Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1752: : Encountering the Ghost Wind Beast again

However, this matter has not yet been confirmed, and it may be a mistake. Let’s go and check it out. They may not have been able to play Yuanying Beast, but after confirmation, they can sell the news to Yuyangzi. Zi is now desperate and is absolutely willing to pay a high price.

After making up his mind, Qing Yang flew in the direction where the sound was coming from. Qing Hezi hesitated for a moment, and then quickly followed. Even though the Ghost Wind Beast is powerful, there shouldn't be any danger in the presence of Qing Yang. Parting from Qing Yang, she couldn't guarantee that she could go back safely by herself.

The two cautiously flew forward for nearly ten miles, and came to a small hidden canyon. The canyon is small, no more than four or five miles long and wide. It is hidden in the dense mountain forest. It would be difficult to find if you didn't look for it specially. , There is a small lake covering an area of ​​tens of acres in the canyon. A huge Netherwind beast is rolling and wailing on the lake. Qingyang and Qinghezi recognize it at a glance. The Netherwind beast in front of them is from the previous The one that escaped in their hands.

However, the state of Youfeng Beast at this time is not very good, it looks very sluggish, although the strength is still Yuan Ying Consummation, but the aura and mental state shown are much worse than when Qing Yang cultivation base was not high. The sequelae after forcibly using the blood burning technique were mediocre, and the Netherwind beast kept rolling and wailing in the lake, and didn't know what happened to it.

It seems that the trick that the Netherwind Beast broke through the backwater sky and wounded everyone was not so easy. These days have passed, and the sequelae are still so serious, and after arriving here, the Netherwind Beast encountered some more. Unexpected circumstances will become what it is now.

The real situation is also true. The move of Venom Sac Carcinoma is very powerful, but it does not cause small damage to the Underwind Beast. Under normal circumstances, the Underwind Beast will not use it. At that time, the Underwind Beast has been forced to ruin. Seeing that the gang of cultivators became more and more courageous in battle like chicken blood, Youfeng Beast had to resort to its own trick, not only wounded the cultivators, but also broke through the Heavenly Confrontation Formation.

Although this Netherwind Beast is only a monster, its intelligence is not low. He knows that Yuyangzi and others will never give up easily. After rushing out of the formation, they did not return to the old nest, but fleeing far away with all their lives. , But after escaping for a certain distance, Youfeng Beast felt that it was still unsafe, so it changed several directions in succession on the way to escape, completely throwing away Yuyangzi and the others.

Yuyangzi and others were still searching in the area of ​​Youfeng Lake, but they did not know that Youfeng Beast had escaped more than 10,000 miles away. The potential was exhausted, so after escaping here, Youfeng Beast was completely unable to hold it, so he found a hidden small valley with water to rest nearby. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Yuyangzi and others to chase it. , Even if it chased it over, it was impossible to find such a hidden place. Once the Netherwind Beast regained some strength, it would have the ability to escape further.

Who knows that people are not as good as the sky. There is another monster golden centipede with strength reaching the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. The strength of the golden centipede is quite different from that of the Netherwind Beast. Completed a beast, but later he discovered that this Netherwind Beast seemed to have been injured, its strength was greatly reduced, and more importantly, it had left the place suitable for the life of the Netherwind Lake, and its abilities were greatly restricted. Being able to digest this Netherwind Beast is worth more than a hundred years of hard cultivation, so the Golden Centipede took advantage of the Netherwind Beast's carelessness and boldly attacked him.

The golden centipede is a kind of beast that looks a little similar to the centipede. It is small in size and good at concealment. It is best at short-range sneak attacks. Although Youfeng Beast smashed the golden centipede with its tail after discovering the sneak attack, but the toxin has been injected into the body, and the Youfeng Beast was so painful that it could not help but wailed. It happened that Qing Yang and Qing were unlucky. Hezi happened to pass by and was led over after hearing the sound.

Of course Qingyang and Qinghezi didn’t know what happened to the Youfeng Beast, but they could tell from everything in front of them that the situation of the Youfeng Beast was not good at this time. Qinghezi couldn’t help saying, "Friend Qingyang. , It's really early, not as good as it happened. This Netherwind Beast seems to have been hit hard. You said that if the two of us shot together at this time, can we take down this Netherwind Beast?"

Qing Yang shook his head, and said, "The situation is unknown now, and we need to observe it for a while, but judging from the current state of the Ghost Wind Beast, we may not need to do it in a while."

Qing Hezi looked at Qing Yang and smiled, and said, "Then we will wait."

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn’t mention Yuyangzi. Yuyangzi really paid a great price for this Netherwind Beast~www.readwn.com~ But now the Netherwind Beast was discovered by both of them. What to give to others for nothing? Is it just to hear the other side's thank you? There is no such silly person in the world of immortality.

A Netherwind Beast of Yuanying Consummation level has a total value of three or four million spiritual stones. Even if two people share equally, each person can get more than one million, even for the Yuanying monk. A fortune, the price of Muqiu's purchase of earth attribute heaven and earth spirit roots was nothing more than that. If the two of them can't take the Netherwind Beast together, it's okay to sell the news to Yuyangzi. If they can hunt the Netherwind Beast themselves, of course the things are their own, how can they give it to others?

Qing Yang and Qing Hezi didn't show up directly, but hid in hiding outside the valley, secretly observing the situation of the Underwind Beast, there are no outsiders nearby, and there should be no accidents.

If it is normal, although the toxins of the Golden Centipede are powerful, the Netherwind Beast can still carry it. Find a quiet place to slowly kill the toxins, but this time it will not work, and the Netherwind Beast forcefully uses it. The life-saving trick was already badly injured, and almost exhausted his potential when he escaped. He couldn't hold on and only temporarily took refuge here to cultivate, but he was poisoned by the golden centipede again. At this time, he was already at the end of the battle. How can there be spare energy to kill the toxins in the body?

As time went by, the toxin of the Golden Centipede began to spread to the whole body of the Youfeng Beast. I don’t know if it was numb after a long time, or he had exhausted his energy and couldn’t even make a sound. In short, the wailing voice of the Netherwind Beast became more and more pronounced. It came lower and lower, and gradually lost its sound, as if it were dead.

Seeing this scene before them, the two could not help but sigh secretly. They really didn't expect that the dignified Yuanying cultivator had been able to hold the monster formation against the water before several Yuanying cultivators could not hold it, and they were finally broken by the formation and escaped by the wind. The beast would actually die here silently.

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