Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1773: : Pretending not to know

These monks did not lack all kinds of secret techniques and cultivation experience. After communicating with each other, everyone benefited a lot. Qingyang also gained a lot. Many aspects of cultivation that are not too clear have now been resolved. What these monks don’t lack are all kinds of treasures and good things. Under the exchange of what is needed, Qingyang has also harvested a lot of cultivation resources that can’t be bought with spirit stones. Not to mention other things, at least for cultivation. The materials for making the normal version of the Great Five Elements Sword Array have been prepared. After leaving the Secret Realm of Myriad Souls, you can find a skilled refiner to refine the Great Five Elements Sword Array.

This exchange meeting lasted for half a month, and everyone had a great harvest, until it was less than two months since the end of the All Souls Meeting, everyone reluctantly left to pick up Tianfeng.

The pressure on the **** of Tianfeng Mountain is still there, but going down the mountain is much easier than going up the mountain. What's more, after two years of experience and growth in Guanxiandong and nearly half a month of exchanges, everyone's strength has improved more or less. The journey went smoothly, and there were no twists and turns.

At the foot of Mount Tianfeng, there are still hundreds of monks staying. These are all who have tried to climb Mount Tianfeng, but finally did not reach the top, so they stayed to watch the excitement. Now they finally waited until everyone came down, watching the chatting and laughing down the mountain. Dozens of monks were full of envy in their eyes.

Those who can participate in the All Souls Club are the best among the young monks from all walks of life, and those who can ascend the Heavenly Peak are the best among them. The future can be described as bright, but envy is useless. People have their own ways, so who makes them inferior to others.

There were two Qingyang acquaintances, Lan Jizi and Baiyunzi, in the crowd. The two came with Yuyangzi. Later, the two tried to wait for Tianfeng to be picked up, and they were eliminated after a short while. He didn't leave, but stayed here to watch the excitement. The Tianfeng Guanxian Cave was the most important thing in the late stage of the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm. Since it is here, look at it more, so as not to regret in the future.

Now two years have passed, and finally when the opening time of Guanxian Cave is over, the monks above have also come down one after another. Seeing these people smiling and energetic, it seems that everyone has gained a lot. The only thing that makes them puzzled. However, a Yuyangzi is missing from the crowd.

No, in addition to the lack of Yuyangzi, there are also more of their old acquaintances. Qingyang, who once helped them lead out the ghost wind beast, hasn't this kid returned to the town? And there was no him among the monks who climbed the mountain back then. Why did he suddenly emerge from here? The two were puzzled.

Everyone else has come down, except that Yuyangzi is missing, and he will definitely not stay on it to practice. It is very likely that he has encountered an accident. Lan Jizi and Bai Yunzi don’t know what happened on the Mount Jietian, but From the sudden emergence of a Qingyang, they can roughly tell that this incident has something to do with Qingyang, maybe Qingyang killed Yuyangzi.

The two people's guesses can be said to be very close to the facts, but they did not intend to avenge Yuyangzi. First of all, the relationship between Yuyangzi and them is not so deep. Although there has been a lot of cooperation before, there are more It was a deal. Yuyangzi paid the price. Now that everyone in Yuyangzi is dead, they are not paid. Naturally, they will not avenge others for no reason.

In addition, they also have a certain understanding of Qingyang’s strength. Since Qingyang can kill Yuyangzi, it means that his comprehensive strength is much higher than that of Lan Jizi and Baiyunzi. Even if the two of them have to pay for Yuyangzi, it’s not necessarily true. With that strength, wouldn't it mean that he went up to death by himself?

Moreover, seeing Qingyang talking and laughing with other people, it seems that he has a lot of relationship with the monks who went down the mountain together, and even called his brothers and sisters to the debate machine and others. These people were not something they could provoke, so neither of them dared to provoke them. Showed up and hid behind and pretended not to know Qing Yang.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, everyone said goodbye to Qingyang. Yuan Shengzi said, "I and Taoist Qingyang hit it off right away. Unfortunately, the All Souls Meeting was over in less than two months. I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet in this life, it is really disappointing."

The debate machine sighed: "Yes, less than two months, only barely enough for us to return to the place where we entered the All Souls Club, the time can't be delayed, let's say goodbye."

"I, Qing Mingzi, will take a step first. Fellow Daoists, we will have some time later." Qing Mingzi arched his hand at everyone, took the lead in flying into the air and heading in one direction.

After that, the other monks also flew up, looking for the direction to leave, and Qing Yang was no exception. Because the body has been branded by the Hall of All Souls Pre-selection, as long as within the All Souls Secret Realm, everyone will be transported back to their own world, not even the corpse. The reason why everyone wants to rush back into the All Souls The meeting place is mainly to ensure your own safety.

Everyone knows that the monks have gained a huge reward after entering the All Souls Association. Someone will definitely have some crooked thoughts. Maybe someone is waiting outside and intends to kill people and win treasures. If all the dangers in the All Souls Secret Realm have been overcome, they will eventually die. In the hands of Xiao Xiao outside, isn't it too late to regret?

The teleportation of the All Souls Society is harmful to the monks. The farther the distance is, the greater the damage, and the place where they first entered the All Souls Society is the place closest to their world exit, and they will hardly be affected when they are teleported out here. If you are in danger, you will have enough strength to deal with ~ www.readwn.com~ If you are teleporting from Wanjie Mountain, you may be unconscious, and you can only be slaughtered at that time.

Therefore, during the last two months of the All Souls Secret Realm, the monks who can rush back will try their best to rush back. There is no way to rush back, so you can only bet on luck.

They chose to go down the mountain at this time, and also considered this issue comprehensively. Qing Yang also looked for the approximate direction originally transmitted by the pre-selected hall, and drove the Yufeng Gourd to fly quickly.

At this time, the journey is completely different from when they came. When they came, they were looking for treasure. Everyone stopped and went around and looked around. The route was not fixed. When they encountered some special places, they would even stay for a while, and they would not be able to get out for a year. It’s tens of thousands of miles, and when I go back, I can go as fast as possible. The walk is completely a straight line. Unless you encounter a powerful enemy, or you can’t go deep into dangerous places, you will never stop along the way, so at least you can every day Walk thousands of miles.

The journey went smoothly. More than a month passed quickly. Qingyang drove at least 400,000 miles, and it was only tens of thousands of miles from where it was originally teleported in. But the time for the end of the All Souls Society is coming soon, Qingyang is obviously Feel the restlessness of the pre-selection hall brand in the body.

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