Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1652: : Fair test

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters of the main text of the drunken gourd: a fair test. With the arrogance of the real wisteria king, if someone dared to speak to him like this in the past, he would definitely just shake his hand and leave, but now he will not, because he still To win the pre-qualification of the All Souls Association from Qingyang, thinking that this guy's pre-qualification will soon become his own, it seems that more accommodating Qingyang is not a big deal, thinking of this, the real wisteria said: "Since you think the Bull Head Demon King is not appropriate, who do you plan to find to be the witness? The Golden Scale Demon King will leave soon, and will leave at most three days, if the person you are looking for is too far away. ."

In the mind of True Monarch Wisteria, it was impossible for Qingyang to return to Crouching Tiger City to find someone in three days. He could only find someone in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and the people in Ten Thousand Demon Valley must still be looking for True Monarch Wisteria, so Regardless of who Qing Yang finally finds a witness, the real Wisteria Lord has the upper hand.

   Just when Mr. Wisteria felt that he had a chance to win, he heard Qing Yang say: "You don't need to go outside to look for him. The True Monarch Qiansha next door is a good candidate."

True Monarch Wisteria has obviously heard of True Monarch Qiansha, knowing that this person has no good feelings for Ten Thousand Demon Valley, if he is asked to be a witness, it means that he will be judged to lose the game if he wins, but he has forgotten about it for a while. There was this person in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. True Monarch Wisteria couldn't help but his face changed color and said, "No, this person is definitely not good. He has a rift with me in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, how can he be this witness?"

   "Why not? True Lord Qiansha has no direct relationship with you and me. This witness can definitely be fair and just, I will choose him." Qing Yang said.

Seeing that Qingyang insisted on choosing True Monarch Qiansha, True Monarch Wisteria was afraid that his continued insistence would make Qingyang give up the competition, so he had to say: "You can also find True Monarch Qiansha, but I want to add a witness, by Lei Feather Demon King and True Monarch Qiansha are more fair to testify together."

Qing Yang has a good impression of the Thunder Feather Demon King. This person has a promising future. He will not ruin his reputation for helping True Lord Wisteria. If there is True Lord Qian Sha next to supervise him, the game will still be fair. Qing Yang nodded and said, "If it is the Thunder Feather Demon King, I agree."

  The witnesses finally reached an agreement, and True Monarch Wisteria did not delay, and arranged for the Bull Head Demon King to invite two witnesses, and he took Qing Yang to the public alchemy room in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Ten Thousand Demon Valley, as a super power, also pays more attention to the pill. There are special public alchemy facilities inside, but the demon spirit domain pill The technique is backward, alchemists are scarce, and Ten Thousand Demon Valley is no exception. Although there is a public alchemy room, the facilities are relatively general and few people use it.

As a true pill emperor, True Monarch Wisteria has enough confidence in his alchemy, hoping to defeat Qingyang with alchemy, and win the pre-selection of the All Souls Association with an open mind, but he did not do any small actions. He led Qingyang all the way. When I came to the public alchemy room, I chose a relatively spacious hall, and then ordered the low-level monks here to prepare commonly used alchemy materials and supplies.

The efficiency of Ten Thousand Demon Valley is still very high. After half an hour, the preparation work is completed. There are two identical alchemy furnaces on the left and the right in the spacious hall, and they are filled with common materials and supplies. Feather Demon King and True Lord Qiansha also arrived here one after another.

Everything is ready, Zhenjun Ziteng said: "For the sake of fairness, I have prepared two identical pill furnaces here. The pill that needs to be refined this time is also the most common God-raising pill for Yuan Ying monks. Each person has ten ingredients. , How about who is the first to make the three nourishing pills, who wins?"

After listening to the arrangement of True Monarch Wisteria, Demon King Leiyu nodded, and said: "The same pill furnace with the same material, whoever makes three nourishing pills first will win. The rules of the game are fair, but there is one thing I need to remind you. You, the Golden Scale Demon King will leave the customs in three days and take us to the pre-election hall of the All Souls Association. If you delay it for too long, you will miss this opportunity."

Zhenjun Wisteria looked at Qing Yang provocatively, and said, "If I can't refine three Shen Shen Pills in three days, what face do I have to worship the Pill Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons Valley? As for the one next to him. It's hard to say whether Fellow Qingyang can complete it in three days."

Although True Monarch Qiansha looked upset at Ten Thousand Demon Valley, this rule really couldn’t find anything wrong. He was also not optimistic about Qingyang, but there was a rare person who dared to provoke the dignity of Ten Thousand Demon Valley. He must support him, saying: "Mr. Wisteria, don't be too happy too early. Whoever loses and who wins will only know after the game. I have no problem with this rule. Both of you should see the truth on the field."

Several people had no objections, so Qing Yang took out the token representing the pre-selection of the All Souls Society and gave it to the Demon King Thunder Feather, and the True Monarch Wisteria gave his avatar to True Monarch Qiansha, and then the two of them Each selected a pill furnace, and after checking the materials, the competition officially began.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Although the true king of wisteria has enough confidence in his alchemy, in order to win more beautifully, after the start of the game is announced~www.readwn.com~ He did not delay the slightest, and directly took a piece of material and started refining. Although Zhenjun Wisteria kept saying that the game was fair, in fact this game was not very fair to Qingyang, because this is the home of Zhenjun Wisteria. He doesn’t know how many times he has been to this public alchemy room. Even the two alchemy furnaces in front of him have been used for a long time. It can be seen from his skilled operation, so he took a lot of this game. Advantage.

However, Qing Yang didn't care about it. His pill technique was not a little bit higher than True Monarch Wisteria. It would be impossible for the opponent to win against him by these external factors, so Qing Yang didn't rush to get started. I first got acquainted with the pill furnace, tried the feel, and unhurriedly sorted out the supplies and materials next to him, before sitting down and ready to start.

With such a delay of time, the first material of the emperor Ziteng Dan has been refined nearly half, so Qingyang's performance in the mind of Zhenjun Wisteria turned into a broken jar, and I feel that Qingyang is clearly aware of this. If I couldn't win, I simply gave up on myself.

Not only the Wisteria Pill King, but also the Thunder Feather Demon King shook his head again and again. It seems that the pre-qualification of the All Souls Club is about to change. This Qingyang is too self-conscious, and actually wants to compete with the Wisteria Pill King instead of touching the egg. Stone? Fortunately, I took the initiative to show him good before, but I wasted my thoughts. I knew that this person was so unbearable. I shouldn't waste my tongue at that time.

As for the true monarch Qiansha, he also frowned secretly. When he first learned about this, he was still very happy. He thought he had a like-minded generation, but he thought about it too much. It seems everyone’s Fame is not a fluke, there are not so many miracles in this world.


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