Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1683: : Yuanying Demon Corpse

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Although this group of demon corpses is slightly weaker in strength, but there are too many in number, it is difficult to deal with this aggressive appearance.

Seeing that the group of demon corpses was about to rush to the front, the dwarf demon Ruan Zhenjun offered a magic weapon to launch an attack, blowing up a dozen demon corpses that rushed in front, and then stood up with those demon corpses, not only him, but Li Zhenjun behind, The Red Ghost King and Thunder Feather Demon King also joined the battle one after another.

Ruan Zhenjun and the others are strong and strong, but there are too many of them, and a single one may not cause much harm to them, but if a dozen or dozens of them attack at the same time, even the Yuan Ying monks would not dare to insist on it. Soon, the group of people was overwhelmed by the demons.

Like zombies, demon corpses have amazing attack power and defense power, and their body strength is stronger than monsters of the same rank. The attack power of fangs and claws, as well as the magic weapons of monks of rank, can be scratched. It is good for a group of people. They are all Yuan Ying monks. No matter how powerful the silver armored corpses and the bronze armored corpses are, the harm to them is limited. As long as they are not attacked by a large number of corpses at the same time, a slight injury will not affect them much. , What needs special attention is the more than one hundred golden armored zombies, don't be bitten or scratched by them, otherwise even the Nascent Soul cultivator will suffer severe damage.

Fortunately, the number of golden armored zombies is not too much. It is divided into a dozen of them. And because the battle circle is too small, those golden armored corpses cannot attack the front at the same time. Just be careful about the problem. Not much. Although Qingyang and his party were besieged by the corpses, the entire battlefield seemed fierce, but the ones who suffered were basically the corpses. It was just a cup of tea, and hundreds of corpses were lost. However, Qingyang and others only suffered minor injuries.

In the final analysis, it is because the number of corpses in this underground cave is limited, and the number of corpses is not available. Thousands of corpses have already filled the passage. Even Brother Yuanying couldn't stop it.

However, thousands of corpses are not a small number, and it is not easy for them to fight as a group, because in addition to the ubiquitous low-level corpses and the hard-to-handle Jindan-level corpses, there is also a Nascent Soul-level corpse to hide. Behind, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time. If the Jindan-class demon corpse can only severely inflict them, then the Yuanying Demon Corpse can directly kill them. If it is accidentally attacked by the Yuanying Demon Corpse, it can be I was dead to pick that all-spirited flower.

A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the fierce fighting didn't mean to stop at all, but by this time the fighting came, the attacking corpses already had fear.

In just such a short time, nearly 30% of the thousands of demon corpses have been killed in battle, and 10% of those who have lost their combat ability are injured. Although demon corpses are not very intelligent, they still have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Driven by the corpse, they can restrain their fear and fight against the Nascent Soul Monk. When the casualties reach nearly half, even if there is a Nascent Soul-level Demon Corpse Supervisor, they can’t hold on anymore. It seems that it won’t take long. May crash.

The demon corpse at the Yuan Ying level in the back seemed to understand this, seeing that the group of demon corpses that he drove was about to collapse, and the uninvited guests who broke into the devil’s cave suffered a lot of skin injuries, and consumed a lot of true essence and divine consciousness. After being affected too much, he knew that he couldn't do anything if he didn't make a move, so he quietly mixed into the team of the demon corpses and approached the battle center.

Finally, he found a suitable opportunity. Because Zhenjun Zhumo avoided the attacks of several Jindan-level demon corpses, he stepped back several steps, getting closer and closer to his position.

The Nascent Soul Demon Corpse can also be seen. Among these uninvited guests who broke into the devil's cave, Zhumo Zhenjun is one of the two lowest cultivation bases. If you attack, it is the easiest to succeed. Seeing Zhumo Zhenjun at this time Just dealing with those golden armored devil corpses, he put all his attention in front, not paying attention to himself at all, and his figure flashed towards Zhenjun Zhumo.

As the Yuan Ying monk, Zhenjun Zhumo has long been able to observe six directions and listen to all directions. When he fights with those low-level demon corpses, he also pays attention to the changes around him. He is very clear in his heart that there is still something There are a lot of Yuanying Demon Corpses, but they can't be killed because of carelessness.

Therefore, as soon as the Yuanying Demon Corpse attacked, Zhumo Zhenjun realized it and quickly used various methods to defend it. At the same time, the magic weapon that was going to attack the golden core devil corpses should be directed to the Yuanying Devil Corpse. It was only the distance between the two sides. Too close, the Nascent Soul Demon Corpse was fast, and it was a little hasty to deal with it.

The strength of this Yuanying Demon Corpse is approximately equivalent to that of the Yuanying sixth-tier cultivator, but his attack power and defensive power, even if he encounters the Yuanying late cultivator, he is not afraid of it. The reason for using sneak attacks is just to increase his chances of winning. Even if the sneak attack was unsuccessful, he was not afraid of True Lord Zhumo. Seeing that Lord Zhumo had a response, he directly changed the sneak attack into a forceful attack.

The Yuan Ying demon corpse roared, his eyes were extremely red, and he rushed to the front in a blink of an eye, and then slammed into Zhenjun Zhumo’s magic weapon. The magic weapon directly flew back to www.readwn.com~ This shows the physical strength of the demon corpse.

The magic weapon did not force the Yuanying Demon Corpse back, but made the Demon Corpse a little farther away from Zhenjun Zhumo, which slowed his speed a bit, and the attack was not so sharp, but the remaining attacks of the Devil Corpse should not be underestimated. , I saw that he waved his right arm, just such a light stroke, and even broke the defenses of True Monarch Zhumo, his left arm stretched out instantly and grabbed it towards his chest.

Zhenjun Zhumo was immediately shocked. He didn't expect that the opponent not only had extremely strong physical defenses, but also could resist his own magic weapon's attack, and even his attack power was so strong. He still had a close-fitting defensive spirit armor on his body, just from the devil corpse's Judging from a shot, this spirit armor couldn't prevent the opponent's sharp claws at all. If this claw went down, not only the spirit armor would not be protected, but even oneself would be broken.

It’s just that now the magic weapon has been knocked into the air, and there is no time to organize a second attack. The defensive methods that were set up before have also been broken. I am afraid that he can only use his body to resist, but he is only a human monk, and his physical strength is even stronger than that of a demon cultivator. No, let alone compare with the devil's corpse, Zhenjun Zhumo couldn't help but wonder, could he die in the hands of the devil's corpse without seeing the face of Wanlinghua?

Seeing that Zhumo Zhenjun was about to suffer, a sharp scream suddenly sounded in his ears, and the head of the Yuan Ying demon corpse was stunned, and the movements of his hands suddenly slowed down, although he soon woke up, but Zhu Mo Zhenjun had already seized the opportunity to retreat several feet in a row and escaped the catastrophe.

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