Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1763: :Comprehension

This scene didn't last long. Someone soon broke the calm. Without warning, two figures appeared in the air, and at the same time, they sacrificed magic weapons and attacked the monster. The monster was still very vigilant, and immediately noticed the danger, and quickly stopped absorbing energy, as if instinctively, the huge body flashed to the side.

However, it happened too suddenly, and the two monks in the air shot fast enough. Although the monster reacted in a timely manner and was not directly hit the key point, it was still affected by the attack of the two, and half of the body was suddenly flooded by a light and shadow. Fortunately, this monster has thick skin and thick skin. Although the aftermath of these attacks injured him, it did not cause serious damage to him.

The monster crawled out of the range of the monk’s attack, looked up and saw the culprit who had injured him, the monster was furious, thinking that these two people broke into their own territory without authorization, and also caused themselves harm. It was unbearable, so he let out a roar, rushed to the sky, and then attacked the two monks with a muffled snort.

The two monks didn’t expect this monster to be so difficult. The long-prepared sneak attack did not achieve much effect. The sneak attack could only be a force attack. So they did not hesitate to sacrifice their magic weapon to meet the monster. , Fought in the air in a blink of an eye.

The individual strength of the two monks is slightly worse than that of Warcraft, but when combined, they are slightly stronger than Warcraft. However, Warcraft takes the advantage of the landlord and has a thick skin. Even if it is slightly swept by the monk’s attack, it only accepts some. Minor injuries do not have much impact on the overall strength, so the two sides in this battle can be said to be evenly matched, and I am afraid that the winner will be indistinguishable in a short period of time.

Although there is no sound on the stone wall, it can be seen from the screen that the battle between the monster and the two monks was extremely fierce, and even infected the monks present. There is an immersive sense of tension.

In the picture on the stone wall, one of the monks made an attack, and the monster slammed into it. The aftermath of the battle hit the mountain on the opposite side, and almost half of the mountain was blown apart. The monster was not to be outdone, and rushed towards one with a roar. A famous monk, seeing that the two sides were about to collide, the monk didn't know what secret technique he used, and disappeared dangerously and dangerously. However, because the monster was not close enough, he slammed directly on the mountain, and unexpectedly knocked the rest. Half of the mountain was knocked down.

They can clearly see that this mountain is not an ordinary mountain, it is all composed of some kind of extremely high-strength rock, and the mountain is huge, with a radius of no less than a hundred miles, but in the hands of Warcraft and these monks, it is so vulnerable. , All those present are Yuan Ying monks, and the power of the battle is not small. It is not a problem to turn the river and the sea, but it is too far behind the scene in front of them. This destructive power has far exceeded their cognition, and it is worthy of it. Fairy scenes.

This battle lasted for more than three hours. Although Warcraft had the advantage of the landlord, after all, the intelligence was not high, and the two monks were prepared and possessed many means to restrain the Warcraft, so they persisted for a while. After time, he gradually fell to the wind and was eventually beheaded.

However, the two monks did not get much better. Under Warcraft’s desperate counterattack, both of them suffered heavy injuries, and they didn’t even have the energy to clean up the body of Warcraft. They meditated on the ground for half an hour. Only then stood up and flew away with the corpse of Warcraft.

With the departure of the two monks, the picture on the stone wall disappeared. This time no one talked aloud, but carefully recalled the previous pictures to see if they could comprehend something from it. Some people closed their eyes and concentrated. Some people are smiling, some are serious, some are looking around, and some are thoughtful, wondering if he has gained something.

Watching the battle between high-level cultivators is always a bit of gain for low-level cultivators, but it is more about gaining some combat experience. It is too difficult to comprehend something based on some pictures, and Qingyang is also like this. A few hours passed in a blink of an eye. He had analyzed the previous images countless times in his mind, and he still didn't realize anything useful.

The situation was exactly the same as the previous two days. At the same time on the third day, a flash of fluorescence flashed on the stone wall again, and another picture appeared. This is an island with many monks living on it. There are men, women and children, and their strength is high. There is a low level, although it is just a picture, and there is no sound coming out, but based on some of the characteristics, everyone can still judge that the strength of the monks living on the island is even less than the Yuan Ying stage.

The island is quiet, but the monks here know that things will not be so simple. Sure enough, after a while, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the sea next to it, and it came straight to the island, faintly, everyone can still see There was the shadow of a monster in the waves.

The height of the waves is thousands of feet, and the sky and the earth are surging, seeming to flatten the entire island. Only Warcraft can do such a powerful wave, and the strength of Warcraft is definitely not low. See the monks on the island. The situation is not good, and suddenly there is a mess.

At this moment, several figures appeared in the air~www.readwn.com~ Seeing that a huge wave was about to rush in front of them, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of them, and then there was a loud bang, and the light curtain trembled. It almost shattered at once, and the rushing waves exhausted their energy and turned into sea water scattered around.

The waves dissipated, revealing a few huge monsters. Behind them are densely packed with countless small monsters. Seeing their aggressive appearance, it is obvious that they are preparing for a monster to attack the city, but the island has long been defended and blocked them. The first wave of attacks.

These monsters came violently, how could they retreat because of this setback, just listen to the roar of the few monsters in front, and the dense small monsters behind all rushed towards the light curtain, seemingly preparing to break the island with their own bodies. Light curtain.

After suffering a shock before, the defense of the island was already in danger. How could it be possible to withstand the attacks of so many monsters? Seeing that the light curtain was about to fall apart, the monks were also ready, and a large number of low-rank monks were organized to prepare for the upcoming battle.

After a while, the light curtain collapsed, and the monster broke through the defenses outside, and immediately rushed toward the island with excitement, but ran into the island monk who was ready for battle head-on, so the two sides started a battle on the edge of the island. Melee.

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