Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1830: : Seize the Spirit and Transform the Corpse

The Thousand-faced Buddha was thinking about how to seize Qingyang, but the one-horned ghost king was secretly prepared. Just when the Thousand-faced Buddha turned around, he suddenly attacked. The Thousand-faced Buddha is still much lower, but the ghosts are stronger than the primordial spirit. The means of spiritual attack is not comparable to that of a Buddha like the Thousand-faced Buddha, and it is also a sneak attack when the opponent's mind is lost, so the one-horned ghost king One hit must be hit, and the defense of the Thousand Faced Buddha was broken in an instant.

Then the two primordial spirits started to fight in the Purple Mansion of the Thousand-faced Buddha. You attacked me, and I bit you, and the Thousand-faced Buddha could no longer care about the Qingyang outside, and even devoured the corpse in his body. The devil can't take care of it, and the one-horned ghost king has long forgotten everything around him. At this time, he only has one goal, and that is to defeat the Thousand-faced Buddha. Only in this way can there be a chance of survival.

During the fight, Thousand Faced Buddha gritted his teeth with hatred, and said, "Well, you one-horned ghost king, you have been pretending to be dead for the past few years, but I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. I have been destroyed for more than a thousand years, and you and I cannot share the sky."

The one-horned ghost king had just woken up from his deep sleep, and he didn't know what the poisonous insect the Thousand Faced Buddha was talking about, and this was not something he could do at all. If you can't save your life, how can you still have a chance to compete for life with the Thousand Faced Buddha? However, he would not explain so much to the Thousand-faced Buddha and push the danger to Qingyang, so he said: "What if we don't share the sky? Thousand-faced Buddha, didn't you say it? Only the one who laughs at the end is the winner. You broke the Unicorn City and thought you had settled for me, now I'm afraid you regret it?"

The Thousand Faced Buddha was furious and scolded: "You...you are so sinister..."

The one-horned ghost king said: "No matter how insidious you are, you can't compare to your Thousand-faced Buddha. If you can't beat it, you can use shady methods. Back then, you spent hundreds of years planting spies in my temple, and attacking me at the critical moment of my breakthrough. It has caused my cultivation base to be completely destroyed, my Yuanshen to be wiped out, and my soul to be almost dissipated.

The Thousand-faced Buddha said angrily: "Isn't it all because of you? Since I was born into Yu and Shengliang, since the Thousand Buddha Sect has me, why did you have to give birth to a thousand-year-old enemy like you in the Ten Kings Hall? I lost the battle with you back then, and I am prepared. After being attacked, I almost went into trouble after that. My cultivation base is stuck in Nascent Soul Consummation and I can't save it. If I don't kill you and get rid of my inner demon, how can I successfully break through the realm of spirit transformation? Otherwise, how could there be today's disaster?"

The one-horned ghost king smiled and said, "Why am I not like this? I should have killed you at all costs, instead of letting you escape back to the Thousand Buddhas Sect and leave yourself a scourge that has caused me to suffer for hundreds of years. Like a bereaved dog hiding in the east, let's not talk about anyone, since there is no way to retreat, let's go out and fight, and today we are here to make a complete break."

"Okay, then it's completely broken." Thousand-faced Buddha also gave up, gnashing his teeth.

Let’s not talk about how the primordial spirits of the Thousand-faced Buddha and the One-horned Ghost King fought. After losing control, the Thousand-faced Buddha’s body fell to the ground, and the corpse-devouring worms in the Purple Mansion did not interfere and lay eggs. The speed was getting faster and faster, and a large number of corpse-eating worms spread all over the Thousand-Faced Buddha's body, and soon ate his flesh, and some corpse-eating worms penetrated into the Nascent Soul of Thousand-faced Buddha and devoured the essence inside. The pure essence, the essence of the god-turning monks, is almost the most supplementary thing in the world. Those corpse-eating worms that have penetrated into the Yuanshen of the Thousand-faced Buddha are eating oily face and fat belly.

In the blink of an eye, Thousand-Faced Buddha's body has been ruined to such an extent that it looks like an unrecognizable blood corpse from a distance. Qingyang was close at hand, but he didn't feel any discomfort. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Qingyang had experienced too much cruelty in the world of immortal cultivation. At the juncture of life and death, either you died or I died. The Thousand-faced Buddha wanted to kill Qingyang, Qingyang. Of course, he can't wait to die, and it's understandable to use such a method against him.

Now the only thing Qingyang needs to worry about is whether the Thousand-faced Buddha will suddenly kill the one-horned ghost king, or if other monks break in from outside, then it will be a big problem, and Qingyang is still being attacked by the Thousand-faced Buddha. This kind of restriction is controlled, and it cannot be broken in a short time. At this time, he has no resistance at all. And the Thousand Faced Buddha and the Unicorn Ghost King are also at a critical moment of their battle. If other monks suddenly join in, the Unicorn Ghost King is more likely to lose.

There is a Tao that is good but not evil. Seeing that there are more and more corpse-eating insects, the body of the Thousand-faced Buddha has been swallowed by 70 to 80%, and only some internal organs and bones are left. Qingyang thought that the Thousand-faced Buddha would meet. When he disarmed and surrendered, the Thousand-faced Buddha finally erupted. I don't know what he recited. Suddenly, Nascent Soul exploded, turning into countless spiritual dots that spread out, and the surrounding environment was also very dark. It was about to become gloomy, as if from Jinyang Valley to the Palace of Ten Kings in an instant.

Among them, several spiritual points floated around Qingyang, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com immediately infiltrated Qingyang's body, which was transformed by the true essence of the spiritual cultivator, and the spiritual points contained a lot of spiritual power, very It was soon absorbed and refined by Qingyang's meridians. At the same time, a ray of Yuanshen quietly came to the edge of Qingyang's Zifu, ready to carry out a sneak attack, but this Yuanshen energy is only equivalent to the late Jindan, and Qingyang's energy Yang's strength differs too much. Although Qingyang's body is restrained, his strength is still there. This ray of primordial spirit has just approached Qingyang's Zifu when it was discovered by Qingyang, and after some entanglement, he was expelled from the body.

In fact, not only these few spiritual points, but every spiritual point that Thousand-faced Buddha's Nascent Soul transformed into seems to contain a strand of primordial spirit, that is, Qingyang's strength is relatively high, if you encounter those with low cultivation bases , maybe this Primordial Spirit succeeded. Looking at the countless spiritual dots scattered in the air, Qing Yang couldn't help frowning, what exactly is this method? How powerful is it?

As if hearing Qingyang's heart, the cold voice of the Thousand-faced Buddha suddenly came from the air, saying: "The one-horned ghost king, this is the one I got from an ancient cave house three hundred years ago when I broke through the spirit of transformation and went out to practice. The ancient magic art is called Seizing the Soul and Transforming the Corpse. When you use this art, you can radiate all the power of the Nascent Soul. Every spiritual point hides a strand of my Primordial Spirit. You only need to touch these within a hundred miles. Spirit-pointed creatures, even corpses, will turn into corpses. These corpses are controlled by my primordial spirit, and they gather here to become my help. One-horned ghost king, you forced me. Since you don't give me a way to live, Then don't even think about having a good time."

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