Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1662: : Most half-layer repair

What's more, Qingyang has the eight spiritual roots of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder, and it is not difficult for him to break through the realm of God.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang no longer hesitated. While dealing with his opponent, he split a trace of spirit into the drunk fairy gourd, opened the protective formation inside, and picked off the nine hundred years of pregnancy fruit.

Taking this Tiancai Dibao, under normal circumstances, we will choose a suitable time and adjust the state in advance, so as to better absorb the power of the refining and chemical medicine, and maximize the effect of the Tiancai Dibao. Qingyang also has no way this time. , Can only be taken hurriedly in the battle, the effect of the Pregnancy God Fruit will definitely lose a lot, but at this time he can no longer take care of that much.

At the entrance of the God of Pregnancy Fruit, the huge energy is like a flood, swarming towards Qingyang’s body meridians, even if Qingyang is now a Yuan Ying monk, the body meridians have been cultivated so broad and unusually tough. Face this situation Some of them couldn't bear it. There were tiny cracks in many places, and blood vessels in the body began to crack. It might not be able to bear it at any time.

In a blink of an eye, Qing Yang has become a blood man, but for him at this time, the cracks in the meridians and the cracked blood vessels are nothing, and the enemy on the opposite side is no longer an important threat. It is the kind that is really unbearable. The pain that penetrates the bone marrow, and the energy that cannot be vented in the body.

Qing Yang himself did not expect that the energy contained in the god-pregnancy fruit is so huge that it is not something that the cultivators of the early Yuan Ying can bear. Fortunately, he picked the god-pregnancy fruit in advance and took it. The immense energy contained in the pregnant fruit was bursting.

There is no other way, Qing Yang is holding back the ubiquitous pain while controlling the energy movement in his body. At the same time, he constantly displays the five-element sword formation and attacks his opponent frantically. It seems that only in this way can he forget the pain and give it to that. Find a catharsis for the huge energy.

Qing Yang’s tremendous changes made the pre-selection hall mistakenly believe that he used some secret technique to stimulate potential, and the opponent instantly improved his fighting ability, but even so, the opponent was still a little beaten under Qing Yang’s crazy attack. The defeat is not Qing Yang's opponent at all.

At this time, the opponent is no longer something Qing Yang needs to consider. How to guide that huge energy into the meridian dantian, and how to absorb and refine the pregnant fruit is the most important.

Time passed unconsciously for several hours, most of the energy of the pregnant **** fruit was guided by Qingyang into the pubic area, a small part remained in the body, part of the battle was consumed, and of course a lot of it was wasted. At this time, Qing Yang's body was covered with blood, and it looked like a monster from a distance. There were no new wounds on his body, but the damaged meridians needed time to slowly repair.

Only at this time did Qing Yang discover that his opponent, the Qing Yang that had been transformed from the pre-selection hall, had disappeared. When he killed him specifically, he couldn't even remember, that is to say, Qing Yang was confused. Just passed the second hurdle of the All Souls Club pre-selection.

And Qing Yang’s cultivation base has also grown from the second level of the Nascent Infant to the level of the peak of the second level of Nascent Insult. If she has been taking the pill for cultivation, he will be able to break through to the third floor of Nasal Infant for at most five or six years. The energy contained in the divine fruit is still very large, directly allowing Qing Yang to increase his cultivation base by more than half. If the pregnant divine fruit grows to maturity, it may really be able to directly increase his cultivation base by one level.

Although Qing Yang's cultivation base has been improved, his realm is not stable because of the rapid rate of improvement. The true essence in his body is floating. If it is not processed, there is the possibility of getting into trouble, and the previous battles were too crazy, internal injuries and external injuries. I have suffered a lot, and I need to adjust it.

The blood lotus root obtained in the mainland of Kyushu, the lotus root was refined into a pill by Qingyang and distributed to the people, while the lotus seeds were left by him. This thing has a miraculous effect on the solid state. Qingyang pill is brilliant. With some ingredients, the blood lotus seeds were refined into a pill. At this time, he directly took out three pills and swallowed it, took another healing pill, and then began to meditate and recover.

Because of the use of the Pregnancy God Fruit, the side effects of the previous use of Burning Blood are almost negligible. The damaged meridians cannot be recovered in a short time. At this time, the most important thing for Qingyang is to consolidate the realm and at the same time heal the injury. Meet the challenge of the next qualifier.

In fact, Qingyang’s gain is not only a substantial increase in strength in a short time, but also a lot more insights into the realm of transforming gods. This is the effect of taking the pregnant fruit. Qingyang is originally a monk with eight spiritual roots and breakthroughs in transforming gods. The difficulty is not high, and now with the blessing of the pregnant **** fruit ~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang can feel that it is as difficult for other monks as the state of transforming the gods, and it is no longer difficult for him. As long as the cultivation base reaches the Yuan Ying Consummation, there will be no bottlenecks at all when advancing.

For Qing Yang, of course, the later the third level appears, the better, so that he can have more preparation time and meet the challenge in a better state. Qing Yang patiently waited for two hours, in all respects. The state was almost restored, and when he was about to get up and move about, suddenly a light and shadow flashed in the air, and a sharp arrow shot straight towards his door.

This is not an ordinary sharp arrow, but a sharp arrow matched with a monk’s natural magic weapon. Its power is comparable to the fatal blow of a fifth-layer monk of the Nascent Soul. An attack of this level cannot be resisted by Qing Yang without precautions. Fortunately, he is also a man of battle. Although he is meditating, he has always been very vigilant, because he knows that the third round of the Wanling Club pre-selection is likely to start. Seeing the sharp arrow shoot towards him, Qing Yang He didn't dare to take it hard, so he could only flicker to avoid him.

Qing Yang's response was fairly timely. As soon as he dodged to the side, Nali Arrow exploded where he was originally. The violent explosion was deafening, and the huge energy exploded a huge pit several meters square on the ground. That is, Qing Yang avoided, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Before Qing Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a bright silver spear in the oblique stabbing at him quickly. It turned out that there had been another enemy long ago, and he had calculated the direction of Qing Yang's avoidance. Yang did not expect that there was actually more than one enemy appearing in the third stage of the Ten Thousand Spirits Preliminary Pre-selection. Before Qing Yang was evading Nali Arrow, he had already sacrificed his five-handed giant sword magic weapon at the same time. He was originally prepared to deal with it. The person who shot a sharp arrow to attack him had no other way but to hurriedly use the five-element sword formation to block the spear.

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