Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1761: : Shek Pik Image

After dozens of breaths, Yuyangzi finally eased his breath. He struggled to get up, looked at the stone gate of Guanxiandong, and said bitterly: "You wait, I will never give up."

At this moment, a monk watching the excitement said, "Do not worry, Daoist Yuyangzi, you can run away, but the monk can't run away from the temple. If this person enters the Guanxian Cave, he will come out sooner or later."

Another monk said: "That person will come out sooner or later, but he entered the Guanxian Cave. If he suddenly understands some magical powers during this period, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

The monk sneered before and said: "The magical powers? It depends on who is using them. Even if the Nascent Soul monk understands the magical powers, he can only master some fur, how much power can he exert? Besides, the magical powers. Where is the skill so easy to comprehend? According to past experience, not every monk who enters the Guanxian Cave will eventually be able to comprehend the magical powers of no more than ten people. How could he be such a high-ranking monk who is unknown to the world? Your understanding and opportunity?"

In addition, the cultivator nodded and said: "What Daoist said is, but I see that this ghost-dao monk has a good face. Daoist Yuyangzi knows which school he comes from? This is the first time for such an arrogant ghost-dao cultivator. Encounter, when you meet in the spirit world in the future, it will definitely not make him feel better."

Yuyangzi shook his head and said: "I always have a familiar feeling about this person, but I can't remember where I have seen it. I have never heard of this person in the spirit world, but the spirit world It's so big, it's normal for a few monks we don't know to appear suddenly."

The monk said before: "Friend Yuyangzi, this is the end of the matter, what are you going to do?"

When mentioning this incident, Yuyangzi gritted his teeth with hatred, and said: "This person has taken away my chance. That is an unshakable hatred. If I return to the spiritual world, who knows when I will meet him? I intend to block it just outside this Guanxian Cave. Thank you for your righteous advice. You still need your help in this matter, and I will definitely not treat you badly..."

It was extremely difficult to get up to Tianfeng once, and to get down the mountain to find people with half the effort, so I needed the help of the monks who were there. These monks who watched the excitement were afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Now Yuyangzi is willing to pay, the two sides naturally hit it off and began to discuss How to deal with Qingyang.

At this time, Qingyang has entered the Guanxian Cave. He knows very well that Yuyangzi outside the cave will never let go. Maybe he has found a group of helpers to block him outside, but Qingyang is not worried at all. The strength is comparable to the ninth-layer cultivator of Yuanying, and it is not even inferior to the first three people who entered the debate machine, Yuanshengzi, and Qingmingzi, let alone the Yuyangzi who only has the eighth floor of Yuanying?

Before, Qing Yang was worried about entering the Guanxian Cave by mistake, so he didn't get too entangled with the people outside. If these people are still unclear after going out, then they want them to look good.

After thinking about it, Qingyang has passed through a tunnel of tens of meters, and came to a vast space. The entire space is about a radius of tens of meters and a height of more than ten meters. It almost hollowed out the entire mountain, even though it was in a cave. In the middle, the surrounding light is abundant, and everything nearby can be seen clearly.

The rock wall on the opposite side of the cave is flat and smooth. I don’t know whether it was formed naturally or artificially. It is slightly shimmering like a huge mirror. There is a flat ground in the middle of the cave. At this time, many monks have been seated. Everyone is there. Closing his eyes and meditating, no one spoke, Qing Yang quietly walked to a corner with few people, and when he found a place, he closed his eyes and meditated.

When queuing outside just now, there were only three or four people behind Qing Yang. Not long after he came in, the people behind all entered the Guanxian Cave and came to this flat ground. Seeing that they looked calm, there should be no one behind. What ups and downs encountered. Qing Yang glanced at him, and there were a total of 26 monks on the flat ground. Among them, three were from Yuanying Ninth Floor Xiaocheng, seven Yuanying Eighth Floor Dacheng, and Yuanying Eighth Floor Peak fifteen. The remaining Qingyang was Yuan in name. The eighth floor of the infant is actually only the fifth floor of the Yuanying.

I don’t know how long it took, there was finally a trace of movement in the cave. Fluorescence flashed on the opposite stone wall, and some images gradually appeared, and as time passed, the images became clearer and clearer. The monks present were all startled and quickly opened their eyes. Looking at the stone wall, Qing Yang is no exception.

The first thing that appeared was a huge city. The entire city was so huge that it seemed to stretch to the end of the sky, for tens of thousands of miles. In the city, there are tiers of towers and halls, and there are countless pavilions. The spirit of the surrounding fairy lingers, emitting a faint golden light. When inside, Qing Yang feels as if he is in an ocean of spiritual energy. The cells of the whole body are happily. After taking a deep breath, it seems that his realm is loosened at any time. Can break through the current realm in general.

Of course, these are just feelings. All of these are just the images that appear on the stone walls. They are not true. But the images alone can give people such an illusion, which shows that this place is definitely not an ordinary place. It is a legendary fairyland. , Guanxiandong, as the name suggests, the place to be viewed should be the immortal world, otherwise, how can you be worthy of that name and the price everyone paid for it?

Thinking of this, Qing Yang suddenly became excited and was able to watch the situation in the fairy world up close. Even the monks in the spiritual world would have a rare opportunity. No wonder everyone grabbed their heads to come to see the fairy cave. The increased knowledge is enough to go out and blow for a lifetime.

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ a woman floated from a distance, and saw her wearing a lavender mopping gauze on her head in a bun with nine fairy hairs. Without cannibalizing fireworks, Qingyang Xiuxian has seen many stunning women for so many years, but Yu Mengmiao is barely one who can compare with the woman in front of him, but in terms of temperament, she seems to be slightly inferior to the other.

The woman flew gently in front of everyone, and there seemed to be some indescribable rhythm between her gestures, and it seemed to contain a certain truth of heaven and earth, which made people benefit a lot. Everyone couldn’t help but look mesmerized, not just because The appearance of this woman, because of other things that are difficult to express, maybe the magical powers are understood from this.

At this moment, a loud noise came, "Boom..." The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the huge city behind was mostly destroyed in an instant. The woman didn't seem to have expected this change. She turned her head and glanced, she was shocked. Generally, they flee towards the distance and disappear before everyone's eyes.

Soon, a figure flew out from the ruins of the destroyed giant city, so fast that Qing Yang's eyesight only saw a dotted line. Then two more figures rushed out and chased the person in front of him. It didn't take long for them to come from behind and block the person in front.

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