Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1844: : high profile return

After the account of the funeral, the Thousand-faced Buddha was no longer concerned, and the remnant soul got into the soul tree and could not come out again.

Looking at the movements of the one-horned ghost king and Qingyang, the cultivators of the Thousand Buddha Sect did not have any changes, even the Sect Master Kukou. The ancestor of the Thousand-faced Buddha said clearly that they are not opponents of Qingyang and the one-horned ghost king at all. It will definitely not end well in the fight, and looking at the current situation, even if he wants to fight, the people below may not necessarily support it, and this matter can only stop there.

Without the Thousand-faced Buddha, the Thousand-faced Buddha Sect respected the Sect Master Kukou. He knew that it would be impossible for him not to express his position at this time, so he cupped his hands at the one-horned ghost king and Qingyang: "It turns out that the two are the same as my ancestor of the Thousand-faced Buddha. There is an agreement between the two. Since the ancestors have instructed, my Thousand Buddha Sect will not dare to embarrass the two of them. The Thousand Buddha Sect has been hit hard by this, and from now on, the mountain gate will be closed for meditation, and I also hope that the one-horned ghost king can restrain the ten kings in the future. The ghost repairers in the hall, don’t start another conflict between the two factions.”

The matter was resolved satisfactorily, and he recovered his cultivation level smoothly. The one-horned ghost king can be said to be very relieved and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, for thousands of years, it has always been the monks of your Thousand Buddha Sect who have come to my Ten Kings Hall to look for trouble. When did the ghost repair from the Ten Kings Hall come to the Thousand Buddha Sect? As long as you disciples of the Thousand Buddha Sect do not cause trouble in the future, my Ten Kings Hall will not come to trouble you for no reason.”

The Thousand Buddhas Sect has a unique location. It is located in the Golden Sun Valley. There are great restrictions on ghost cultivators here. It is extremely difficult for Yuan Ying ghost cultivators to enter. Therefore, after so many years, the Ten Kings Hall still does not know the exact location of the Thousand Buddha Sect. Instead, it is the Buddhist cultivators of the Thousand Buddha Sect who often go to the Ten Kings Hall to arrest ghost repairers to walk the way for the heavens, which is the area of ​​the Ten Kings Hall. The vast number of ghost cultivators has a large base, otherwise they would have been caught by the Thousand Buddha Sect and become extinct.

Sect Master Kukou also understood this truth, nodded and said, "Don't worry, the one-horned ghost king. In the future, I will try my best to restrain my disciples and try not to conduct activities in the Ten Kings Hall area."

After finishing speaking, Sect Master Kukou looked at Qingyang next to him. This young man was really amazing. At the age of more than 200 years, he was younger than the vast majority of Nascent Soul Buddhist practitioners in the Thousand Buddha Sect, but his strength was already strong. Comparable to the power of God Transformation, even his ancestors were planted in his hands. If it is possible, Sect Master Kukou really wants to keep this kid, but he is very clear in his heart that with the strength of Qianfo Sect, he can't keep Qingyang, and he doesn't dare to force the other party, so he can only find a way to make good friends.

Sect Master Kukou said: "There were misunderstandings in the past, but now the misunderstandings are resolved. The two sides shook hands and made peace. I hope Qingyang will not hate the Thousand Buddhas Sect. If you have any requests from fellow Taoists, I will try my best to satisfy them."

The other party kept his posture low, and Qingyang did not deliberately embarrass the other party, saying: "Sect Master Kukou doesn't need to be polite, just send someone to take me to the place where the alcoholic bee colony is located."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Naturally, Qianfo Sect would not refuse this small request, and then Sect Master Kukou personally brought Qingyang and the one-horned ghost king to the top of the mountain where the alcoholic queen bee and the iron-armed monkey were located. Qingyang greeted the alcoholic bee colony He and the iron-armed monkey were taken into the drunken fairy gourd, and the Sect Master Kukou and others respectfully sent the two out of the Thousand Buddha Sect.

After leaving, Qingyang discovered that the Thousand Buddhas Sect was in the Jinyang Valley, but the location was relatively hidden. The Thousand Buddhas Sect had specially set up an illusion array at the gate of the mountain, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, but even if they knew about the Thousand Buddhas Sect Because of the limitation of Jinyang Qi in Jinyang Valley, ghost cultivators did not dare to come and attack easily. This is also the reason why Qianfo Sect dared to let them leave.

The Qi of Jin Yang is not obvious in the Thousand Buddha Sect, because the Qi of Jin Yang of the entire Thousand Buddha Sect has been gathered by Qian Buddha Sect to the momentum of the temple by a special technique. When it goes outside, the Qi of Jin Yang will increase obviously, and it is very difficult for ghosts to cultivate. The damage was great, but after the one-horned ghost king broke through the transformation of the gods, the ghost body has undergone essential changes. Although these golden yang qi can still cause damage to him, the impact is not too great.

Leaving Jinyang Valley and entering the Nether Realm, this is already the edge of the Ten Kings Palace, and when we arrived at the home of the one-horned ghost king, the hearts that the two of them had been raising were completely relieved. The Thousand-faced Buddha was resurrected, and the one-horned ghost king was not afraid.

This trip was very rewarding for Qingyang. Not only did he destroy the Thousand-faced Buddha and rescued the one-horned ghost king, but the ghost king's cultivation was restored to the realm of becoming a god. Even Qingyang himself became a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. The only regret is It's just that Yu Mengmiao was not found, and they don't know when they will be able to reunite, but this matter cannot be rushed, so they can only go back to the Ten Kings Hall first, and then talk about it when they are ready.

The biggest threat of the Thousand-faced Buddha has been lifted, and the Unicorn Ghost King has no worries, so the two returned in a high-profile way, stopping and stopping along the way, and it took half a year to reach the Unicorn City. On the way back, the news of the one-horned ghost king had spread throughout the Ten Kings Hall, and all the high-level officials knew that, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The com single-horned ghost king was rescued by Qingyang, and he recovered his cultivation in the spirit-transforming stage.

As for the ghost kings in the Ten Kings Palace, when the one-horned ghost king did not return, no one was Qingyang's opponent. Even the top-ranked long-browed ghost king was beaten by Qingyang. Now the one-horned ghost king and Qingyang are back together. , the one-horned ghost king has successfully restored the realm of the gods. This strength is almost crushing for others. No one in the Ten Kings Hall dares to be disrespectful to them. Jiaocheng, others have arranged messengers to come to congratulate.

The Unicorn Ghost King did not give these messengers a good look, and directly announced to them that a celebration ceremony would be held in Unicorn City in five years, and all the hall master ghost kings must attend in person. The one-horned ghost king was very dissatisfied with the current situation of the Ten Kings Hall, and he had an accident. Only the Baimei Ghost King was willing to stand up for him with so many hall masters in the Ten Kings Hall. Going to Jinyang Valley to save him, his one-horned ghost king may have become history, so he plans to take this opportunity to rectify the Ten Kings Palace.

Of course, the one-horned ghost king also has other purposes. One is to expand the influence of himself and the Ten Kings Palace in the surrounding area, and the other is to collect resources to improve his cultivation base, and see if he can improve his strength a little bit. Finding Yu Mengmiao still needs to be done. He contributed, although he knew that his ability was far from being the opponent of the person behind the altar, but the higher the strength, the more chance of winning.

The people behind the altar spent a huge price to teleport away Yu Mengmiao, and would never give up easily. If they wanted to save people, it would definitely be a fierce battle waiting for them, and it was hard to say what the outcome would be. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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