in front of him, after meeting him, he stared at him impolitely, Qing Yang suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said, "I don't know why the two daoists are looking for me?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Seeing Qingyang admits, the Yuan Ying three-layer human race monk said lightly: "It’s just you. I heard that you have a panacea Qualifications for the pre-selection~www.readwn.com~ With your strength, the Wan Linghui pre-selection cannot be achieved by Metrohm. If you go there, you will be wasted a place. If you don’t let it go to me."

Qing Yang was originally dissatisfied with this guy's attitude, but thinking that this is the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, he would try his best not to sin against the people here, but as soon as this guy opened his mouth, he brazenly asked himself to give him the qualifications of the All Souls Society. Where did you come out to talk to me like this? Qingyang's anger was immediately agitated, and he said coldly: "I don't know how this fellow Taoist is called? How do you know that I will definitely not be able to pass the pre-selection? How dare you conclude that I will give you this qualification?"

Facing Qing Yang’s dissatisfaction, the Human Race cultivator didn’t care, but said, “Is it unclear? Those who can participate in the pre-selection of the Wan Linghui, most of them are mid-primary cultivators, only a small number of third-tier primordial souls. Monk, the second-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul is rare. Everyone has the special ability to kill enemies. What do you have? Depending on your appearance, it should be just a short time after breakthrough? This point of cultivation is also the bottom of the life. I heard that there are only five Yuan Ying monks in Crouching Tiger City. It’s no wonder that someone with such a low level of cultivation was selected. The old Valley Master didn’t know what to think, and actually gave a precious place to Crouching Tiger City. Isn't this a violent thing?"

   "How did you know that I didn't have the special ability to kill enemies by going beyond the ranks?" Qing Yang said coldly.

Hearing Qing Yang's words, the Human Race monk finally couldn't help but sneered, and said, "You? It's not that I look down on you, but what kind of talent can be cultivated in the poor country of Crouching Tiger City? Your cultivation base, even if you are. With the ability to reach higher levels, it would be good to be able to barely match the third-tier cultivators of the Nascent Soul, and still be comparable to those middle-term Nasional cultivators? Wouldn't it be the bottom?"


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