Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1776: : Survival

After the spoils were divided, the Thunder Feather Demon King and several of them re-formed a team to take an adventure in the Myriad Souls Secret Realm. With his superb thunder escape technique, he has been frightened and unpredictable over the years. Not only his cultivation level has been promoted to Yuan Ying. On the seventh floor, he has also harvested a lot of natural treasures, which can be said to be full of ambition.

The Demon King Lei Yu didn't know that he had already gotten into a big trouble. At the beginning, the half-step transforming **** demon corpse did not leave the underground demon cave, but hid and broke through the realm of transforming gods, and secretly recorded the demon of thunder feathers. Decades later, the devil’s corpse successfully broke through and turned into a god, so he was looking for the Thunder Feather Demon King to avenge his revenge.

The Nascent Soul cultivators in the Myriad Souls Secret Realm are all outstanding young generations from all walks of life. It is not difficult to deal with monsters and corpses of the same Nascent Soul Realm. Some of them can barely cope with it, but the opponents of God Transformation are different. It is completely another realm, and it can't be defeated by a large number of people. What's more, the group of people with the highest strength in the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm are all attracted. When we arrived at the Tianfeng Peak and Guanxian Cave, the remaining monks were even less opponents. Anyone who encountered the corpse of the gods and devil could escape their lives. Fortunately, it was very close to the end of the All Souls Society at that time. The dead and wounded monks are not too many.

Just a few days ago, the demon corpse finally found the Demon King Leiyu. Facing the demon corpse whose strength had already broken through the demon, the Demon King Leiyu had almost no ability to fight back. Gaoming, the God-Transforming Demon Corpse was caught off guard and escaped by him.

How could the **** and demon corpse just let it go? I tried every means to chase him down, no matter how high the Thunder Feather Demon King’s thunder escape technique was, he couldn’t make up for the gap between him and the demon corpse. , Almost exhausted all means, exhausted all resources, and finally was overtaken by the God and Demon Corpse. Seeing that the hand of the God and Demon Corpse was about to die, the All Souls Society was finally over, and the Thunder Feather Demon King was teleported out of all spirits. Secret Realm, barely took a life.

The Leiyu Demon King himself was seriously injured, and because he was located too far from the teleportation point, he suffered a lot of damage when he was teleported out, so he fell into a coma after he came out. Know when to wake up.

After taking the pill, Demon King Leiyu's condition was a little better, and said: "I took people back to the underground magic cave, but didn't find your bodies. I thought you were already fierce, but I didn't expect all three of you to survive. And it’s really gratifying to leave the Secret Realm of All Souls smoothly."

The purple cicada demon king said: "Thunder Yu Demon King can escape in the hands of the gods and demon corpses, then it is really a blessing for not dying. Now you are less than five hundred years old, but you already have a cultivator in the late stage of the Yuan Ying. With the support of the great power of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, the power of God Transformation can definitely be achieved in the future."

The Demon King Lei Yu said: "I have nothing to do with this achievement. Daoist Qingyang really has a promising future. When he first entered the Secret Realm of All Souls, he was the cultivation base of the second floor of the Nascent Soul. Now it is the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul. A tier monk, with such strength at a young age, I dare not imagine future achievements."

While talking, the surface of the lake in the middle of the valley suddenly boiled, bubbling continuously, and then six broken corpses were sent to the shore. The Demon King of Fushan and Zhenjun Zhumo even left only some scattered bones. There were people before. I've said that this all spirits will leave a loophole for others to take advantage of. After the monks pass the preselection, they will be branded by the preselection hall. Even if they die, they will be sent back to the original world. There is no way to go to other places through this route. .

There were only 13 people in the entire Demon Spirit Realm who entered the Secret Realm of All Souls, but only seven people returned safely, and the death rate was nearly 50%. Everyone did not have a deep understanding of this before. Now they see the situation before them, they are really sincere. Feel the cruelty of the All Souls Society. There was a monk who had entered the pre-election hall but was eliminated in the end. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was immediately scared. Fortunately, he did not pass at the time, otherwise these corpses would have added their own.

At this time, the other monks in the valley had divided into several waves. When they saw their relatives and friends returning safely from the Myriad Souls Secret Realm, they were naturally overjoyed and hurriedly greeted them here. Hearing that their relatives and friends had died, they felt sad. , But also had a certain degree of psychological preparation, and went down to the lake to collect the corpses; most of the rest were to watch the excitement. Whoever lives or dies has nothing to do with them. They can only look at Qingyang and the others from a distance. , His face is full of envy.

Sixty years ago, the pre-selection for the All Souls Club was over. Fifty pre-selection tokens were flown everywhere. The Golden Scale Demon King left here with the Phantom Demon King, Cold Demon King, and True Lord Qiansha who were eliminated in the preselection. The main task is of course to find the pre-selected tokens to prepare for the next All Souls Meeting.

Although the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is powerful, after the pre-selection tokens of the Ten Thousand Spirits Society are scattered everywhere, there is no sign at all. The Ten Thousand Demon Valley mobilized all its power and only three were found. Fortunately, there are still a lot of them before the next Ten Thousand Spirits Gathering. In the next year, look for it slowly in the future, and there may be gains.

Ten Thousand Demon Valley is not far from here. After calculating the time for the end of the All Souls Meeting, the Golden Scale Demon King took the Phantom Spirit Demon King and the Cold Demon King and arrived here early, waiting for the results of the All Spirits Meeting.

Sixty years have passed ~www.readwn.com~ Jinlin Demon King Shouyuan is about to come to an end, and the burden of Ten Thousand Demon Valley is about to be relieved, but several Yuan Ying cultivators in Ten Thousand Demon Valley meet the requirements of the Valley Lord, or Only the Thunder Feather Demon King was able to take over him, so he urgently wanted to know how the Thunder Feather Demon King was. If he died in the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm, it would be a great blow to the Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

During this period of time, the three of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley had been in fear, for fear of the Thunder Feather Demon King’s accident. The pre-selection hall threw out seven figures, but the speed was too fast. They did not see clearly. Seeing others appeared one after another, the Thunder Feather Demon King did. They never saw a trace, and their hearts almost sank to the bottom. It was not until Qing Yang and others rescued the seriously injured Thunder Feather Demon King that they were completely relieved.

The three of them flew towards Qingyang and the others for the first time, and after Qing Yang bid farewell to the Purple Cicada Demon King and Feng Ling Demon King, he also greeted him with the Thunder Feather Demon King who was temporarily unable to move.

After sixty years of absence, the Golden Scale Demon King has changed a lot. Although it is still the original appearance, his blond hair has turned into silver hair, his tall figure is slightly rickety, and his aura is still very strong, but there is a trace of staleness inside. The wrinkles on his face can be seen by anyone. The remaining lifespan of the Golden Scale Demon King will never exceed twenty years. However, the more such a person, the less able to provoke him, in case the opponent is angry. Pulling away the backing may be more than worthwhile.

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