Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1656: : Black Big Bird

The first thousand and six hundred and fifty-sixth chapter of the text volume of the drunk fairy gourd: After the black big bird Golden Scale Demon King came over, he glanced at everyone, then looked at True Monarch Qian Sha, and said faintly: "You are here on behalf of Luan Demon Mountain. That True Lord Qiansha?"

They are also Nascent Soul cultivators, and they are divided into superior and inferior. In front of True Lord Qian Sha, the Golden Scale Demon King is the old senior. Although True Lord Qian Sha has views on Ten Thousand Demon Valley, he will not show it at this time. Said: "I have seen the Golden Scale Demon King, and the next one is True Lord Qian Sha from Luan Demon Mountain."

"Your Demon King is majestic. You will actually give you the qualifications of the All Souls Society to you as a human monk, but since the qualifications are given to Luan Demon Mountain, whoever is sent is your business, and I will not intervene in Ten Thousand Demons Valley. "The Golden Scale Demon King said. He paused slightly when he said that, and then said: "In a twinkling of an eye, more than two hundred years have passed. At the beginning, young and vigorous clashed with your demon king. When he was old, he realized how worthless the original practice was. It was for some extraneous things. Fight against your own brother. If you see him this time, you must ask him for me. Would you like to shake hands with me and make peace. If he wants to come back, I can return the position of master of the valley to him."

True Monarch Qian Sha did not expect that the Golden Scale Demon King would say such a thing, and he did not know whether the other party was sincere, or just to test Chaos Demon Mountain. True Monarch Qian Sha was not good at expressing his position, so he could only say: "I remember these words. I live, if I have a chance to go back, I will tell my demon king."

   The Golden Scale Demon King didn't care whether True Lord Qian Sha understood what he meant. After listening, he nodded and couldn't help but said with emotion: "You can't break through the god, everything is vain."

   After finishing speaking, the Jinlin Demon King turned his head and looked at Qing Yang again: "Are you here on behalf of Crouching Tiger City? I heard that he is still a pill emperor, and his pill technique is higher than my real wisteria in Ten Thousand Demon Valley?"

   "The younger generation has indeed practiced some alchemy in recent years, and it is not enough." Qing Yang said modestly.

After hearing Qing Yang’s words, the Golden Scale Demon King smiled and said, “This is not just some alchemy. These days, the high-ranking cultivators in My Ten Thousand Demon Valley are about to break the threshold of your place. If there are only some alchemy, they How can you be so eager? Listen to Leiyu Demon King saying that your alchemy is extremely brilliant, and you can be regarded as the first person in my demon spirit realm. This is not the level that ordinary people can reach. The dangers in the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm are so dangerous, you are so It would be a shame if a good alchemy foundation died in it. If you are willing to give up this opportunity, I will not only buy out your pre-selection qualifications for the All Souls Association at a high price, but also protect you as a deputy valley master of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. The gains from going to the All Souls Club are much more stable."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Although the Golden Scale Demon King is also Quan Qingyang giving up the qualifications of the All Souls Club, it is fundamentally different from the previous Wisteria King. The Golden Scale Demon King is even more Most of them regretted his alchemy, worried that Qingyang would accidentally die in the Secret Realm of All Souls and lost such a promising alchemy emperor in vain. Qing Yang knew that the other party was kind, but he had already made up his mind. It is impossible to go, so he said: "I appreciate the kindness of the Golden Scale Demon King, but I still want to go to the Myriad Souls Secret Realm to see it."

The Golden Scale Demon King said: "Since you are so ambitious, then I won't persuade you too much. Life and death are the good fortune of each person. In previous years, it is not that there has been a low level of cultivation, but in the end it is safe to come back. I hope you can do it yourself. , Don’t lose this good alchemy in vain. Now that everyone is here, it should not be too late, let’s go now, everyone, please come with me."

After speaking, the Golden Scale Demon King immediately walked out of the main hall, Qing Yang and others hurriedly followed. Outside, the Golden Scale Demon King did not sacrifice any treasures, but made a long scream in the air, and then saw one. A **** bird with a body length of more than ten feet flew over from a distance.

   The **** bird came to the sky above the main hall, hovered in the air, and then landed in front of everyone. Judging from the momentum released by this big bird, it turned out to be a Yuanying monster beast.

The Golden Scale Demon King waved at everyone, jumped on the back of the **** bird, and then said to everyone: "Come on, everyone, the hall of the All Souls Pre-selection Hall is far away from the Valley of All Demons. If you use the flying spirit weapon It’s extremely difficult to arrive within a few months, and this bird is very talented and very good at flying. It can travel tens of thousands of miles a day, and he can take us to arrive in at most 20 days."

Yuan Ying Yaoxiu also has his own pride. Under normal circumstances, he will never show his body for others to ride. That is to say, the Jinlin Demon King, who is also a demon cultivator, and is powerful, can drive the opponent. Now that the Golden Scale Demon King had already spoken, everyone quickly jumped on it.

When all six of them stood up, the **** bird suddenly let out a long howl, and its wings suddenly stirred, and its body quickly rose up into the sky, galloping towards the distance, at such a fast speed and with such a big movement, Qing Yang Standing on the back of the **** bird, he could not feel the slightest tremor, as if standing steadily on the ground, there was not even a trace of wind around him.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   There is the Golden Scale Demon King at ~www.readwn.com~ Everyone seems to have no interest in speaking, besides, they are not people who like to talk. , So after adapting to the flight of the **** bird, they found a place and meditated with their eyes closed on the back of the bird. People, even a few more, are quite spacious.

The Wanlinghui pre-selection started less than a month ago. It is false to say that it is not nervous. The Wanlinghui that only happened once in 600 years was actually caught up by them. It is said that the pre-selection for the Wanlinghui is very difficult. Demon Spirit Realm Fifty places will eventually pass less than twenty, which means that at least three of five people must be eliminated. This probability is too high, and it is not a good thing to share it with anyone.

Even if you pass the pre-selection, I heard that there are many dangers in the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm. Every time you enter the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm, very few demon spirit cultivators come out alive, and most of them die in the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm. Among them, I don't know how many of them will be able to come back alive in the end.

Even if they can come back alive, they are still worried about whether they will have an ideal harvest. There are good things in the Myriad Souls Secret Realm. However, to get these good things, not only need vision, but also strength, but also luck and opportunity. In the end, they will pass Baoshan empty-handed. There are not no monks who have returned. If they finally come back alive and the final gains are few, then the regret will be even greater.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them to really calm down, so several people are meditating while sorting out their own situation, such as what treasures and methods they have prepared, and how to use them to maximize their benefits. At the same time, they are also thinking about something. Questions, consider how to successfully pass the pre-selection of the All Souls Association, how to leave the All Souls Secret Realm alive, and what to do to return with a full load.


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