Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1798: : Abandoned Ancient City

A few months passed quickly. On the day of departure, the middle-aged Qingpao sent someone to invite Qingyang and set off with his son. He had a lot of things peculiar to Wugui City, with only one purpose, which was to take good care of his son during the Jinyang Festival, and to take people's money to eliminate disasters. Qingyang did not hesitate to agree to it. The young man's name is Tian Qinghe, who has a stable temperament and is not a troublesome temperament. For the sake of his father's heart to protect his son, Qing Yang is willing to do something with his hands.

Everything was prepared. The gray-bearded old man took Tian Qinghe and Qingyang to leave Wuguicheng for the Jinyang Festival. The gray-bearded old man must go with him. Tian Qinghe's place was guaranteed by him. In case his nephew ran off on the road, he They will lose their lives and must **** them all the way to the place. The gray-bearded old man drives Tian Qinghe and Qingyang on his way with the magic weapon, which saves Qingyang a lot of things.

Participating in the Jinyang Festival is not the only place. There are at least five or six places in the entire Jinyang Valley, and they went to the nearest place to Wugui City, which was about seven to eighty thousand miles away from Wugui City. The quota for the gray-bearded elders was obtained here, although the speed of the gray-bearded elders was much slower than Qingyang, but more than half a month's time was enough.

The place like Jinyang Valley lacks cultivation resources, and there are not many high-level monks. Jindan monks are basically top-notch powers. There are three people in a group, and few people dare to fight their ideas. The road is calm, and the gray-bearded old man goes all the way. Without stopping, it only took 16 days to reach the destination.

In the center of a desert, there is a ruin of an abandoned ancient city. Although more than half of it has been buried by yellow sand, it can be seen from the remaining ruins that the scale of the ancient city’s remains should be very large, at least larger than the gray whiskers. The old man’s homeless city is much larger.

   But this ancient city has been abandoned for a long time, and there are no people in sight. The three of them have been to the center of the ancient city, only to see dozens of figures in the square. Among the dozens of figures, the most are the monks in the middle and late stages of the foundation construction. Some have frowning faces. They are probably worried about the golden sun festival that has never returned. Some have a decisive expression. Obviously they have planned to break the boat and fight. Some have a relaxed look, they shouldn't need to participate in the Golden Sun Festival, they just come here to watch the excitement.

There are also many Jindan monks. Some of them, like the gray-bearded elders, escorted others to participate in the Jinyang Festival. Some knew that the Jinyang Festival was inevitable. They came to accompany their nephews and younger generations for the last time. Of course, with this Jinyang The festival has nothing to do with it, and there are some just to see the excitement.

The Jinyang Festival only takes place once every 30 years, and each time there are 100 places, which are evenly distributed to six or seven places, each place is less than 20. Of course, it is impossible for all the people present to participate in the Jinyang Festival. Among the dozens of people, most of them came to accompany or watch the excitement, just like Qingyang.

Seeing Qing Yang and the others arrived, a monk with fat head and big ears immediately surrounded him. This monk was based on the nine-layer cultivation base. He was not tall, but was relatively fat, and looked like a circle. The ball, his eyes were almost squeezed out, and he looked at them with a smile on his face and said: "Are the two brothers here to participate in the Jinyang Festival? The passive quota or the self-seeking quota?"

The gray-bearded old man was naturally too lazy to take care of this kind of thing, and Tian Qinghe was nervous because he was about to participate in the Jinyang Festival before long, and he was unwilling to talk to others. Only Qing Yang looked at the fat monk and said, "Why do fellow Daoists ask such questions? What do you say about being passive and self-seeking?"

The obese monk smiled and said, "According to the rules of the Golden Sun Festival, the passive quota cannot be changed. You can only participate in the Golden Sun Festival by yourself, and the quota you ask for is transferable. I asked for it before, and now I regret not wanting to participate in the Golden Sun Festival. I have a way to help you send out the quota, as long as you can afford the price."

   "It turned out to be a broker." Qing Yang smiled.

   The obese monk nodded and said, "The same can be said."

   Qingyang turned his head and looked at Tian Qinghe and said, "Your father has never wanted you to participate in the Jinyang Festival. Now the opportunity is here. If you regret it, you can ask Hua Lingshi for help."

Hearing this, Tian Qinghe hesitated, and then there was a trace of determination on his face, saying: "When I returned to the city, I had already made up my mind to break into this golden sun festival. Naturally, I won't regret it now, let alone. At this time, finding someone to transfer the quota will definitely not be cheap."

The obese monk next to him nodded and said, "I have always been a young man in business, so I can tell the truth. The monks who have been selected by the Jinyang Festival have gone and never returned. Who would be willing to die when he knows his death? So think about it. If the quota is transferred out, the price is definitely not good. Buying a life of a monk who is less than a hundred years old in the late foundation construction period, plus my introduction fee, will cost at least 300,000 spiritual stones."

Generally, monks in the late stage of foundation building ~www.readwn.com~ can have tens of thousands of spiritual stones, they are already considered rich, 300,000 spiritual stones, only a small number of golden core monks have this wealth, regardless of Tian Qinghe's father is Wuguicheng One of the three major golden core monks couldn't bring out half a million spiritual stones. The 30,000 spiritual stones given to Qingyang last time were already most of his father's working capital, which shows how outrageous the price is.

Qing Yang also knew that Tian Qinghe could not afford it, so he just asked casually. After the question, Qing Yang looked at the obese monk and said: "Since it is so difficult to transfer the quota, I think the monks who are willing to participate in the Jinyang Festival for others are very popular. , The conditions are just right, and I want to earn some lingering flowers. I don’t know if Youneng can introduce it to me as well. The cost will definitely not be less for you."

   Qingyang came here to find an opportunity to participate in the Golden Sun Festival, but now I heard that someone took the initiative to deliver it to the door, and there are spirit stones to earn, he naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass. And the obese monk didn't expect Qing Yang to take the initiative to participate in the Golden Sun Festival for others. He looked Qing Yang up and down, and didn't know what to think. It took him a long time to say: "What the Daoist said is true?"

   "Of course it's true, you don't know each other, will you still lie to you? But it also depends on what price you can offer, if it's too low, I won't go." Qing Yang said.

The obese monk rolled his eyes and said, "The fellow Taoist is so courageous. He knows that the golden sun sacrifice has always gone and never returned. He actually dared to try it again and get to know it again. For the sale of Jinyang Festival quotas, there are still two quotas left in his hand. They all want to find a master who is not bad for the spirit stone for the dead ghost. If the fellow Taoist wants it, I can give you one as a guarantee, one hundred thousand spirit stone. What is the price of the Taoist friends?"

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