Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1824: : Days are like years

The things to be explained have been explained clearly. The thousand-faced Buddha rushed to the presence of the monk of the Thousand Buddhas sect and waved his hand, then grabbed the green sun on the ground, left the Kuchan Temple, and flew towards the mountain.

This mountain is Xiaoling Mountain, the resident of the Thousand Buddha Sect. Kuchan Temple is built at the foot of Xiaoling Mountain. The top of the mountain is the core of the entire Thousand Buddha Sect. , Yuan Ying Buddha cultivators of the Thousand Buddha Sect will build their own caves on the mountain for cultivation, and only Yuan Ying Buddha cultivators are allowed to go up. In addition to the Yuan Ying Buddhist cultivation of the four major Buddhist temples and Kuchan Temple, the rest of the people usually retreat in the caves. Because of this, when Qingyang made a big trouble in Kuchan Temple, No more Yuanying Buddha cultivators came to support.

Thousand-faced Buddha, as the only transgender monk of the Thousand-Buddha sect, is naturally located at the top of Xiaoling Mountain, but the Thousand-faced Buddha spends most of the time traveling outside. His cave is always empty all the year round. This is a coincidence. , The Thousand-faced Buddha came back from something, and happened to meet Qing Yang to look for something.

The cultivator of **** transformation is different from the cultivator of Nascent Soul, the difficulty of breaking through the **** of transformation is extremely high, almost nothing in billions, and the entire ancient wind continent can't find a few. After becoming a God-Transforming monk, it is even more difficult to go further, because the resources of Ancient Wind Continent are simply not enough to support the cultivation of God-Transforming monks, so the realm of Transforming God is the ceiling of the world of cultivation where Qingyang is located.

For example, the Thousand Faces Buddha, it has been more than three hundred years after breaking through the transformation of the gods, and his cultivation level is still at the level of the transformation. Can’t afford to consume it, one day life will be used up, so the cultivator seldom wastes time on cultivating, because it’s of no use to practice, they are all looking for opportunities, this is also the perennial cultivator of the gods. The reason why Shenlong sees the head but not the end.

The main peak of Xiaoling Mountain is tens of thousands of feet high and has a radius of hundreds of miles. It takes more than an hour for even the Buddha of the Thousand Faces to climb to the top of the mountain. Although there are countless Buddhist caves on it, they are distributed on the entire Xiaoling Mountain. It's very empty. Thousand-faced Buddha holding Qingyang with one hand, all the way towards the top of the mountain, occasionally encounters a cave of other Buddhas. The Thousand-faced Buddha obviously didn't want to disturb them. They all passed by in a hurry without leaving any traces. .

After more than an hour, the Thousand Faces Buddha finally came to the outside of his cave on the top of the mountain. The aura here is the best in the entire Xiaoling Mountain. It is much better than the many sacred places of cultivation in the fairy spiritual realm. This is also the number of disciples of the Thousand Buddha Sect. , But it can become a Nascent Soul who can compete with the superpowers of the Ten Kings Palace, but the aura here is not enough to support the rapid improvement of cultivation bases for monks like the Thousand Face Buddha, and they still need to look for opportunities everywhere. of.

Thousand-faced Buddha went out in the past few years and found some things that can be used to improve the transformation of the gods, but it is still only a drop in the bucket for him. Shouyuan died, so you can only think of other ways.

From the outside, the entire cave house of the Thousand Faces Buddha is very simple. Except for the higher level of protection, it is not like the residence of the monk, but after entering, there is a different cave. The cave is connected to the cave, and the cave is surrounded by the cave, extending in all directions. , There are all kinds of rooms and quiet rooms, and the space is huge and fully functional, which can almost meet all the needs of a high-level monk.

After entering the cave, the Thousand Faces Buddha first checked the restrictions on Qing Yang's body and made sure that he could not recover his actions and the ability to operate true essence and divine consciousness on his own. Then he threw him into a quiet room that resembled a prison cell. , And then close the formation and go to another quiet room.

The reason why the Thousand-faced Buddha did not deal with Qingyang’s affairs in the first time was because he had to heal his injuries. At that time, Qingyang used the magical power of time and stabbed the position of the dantian of the Thousand-faced Buddha with the Golden Spirit Sword, although the Thousand-faced Buddha was ahead of schedule He turned away the key points of his dantian, but also suffered a serious injury. Of course, this injury would not cost the life of the cultivator of the Thousand Faces Buddha, but it still had some influence on him.

Qingyang’s Jinling Wansha Sword is not an ordinary magic weapon. It contains tens of thousands of killing air. After piercing the body of the thousand-faced Buddha, the killing air rushes into his meridians, arbitrarily inside. The destruction of the Buddha, that is, the cultivation of the Thousand Faces Buddha is high, and the force of suppressing those killing auras makes him appear as if nothing has happened. If he is not dealt with for a long time, he will have a lot of damage to his body.

You know, the cultivator of the gods is already at the limit in this world, it is more difficult to improve the cultivation base, and it is more difficult to repair the body than the cultivator of the Nascent Soul. Once the foundation is damaged, it will not be able to recover in a short time. The faster the injury will be dealt with. The better. It is precisely because of this that the Thousand-faced Buddha at Kuchan Temple ignored the iron-armed monkeys and the swarm of alcoholic bees that escaped. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com instead of preparing to heal his injuries first, and after dealing with Qingyang’s affairs, he adjusted. When you are in good condition, go and slowly conquer the swarm of alcoholic bees.

As for Qingyang, he was controlled by the Thousand Faces Buddha at this time, unable to act, unable to use spiritual thoughts and true essence, and even the drunken gourd that he had been relying on was also useless. The only thing he can do now is to wait for death. , When the Thousand-faced Buddha recovers from his wounds and thinks of him again, it is Qing Yang's death period, and it is very likely that he will suffer some torture before he is dying.

It is false to say that it is not regrettable. Qing Yang once thought that if he did not come to inquire about the whereabouts of the one-horned ghost king, or venture into this Thousand Buddha Sect, he would not encounter these things, and there would be no life worry, but He also considered that this is not in line with his style. He really can't do such a thing. He will definitely have a conscience in the future. The one-horned ghost king can't help but Yu Mengmiao can't give up, so he came to Jinyanggu. The only problem with Qing Yang's destined choice was that he ran out of good luck this time, and directly ran into the hands of the cultivator of God, becoming the opponent's prisoner.

As for Qingyang, is there any chance of life? The strength of the Thousand Faces Buddha is already at the top in the world of immortality. It is impossible for other monks to save Qingyang, and it is even more impossible for the Thousand Faces Buddha to take the initiative to release Qingyang. It can only be said that it is very slim, because this miracle happened. There is no possibility of chance.

Qing Yang did some tricks secretly, but he didn't know if he had a chance to use it. This was the only chance he could make a comeback. I hope the Thousand Faces Buddha didn't find the tricks he did.

Waiting for death is the most difficult thing. Qing Yang lives in the dungeon like years, his body cannot move, his spiritual thoughts are restricted, and his true essence cannot be used. The only thing he can do is to count the time silently. The Thousand-faced Buddha has not shown up for only a month, but for Qing Yang, it seems that decades have passed.

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