Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1832: : not your handwriting

Qing Yang could feel that these Corpse Devouring Insects had no scruples about him, they only needed to give an order to the Corpse Devouring Demon Gu, and they would pounce on them, and only a skeleton was left to devour Qing Yang, and Qing Yang was still alive. Restricted by the Thousand Faced Buddha's restriction, there is no means of resistance at all.

Of course, Qingyang couldn't let this happen. If it was really a result of losing both sides, Qingyang would not release the corpse-devouring demon. Qingyang had already subdued the female worms. Dare not to attack Qingyang against the mother worm's order, Qingyang can even control the life and death time of the corpse-eating worm. Back in the cold cave, the corpse-eating worm on Hunsu insisted on keeping Hunsu in order to prolong his lifespan. Yuan Ying, let him suffer for hundreds of years to be offended.

But now, the female worm of this corpse-devouring demon is completely restricted by Qingyang. From the very beginning, it reproduced wildly, swallowing the body and Nascent Soul of the Thousand-faced Buddha. The Uncertain Corpse Devourer breeds more. As for the purpose, of course, it is to make the Thousand-faced Buddha lose its combat effectiveness as soon as possible. After all, Qingyang can't move now, and the Thousand-faced Buddha still has the ability to kill him.

Now only the bones of Qingyang and the Thousand-faced Buddha are left in the quiet room. The Corpse Eater loses its food and becomes a little restless, which is why it will stare at Qingyang. Of course, the Corpse Eater will not let them hurt Qingyang. With a sharp screech, these Corpse Eaters crawled towards the outside of the quiet room.

Seeing the Corpse Devourer leave, even though there was still a Corpse Devourer in his body, the Thousand Faced Buddha was slightly relieved. These Corpse Devourers were so powerful that his dignified cultivator was not an opponent. Now that he is like this, he has to use the Spirit Seizing and Transforming Corpse Technique. Even if he can defeat the Unicorn Ghost King and survive, he will eventually become a schizophrenic living corpse.

The culprit responsible for all this is the one-horned ghost king in front of him. His primordial spirit is still fighting with his own primordial spirit. This kind of deep hatred can be said to be unbearable. , otherwise you will die. The monsters that I kept in captivity in advance and the corpses of Nascent Soul Buddha will soon turn into living corpses. I just need to hold on for a while until they arrive, and the situation will be completely reversed. At that time, the last laugh is still there. Own.

Thinking of this, Thousand Faced Buddha did not hesitate to use another secret technique to burn part of his soul to resist the one-horned ghost king, hoping to last a little longer and become the final winner.

The Thousand Faced Buddha seems to have gone mad. The one-horned ghost king did not follow his rhythm. He was a ghost cultivator. He knew the damage to the cultivator's foundation caused by damage to the primordial spirit. The control of the situation is not worse than him at all, and there must be a back-up to deal with the corpse capture, so he is not anxious, and there is no need to fight the Thousand-faced Buddha.

Under such circumstances, the Thousand-faced Buddha is actually on a par with the Unicorn Ghost King, but anyone can see that the Unicorn Ghost King has always been calm and relaxed, the Primordial Spirit of the Thousand-faced Buddha is getting weaker and weaker, and the trend is getting worse and worse. obvious. The thousand-faced Buddha Yuanshen was not the opponent of the one-horned ghost king in the first place. After performing the Spirit Seizing Technique, the splitting of the Yuanshen caused his vitality to be greatly damaged. He has already exceeded his limit for a long time. At this time, it can be said that he is extremely weak, and the one-horned ghost king has been playing steadily and steadily during this time, and his momentum has become more and more vigorous. As long as he is willing, he can easily solve the problem with a little effort. Face Buddha.

Seeing that an hour or two had passed, the Thousand-Faced Buddha finally couldn't hold it any longer, and the corpse of the monster he had been waiting for had not come. Thousand-faced Buddha couldn't help but feel extremely anxious. Are those monsters too far away? Or does it take too long to run the corpse? Or maybe the Soul Seizing and Transforming Corpse Technique has no effect at all? After all, the Thousand Faced Buddha is the first time to use it. Although the authenticity of the practice has been repeatedly confirmed before, who can guarantee that it will be foolproof? What if? If the exercises don't work, wouldn't the situation be dead now?

As if seeing through the mind of the Thousand-faced Buddha, the one-horned ghost king suddenly said, "Thousand-faced Buddha, don't wait any longer, those living corpses are impossible to come."

The Thousand Faced Buddha had already made a desperate bet and had no way out at all. The Spiritualization and Corpse Transformation was his last resort at this time. How could he easily admit that he had failed, and suddenly said angrily: "Impossible, my Spiritualization and Corpse Transformation will never work. Failure, those living corpses are just delayed on the way."

The more I think about it, the more I think this is the truth. Usually, in order to prevent those monsters from running around, the Thousand-faced Buddha keeps them in captivity. Although they can break those restrictions after turning into a living corpse, they are not very intelligent and have no intelligence. The unified command will definitely delay a lot of time, so it has not come until now, just need to support for a while, and the victory will belong to you after all.

The one-horned ghost king deliberately broke the luck of the Thousand-faced Buddha and said: "Thousand-faced Buddha, look at your own body, and think about the Corpse Eater that went out just now. Can't you guess the reason?"

After being reminded by the one-horned ghost king, the Thousand-faced Buddha looked down at the body with only bones and the corpse-devouring demon that was still in the body. When he thought of the corpse-devouring insect swarm that had left before, his heart suddenly flashed. After a terrible thought~www.readwn.com~ exclaimed: "Could it be those Corpse Eaters?"

The one-horned ghost king smiled and said: "The Corpse Eater is helpless even you, a god-turning cultivator, how can those low-level monsters be opponents? At this time, I am afraid that it has already entered the belly of the Corpse Eater. The corpse of a Buddhist cultivator with Yuan Ying is a rare delicacy for the Corpse Eater."

The Thousand Faced Buddha also felt that this was possible, but he couldn't accept the ending no matter what, he made so many preparations, and finally made a desperate attempt to seize the soul and turn the corpse. He couldn't accept his failure, and he couldn't accept it. After being defeated by the one-horned ghost king, he said madly: "No, it is impossible. I won't fail to capture the spirit and transform the corpse, and it is impossible for me to fail in your hands."

Seeing the madness of the Thousand-faced Buddha, the one-horned ghost king said slowly: "This is why people are not as good as the sky, the Corpse Eater is the nemesis that God gave you to the Thousand-faced Buddha. Thought I won, but I didn't expect that I would end up planted on a small corpse worm, right?"

The Thousand Faced Buddha still refused to believe it, and said repeatedly: "Impossible, the one-horned ghost king, I have known you for thousands of years, and I know everything about you. Considering that I have practiced the Spiritual Transformation Technique and prepared the Corpse Eater in advance, this is definitely not your handwriting, tell me, who did it?"

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