Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1800: : Altar Bleeding

There are still five or six days before the Jinyang Festival begins. In the following days, Qingyang, Tian Qinghe and others will stay in this square and wait slowly. They are late. Although there are still people coming later, However, most people watched the excitement, and very few participated in the Jinyang Festival.

Every time someone came, Monk Kong Jian had to work for a long time, going up to buy business as a broker, but the number of Jinyang festivals who proactively asked for was originally small, and even fewer people like Qingyang were willing to participate in the Jinyang festival for others, so Monk Kongjian has been busy for a long time, but he has never done a business.

   Five or six days passed quickly. More than a hundred people have gathered in the square, but only 19 people actually participated in the Jinyang Festival. About 30 to 40% of the people who asked for it voluntarily. In the middle of the square, there is a circular altar with a diameter of five or six feet, and a height of less than one foot. At this time, it emits a misty white light. It seems to have a natural attraction to the monks who carry the golden sun sacrifice tokens. force.

Qing Yang came to the altar involuntarily with everyone. The nineteen people standing on it were not too crowded. To Qing Yang's surprise, Monk Kong Jian was one of them. Seeing Qing Yang looking at him, that Monk Kong Jian smiled, and said: "I took two Jinyang sacrifices from someone else and asked for a place. One was transferred to a fellow Taoist, and the other was really no one to take over, so I had to take it on my own. Lingshi is also worthwhile for the monks in the late stage of foundation building."

While talking, the light on the altar became more and more exuberant. This is a sign that the Golden Sun Festival is about to begin, and the method of opening the Golden Sun Festival is very simple. It only requires all participants to use a drop of blood on the altar. Monks with quota tokens must participate. If they don't take the initiative to drip their blood on it, they will be punished severely. No one dares to think about it.

The monks present all understood this truth, so they cut their arms one after another, dripped a drop of blood on the altar, 19 drops of blood gathered on the altar, and then heard a soft buzzing sound, a transparent light curtain. Raised, covering the entire altar and the monk above it.

Many people on the field have heard about the Jinyang Festival, and even some people have seen others participate before. It is said that after the altar is activated, the monks on it will be instantly teleported to another place, and those who fail the test will be teleported back. Those who pass the test will disappear without a trace.

But this time the time for the altar to start was exceptionally long, and it seemed to be a little different from usual. Even Qing Yang thought that he was pretending to be a cultivator Zhuji, but this altar saw through it, everyone was delayed in sending it out, but This situation did not last long. Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, a white light flashed, and the monks on the altar suddenly disappeared.

The monks in the audience looked at the monks who disappeared in the altar, and couldn't help feeling that it was another year of the Golden Sun Festival. This time I don’t know how many people will be selected. According to previous practices, the elimination rate can basically reach 50%. , Under normal circumstances, nineteen people will eliminate nine to ten.

But being eliminated by the Jinyang Festival is not a bad thing, because the eliminated monks can still save their lives, but the selected monks are all missing. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many times the Jinyang Festival has been held, but it has never been. The selected monks have come back. Because of this, this golden sun sacrifice will be regarded by the monks as a catastrophe of life and death. It is a pity that this kind of thing wants to hide from the coercion. Many people want to hide but can’t avoid it. I came to participate with my scalp, I just hope I can't get through.

  Many of the monks under the stage were relatives and friends of those who participated in the Golden Sun Festival. Although there were some who watched the fun, everyone was very concerned, and eventually a few of them could come back alive.

Shi Chengzhu and his wife were most concerned about the safety of their son. Seeing Qingyang entered the altar as agreed and was transported away smoothly, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Jie, but this time just because of his son’s willful behavior, the couple spent more than two hundred thousand spiritual stones and almost broke the family. The nature of the matter is really too bad. After returning, they must be disciplined to avoid committing similar things again later. mistake.

Tian Qinghe's uncle, the gray-bearded old man, also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent his nephew away, and will no longer pose a threat to his descendants in the future, but he still has some regrets in his heart. The best Wuguicheng child was personally personally Sent on the road of no return, the future of the city of no return can be described as dim. After the death of their three brothers, all the rest are foundation-building monks. Who else can afford the entire city of no return? What if you don't do this? Who made him not his son?

Others may have the intention of staying to watch the excitement. The Shichengzhu and his wife and the gray-bearded old man are not at all interested in this aspect. They have finished their business and are reluctant to stay in this place for a moment, so they flew directly into the sky. Go in the direction where you came from.

Speaking of Qingyang, a white light flashed, Qingyang only felt that he was in a trance, and the whole person appeared in another place. The teleportation array feels exactly the same, except that the time is too short. This altar should be a miniature teleportation array, teleporting them to another place.

The teleportation array in the dense land of the Kyushu Continent is very large and requires nine top-quality spirit stones to be activated. It immediately teleports Qingyang to hundreds of millions of miles away, and this teleportation array can only be regarded as a miniature version. The blood of nineteen of them can be activated, and the transmission time is very short. I remember that there was also a huge teleportation array inlaid with 81 top-quality spirit stones in the secret area of ​​the Jiuzhou Continent, which was secretly used by Young Master Lingxu, and I don't know where he was finally teleported to.

According to Qingyang’s calculations, the distance of this miniature teleportation array is at most hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is absolutely impossible to get out of the Golden Sun Valley. Before, Qingyang spent three years trying to find out the whereabouts of the unicorn ghost king and Yu Mengmiao. Get, let alone the Thousand Buddha Sect, even a Nascent Soul monk is hard to see. Now I see this large-scale Golden Sun Festival, even the teleportation array is used, even if it is only a miniature, it is not ordinary What the forces can have, maybe this time it will be a little eye-catching.

Qing Yang felt the surroundings for a while and found that he had come to another place, but he was the only person around him quietly, and the other eighteen people who entered the altar with him disappeared. It seems that the test of the Golden Sun Festival It's separate, it's all up to everyone's ability in the back.

Here is a deserted temple. Some of the dilapidated Buddhist temples are completely decayed and collapsed, while others are still barely supported. They are covered with cobwebs and dust. The glaring King Kong and the compassionate Buddha statues inside are now appearing Extraordinarily eerie and terrifying.

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