Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1780: :0 becomes the king of ghosts

Although the city of Baimei is very large, once the ghost king in Yuanying's later stage fights, the scene is really difficult to control. If it is affected, let alone the golden core monk, even the ordinary Yuanying monk will suffer and lose the suppression of Baimei ghost king. , Baimei City is estimated to have a lot of people taking advantage of the fire.

It's just that Qing Yang doesn't understand, isn't the Lord of the Palace of Ten Kings a one-horned ghost king? She has a close relationship with Baimei Guiwang, and there is no such thing as submission. How could she send someone to fight Baimei Guiwang? Could it be that the two sides have been in conflict over the years? Who are the Blood Sickle Ghost King and the Variety Ghost King?

Qing Yang asked sharply: "Who is the lord of the first hall of the Ten Kings Hall? Why do you send someone to fight the Baimei Ghost King? Tell me the ins and outs of the matter in detail."

Hearing Qingyang’s question, the Golden Core Ghost Cultivation had figured it out. This senior probably didn’t understand the recent changes in the Ten Kings Palace, so he explained: “Now the ten kings of the Ten Kings Palace are the long eyebrow ghost kings. , Big-bellied Ghost King, Handbag Ghost King, Baimei Ghost King, Variety Ghost King, Wanyou Ghost King, Yin Yang Ghost King, Blood Sickle Ghost King, Blue Wing Ghost King and Huangquan Ghost King..."

After explaining this golden pill ghost repair, Qingyang finally understood some of the things that happened in the Ten Kings Palace in recent years. In the battle of Shen Yinggu, four Ten Palace ghost kings died. Among them, the one-horned ghost king replaced the Fuliu ghost king, the giant ghost king and the giant ghost king. The ghost king with long eyebrows and others supported the Variety Ghost King, the Ten Thousand Ghost Kings, and the Yin Yang Ghost King, which was considered to temporarily supplement the ten halls of the ghost kings. After the giant ghost king died of life, the blood sickle ghost king emerged. Wang Dian can be regarded as calm.

A few years ago, there was a sudden change in the Palace of Ten Kings. The city of Duhorn was captured by the enemy, and the ghost king died. The King of Dukes disappeared because the incident happened so suddenly that it did not affect other people. The Palace of Ten Kings cannot be without the leader. , So the Long Eyebrow Ghost King temporarily took over as the lord of the first hall. In addition, the Azure Wing Ghost King and the Huangquan Ghost King suddenly appeared, replenishing the number of the Ten Hall Ghost Kings.

Although the long-brow ghost king became the first master of the palace, the Baimei ghost king always thought that the one-horned ghost king was too weird. Based on the principle of whoever benefits the most, he suspects that it was the hands and feet of the long-brow ghost king, so he has always been right. The long eyebrow ghost king was very unconvinced, and secretly investigated the cause.

The long eyebrowed ghost king has long seen Baimei ghost king not pleasing to his eyes, and now he has the power of the ten kings, most of the other ghost kings are also obedient to him, how can he tolerate the Baimei ghost king has been so arrogant, so he found the opportunity and sent the Variety Ghost King Come with the blood sickle ghost king to attack the Baimei ghost king.

The previous events were in Qingyang’s expectation. The new generation would replace the old, and the old ghost king of the Ten Kings Palace had passed away, and there would always be a new ghost king to make up for it. But I didn’t expect that the replacement would be so fast. For a hundred years, the previous ghost king would There are only four left. If he comes back later, it is estimated that even the Baimei Ghost King will be gone. What he did not expect is that both the unicorn ghost king and the coffin ghost king have accidents. The unicorn ghost king was once. Monk, the strength should be restored in a hundred years, right? In this case, the one who can break through the unicorn is at least a monk, and the only monk who offends the temple of ten kings is the thousand-faced Buddha in the Thousand-Buddha Caves. Could it be that the thousand-faced Buddha knows? What happened in Shenying Valley, personally killed the one-horned ghost king? Thinking about it this way, it is really possible. If there is a thousand-faced Buddha who is a **** cultivator, the one-horned ghost king will not be an opponent even if he restores his cultivation.

Qing Yang's heart couldn't help but sank to the bottom. Yu Mengmiao was left in Unicorn. Now that the unicorn ghost king and the coffin ghost king are in trouble, how could Yu Mengmiao be spared? I thought that I had come to my wits, and the two would be able to meet again after coming back this time. In the future, no one could separate them. Who knew that I heard this bad news when I first arrived in the Ten Kings Palace.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang couldn't sit still anymore. Whether it was the one-horned ghost king or Yu Mengmiao, Qing Yang had to save him. To save someone, the first step was to find an acquaintance to figure out the situation, so he repaired the golden pill. With a quick throw, he rushed into Baimei City and went straight to the Ghost King's Mansion.

Back then, Qingyang had been to the Ghost King's Mansion, and he knew it well. Although the city was chaotic, it had no effect on the Nascent Soul monk like Qingyang. He soon came near the Ghost King's Mansion.

In the air, two gangs of monks are fighting vigorously. There are only two on the left. The first one is a female sister of Yuan Ying’s seventh floor. She looks dignified and dressed appropriately, but the various charms on her body can’t be concealed, so that different men can play. Seeing different feelings in her, there is always one that suits her. This person is the Baimei Ghost King, the lord of Baimei City. She has not seen her for a hundred years, and her cultivation level has increased by one level. However, her condition is not very good at this time. It's not stable anymore.

Another person has a rickety figure, sparse white hair, wrinkles on his face, similar to men and women, and a bad breath, which is disgusting, but the sound is very good, delicate and delicate, making people feel numb and green. Yang remembered that this was the senior sister of Baimei Ghost King Qianjiao Ghost King, the chief steward of Baimei City Ghost King's Mansion. Now her cultivation level has also increased by one level, reaching the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

There are more monks on the right, one of them looks exactly like Qianjiao Ghost King, and even the cultivation base is similar. What I don’t know is that Qianjiao Ghost King betrayed Baimei Ghost King, and the other Ghost Sauer has a black robe. Holding his head, holding a blood-red sickle, it is also the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's sixth floor, and there are four ghost repairs behind him. The morale is high.

Although the cultivation bases of Baimei Ghost King and Qianjiao Ghost King seem to be higher and are on their own turf, both of them are injured and the situation looks very bad. The six cultivators on the opposite side are morale, Surrounded by the Baimei Ghost King and Qianjiao Ghost King, it is a situation that will win.

At this moment, I heard that Gui Xiu who looked exactly like Qianjiao Ghost King laughed twice and said: "Baimei Ghost King, you have all betrayed your relatives, look around you, there are a few people in the whole Baimei City Ghost King Mansion who are willing to replace Are you in the early stages? I advise you to surrender obediently. Maybe the ghost king with long eyebrows will leave you a way out for the sake of meeting everyone."

Baimei Ghost King gritted his teeth with hatred for this person, and said: "Various Ghost King, you despicable and shameless villain, if you didn't look like a senior sister and scheming me, how can you be arrogant here? The ghost king with long eyebrows is with you. It's a raccoon dog, wanting me to submit to him is really wishful thinking."

Qianjiao Ghost King also said: "We Ghost Cultivator are people who have died once. What's wrong with dying again? You and the Longbrow Ghost King will do the opposite. Sooner or later, there will be retribution."

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