Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1696: : Half-step transforming the corpse of the gods and demons

Seeing that he was about to be done, Wu Zhenjun, who had been guarding the side of Ruan Zhenjun, couldn't help but headed towards Qingyang and the others, seeming to be ready to give them a fatal blow and completely settle the victory. At this moment, he The mountain shook suddenly under his feet, and then a terrifying breath suddenly appeared. Before Wu Zhenjun could figure out what was going on, his head was separated from his body, and then a big hand grabbed his Yuan Ying. Threw it into a mouth.

It was only then that everyone could see that there was a humanoid monster in the original position where Wu Zhenjun stood. This humanoid monster has a purple skin and dense cyan short hairs. It looks a bit like the surrounding demon corpses, but in some places. It was obviously different. At this time, he was swallowing Wu Zhenjun's Yuan Ying with an expression of enjoyment, while Wu Zhenjun's corpse was lying at his feet.

This figure appeared so fast that most of the people present did not see it clearly. Only the ghost king in red, who was also good at posture, barely saw an afterimage. This person seems to have been looking for a demon from Chen Zhenjun before. The flute was drilled out of the hole dug.

After eating Wu Zhenjun’s Nascent Soul, the humanoid monster still seemed unsatisfied. He directly picked up Wu Zhenjun’s body on the ground and opened his mouth to eat. This incident shocked everyone for a while. Li Zhenjun, Qing Yang and others involuntarily stopped fighting. Ruan Zhenjun also forgot to play the imperial flute.

Yu Mo Xiao stopped, those demon corpses lost control, and naturally they would no longer be trended by the dwarf demon. They also seemed to be shocked by the sudden appearance of humanoid monsters, and stood there for a long time without moving.

Seeing Wu Zhenjun, who was still fighting with them before, became the food in the mouth of the humanoid monster. Li Zhenjun exclaimed, "This...what kind of monster is this?"

Ruan Zhenjun is very knowledgeable, and he muttered: "This should be a half-step transformation of a god-devil corpse whose strength has exceeded the realm of Nascent Soul, and has not yet fully advanced to the transformation of the gods. He is likely to be sleeping underground, waiting for the advancement. As a result, we were alarmed, and then rushed out of the ground."

Hearing this, Li Zhenjun and the others couldn't help but look embarrassed. They didn't expect that there was a half-step transformation of the corpse of the gods and devil in the underground magic cave. This was far beyond their expectation, and Wu Zhenjun died without telling them, but also gave them to them. Changes were added to his plan, half-step transforming the corpse of the gods and devil, if it could be controlled by Yumoxiao, wouldn't it be possible to walk sideways during the second half of this trip to the Myriad Souls Secret Realm?

I just don't know if Yumoxiao has such great power. Judging from the killing of Wu Zhenjun just now, I am afraid it is very difficult to do it. Even if it succeeds in the end, the price paid will not be small.

Regarding the appearance of this man’s half-step transformation of the gods and the devil’s corpse, the red ghost king and others did not have so many thoughts. They had been in a desperate situation before, and they were almost dead. Now suddenly there is a sudden change, and they have a little more life. Chances are, the worst result cannot be worse than before.

There is definitely no good fruit to stay here. Now everyone is focusing on the monster, and the devil's corpse is temporarily shocked. Should we take this opportunity to escape?

Fukuyama Demon King moved in his heart and fled straight away. Who knows that while the half-step transforming **** and demon corpse was eating Zhenjun Wu, he has been paying attention to the movement here. Seeing some people want to run, he snarled up to the sky and stayed before. The three unmoving late-stage metaphysical corpses seemed to have received orders, and at the same time they stood in front of the Fukuyama Demon King, preparing to jointly launch an attack.

The Demon King of Fushan is only the fifth-tier cultivation base of the Yuan Ying, and it is not the opponent of the Yuan Ying's later demon corpse to fight alone. How can he dare to face three at the same time? Seeing that he rushed forward, he would suffer. He could only stop his body abruptly in mid-air and then turned back, avoiding it in embarrassment and embarrassment.

Seeing the Demon King Fukuyama retreat, the demon corpses did not continue to attack him, but stood on the outside, blocking everyone's retreat. The form of the field suddenly changed subtlely, and the original two sides became three sides. , The least number of people is the dwarf demon, followed by the red ghost king and Qingyang, and the demon corpse has an absolute advantage, not to mention the low-level demon corpses, just those few Yuanying demon corpses are all Can't beat it, not to mention there is a half-step transforming **** and demon corpse next to it.

The hearts of the red ghost king and others have fallen to the bottom again. Although there have been changes on the field, they have become more desperate. Although there is no chance of winning when facing the dwarf demon, they can still fight and face this half. Buhuashen’s devil’s corpse had only one dead end, and no one would be an opponent together.

It is said that at this time, the dwarf demon should clear up their suspicions with the red ghost king and others, and jointly block the devil’s escape, but the dwarf did not do this, because they have one last resort, that is, the Yumoxiao in the hands of Ruan Zhenjun. This is a weapon for controlling monsters. If Yumoxiao can control this half-step transformation of the corpse of the gods, it will be a trivial matter to solve the red ghost king and others, and with this dependence, the three of them can be in the Wanling Secret in the future. Walking sideways in the environment.

Seeing that the half-step transformation of the gods and the demon corpse had finished gnawing on Wu Zhenjun's corpse, he looked over at other people. Ruan Zhenjun took out a few pills and swallowed it into his abdomen, and then put the Yumoxiao in his mouth and played it. Maybe he knew this demon. The corpse was not easy to deal with, and Ruan Zhenjun directly played a passionate tune.

The tunes this time are very different from the previous ones. The previous tunes are scattered ~ www.readwn.com~ All the corpses can be affected, but this time the screams are integrated and all rushed towards that half. In fact, it is normal to step the gods and demon corpses. Against a large number of low-level corpses, group attack skills are the best. To deal with a single corpse, of course, you must use single attack skills. Moreover, this corpse is super powerful. To go, you must stop the demon corpse as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome for the other party to react.

Yumoxiao is worthy of being a spiritual treasure. The howling sound hit, the half-step transformation of the gods and the devil's corpse was caught off guard, and he stopped involuntarily, but he quickly woke up from the sound of the flute. There was a look of doubt on his face, Zhenjun Ruan did not dare to neglect, he quickly mobilized his body's true essence, and played the Yumoxiao vigorously. The half-step transformation of the gods and the devil corpse was again controlled by the Yumoxiao.

It is a pity that Ruan Zhenjun still underestimated the strength of the half-step transformation of the gods and devil corpses. If he was in his heyday, he might be able to control the devil corpse with all his strength. It is a pity that Ruan Zhenjun was trying to drive the Yuanying Demon before. The corpse dealt with Qingyang and the others, and the true essence and divine mind were consumed greatly. Although he temporarily swallowed a large amount of recovery pills, it was impossible to recover to the heyday, so he just played the beginning, that demon Shizhu struggled to wake up again.

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