Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1840: : 0 people from Buddhism

The one-horned ghost king regained his cultivation, Qingyang and Yourongyan walked over to the one-horned ghost king, and congratulated: "Congratulations to the ghost king for restoring his cultivation, I wonder how it feels to be in the real state of transformation?"

The one-horned ghost king said: "More than 400 years ago, when I broke through, I was attacked by the Thousand Faced Buddha, and then I was beaten by the Fuliu Ghost King and others. God Transformation Realm, today finally got my wish, this God Transformation is completely different from Nascent Soul, they are two completely. Speaking of which, I should be most grateful to the little friend Qingyang. If it weren't for you, this king would have died this time. Now, how can there be a chance to restore the spiritual cultivation base?"

Having said that, the one-horned ghost king looked at Qingyang and said, "No matter how powerful you are, you can't compare to Qingyang's little friend. I already have the realm of spiritual transformation, but now I'm just restoring my cultivation base. It has been five hundred years, and the Qingyang little friend has only been on the road of immortal cultivation for more than two hundred years. Now he is a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. Breaking through the gods is also a sure thing, and it will definitely not take four or five hundred years. Nian, compared with you, I am almost a turtle. And I have seen your current strength, even if it is not much better than that of a spiritual cultivator, I was able to rely on a higher realm at a critical moment. To help you, I am afraid that only you will help me in the future."

It is possible to cultivate to the late Nascent Soul in more than 200 years, let alone in the ancient wind continent, even in the spiritual world, it is rare, and the strength of this step-up challenge is also amazing. In this way, it is indeed worthy of pride, but Qingyang Still modestly said: "The ghost king has won the prize, my achievements are nothing, the world of immortality is vast, and there must be many people who are better than me. The Heaven's Chosen of the world stood taller than me and us as soon as he was born, if he can't leave this place, God Transformation is the limit, what's the use of being excellent?"

The one-horned ghost king felt the same way and said: "It is true, our senior sister is the limit. No matter how excellent monks are from ancient times, they will eventually be trapped in the realm of spiritual transformation and cannot move an inch. Thousand-faced Buddha has been like this all these years. This is also the reason for trying desperately. But the altar mentioned by the Thousand Faced Buddha is also a way. Although it is dangerous, it is the only way to rescue Yu Mengmiao. "

Before he finished speaking, the one-horned ghost king seemed to sense something, and his face suddenly became serious, and said: "There are people outside, it is estimated that the Thousand-faced Buddha is known to other monks of the Thousand Buddha Sect, we want to leave here safely. , I'm afraid there will be a hard fight."

Qingyang also sensed it. At this time, a group of Buddhist cultivators were walking towards the cave of the Thousand-faced Buddha. There were seven or eight great monks in the late Nascent Soul period alone. There are as many as fifty or sixty, and looking at the guarded and cautious faces of these people, it is obvious that they know that something has happened to the Thousand-faced Buddha, so they have joined so many experts to check the situation.

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The one-horned ghost king has already broken through to become a god, but he is not afraid of fighting hard with a group of Nascent Soul monks. If he is at the Ten Kings Hall, he will not be afraid if he comes and cultivates with multiple infant Buddhas. Even if he can't beat him, he can at least escape. Because this is the territory of the Thousand Buddhas Sect, Buddhist cultivators are naturally restrained against ghost monks, and they have an advantage in battle. This is their home ground again, and the one-horned ghost king has just broken through the realm. What a good result.

Qingyang didn't have any worries in this regard. Although the other party had a lot of people and they were all Nascent Soul cultivators, they were a mess of sand and lost the backbone of the Thousand Faced Buddha. This group of people should not dare to fight with themselves, even if there was no one-horned ghost king, He was able to rush out of the Thousand Buddha Sect alone, and it was because Qing Yang had this confidence that he did not continue to keep the trump card of the Corpse Devouring Demon Gu.

While speaking, the group of Yuanying Buddhist practitioners had already arrived outside the Thousand-faced Buddha’s cave. The leader was two Yuanying ninth-floor Buddhist practitioners. One had seen Qingyang, and was the host of Kuhai of Kuchan Temple at the foot of the mountain. The other was more powerful. The one is a little bit unfamiliar, it should be the ascetic monks who retreated on the Xiaoling Mountain. These people should be most of the high-level people of the Thousand Buddha Sect. Before the cultivation level was improved, Qingyang could easily defeat the host of Kuhai, and now he is dealing with three or five at a time. The monks are no problem at all.

After arriving outside the Thousand-faced Buddha Cave Mansion, the group of Nascent Soul Buddha cultivators did not act rashly. They first dispersed to observe the surrounding situation. After finding that there was nothing unusual, they quickly prepared for battle. The host of Ku Hai watched. He glanced at the cultivator next to him, then took two steps forward, moving towards the Thousand-faced Buddha's cave mansion, and said, "The ancestor of the Thousand-faced Buddha, according to the usual practice, a month later will be the Xiaoling Mountain Dharma Meeting of my Thousand-Buddha Sect, which is held every 50 years. , I haven't seen the ancestors show up to give the decree during this period of time, so I'm here to ask for instructions, whether this year's Xiaolingshan Dharma Conference will be held as scheduled."

They just felt that something might have happened to the Thousand-faced Buddha, but they didn't fully confirm it, because it was too strange. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Thousand-faced Buddha was a spiritual monk, and this was the base camp of their Thousand Buddha Sect. , I really can't figure out who can hurt their ancestors. They also hope that this incident is just a false alarm. Their ancestors are just retreating and nothing happened, so they need to test it first.

Qing Yang did not directly reveal his identity, but said in the voice of a thousand-faced Buddha: "Xiaolingshan Dharma Conference is a grand event for my Thousand Buddhas Sect. It can be held as usual, and I will go to the conference when the time comes."

Hearing the voice of the Thousand-faced Buddha, many Buddhist practitioners outside were relieved, and their ancestors did not seem to have any problems. It seemed that everyone was over-hearted, but Host Kuhai frowned, as if he felt that the sound alone was not very safe, so Said: "Xiaolingshan Fa Conference is of great importance. I have a lot of things to make up my mind. I need to ask the ancestors for instructions in person, can I open the door and see."

It is a bit inappropriate for Ku Hai to preside over these words. The old ancestor has the majesty of the old ancestor. Qingyang snorted coldly and said, "You are both cultivators of Nascent Soul and the elders of the Thousand Buddha Sect. What can make it difficult for you? I'm in retreat, I don't have time to see you, you can decide these things yourself."

Old Ancestor has said so, and if he persists, he seems to be ignorant of praise. Host Ku Hai had to change the subject and continued to test: "Old Ancestor, I have one more thing to report. You said it when you left Kuchan Temple. , after dealing with his own affairs, he will go to subdue the group of spirit bees. I don't know when the ancestor is going to take action? Now that five or six years have passed, the group of spirit bees has grown stronger and stronger, occupying a mountain, where it has become a A forbidden place for my Thousand Buddha Sect disciples."

"Are you complaining that I didn't clean up the group of spirit bees in time?" Qing Yang said dissatisfied. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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