Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 311: : Shackles and prohibitions

"What do you want?" Shi Jian asked coldly.

The scar face smiled, and said: "Our boss has sent a message, and you will be given to us after they have played. When everyone is tired of playing, I will send you on the road. I also see you pitifully before telling you this. Many, I have been scarred by more than forty this year, and I have always been alone. If you really want to follow me, I can ask the boss for grace and let you have a way of life. From then on, we will be a dual monk. Isn't it better to kill after being insulted?"

Scarface has certainty. Although his strength has not reached the Qi refining stage, among the more than 20 people in Nanling Mountain Village, except for the three heads, he has the highest status because of his strength, and he is usually cold by Cyclops. Yu's reuse, this request will certainly not disagree with.

He is more than forty this year, and he has no descendants. He has long wanted to find a dual monk to stabilize. This sword is not only good in growth, but also has a high level of cultivation. Such a woman is extremely rare in casual cultivators. If you get such a dual monk, the aptitude of the offspring will definitely be good.

He even thought about it. If the master doesn't agree, he has to play it first, he won't mind, as long as the woman is willing to live with him sincerely in the future.

Scarface thinks very well, but Shi Jian is a cold temper, not to mention that under this situation, she angrily said: "Daydreaming, I would rather die than follow you!"

Scarface didn't expect that this woman had already fallen into this field, and she was still playing high school with herself, and she immediately became angry and said, "I don't know who I am if I give you a good face? It's really a toast without eating or punishing wine. , Since you are not exalting, then grandpa will fulfill you..."

Scarface gave a grinning grin, and walked towards Shi Jian, looking at his expression, he knew that he would never give up without leaving a deep lesson to Shi Jian.

Seeing that Samurai Sword was about to suffer, at this moment, there were several screams outside the wooden house. The voices were very familiar. They belonged to their own people. This is the Nanling mountain village, where they are full of their own people. Is there an enemy? Sneak attack? The scar face couldn't help but his heart tightened, and he rushed outside.

Before the scar face rushed out of the wooden house, the door of the wooden house was kicked open from the outside, and then a young figure rushed in.

The person who came in was Deng Changting. Seeing the scarred face in the room, Deng Changting did not hesitate. A golden light shot out from his side, piercing the other's heart. The Scarface was only a monk in the Open Vein Realm, how he was the opponent of Deng Changting on the third layer of Qi Refining. Before he knew what was going on, he was stabbed at the center by the golden light spear.

After getting rid of Scarface, Deng Changting came to Shijian's side, cut off the shackles on her body, and asked: "Can you still move now? Can your strength be restored?"

Shi Jian escaped from the dead, almost crying with joy, and said: "I was restricted by the cyclops, and I must have outsiders to help dredge the meridians in order to exert my strength."

The shackles on Shijian's body are not very effective, and the Qi-refining cultivator can't prevent her. What really restricts her is the restriction set by the Cyclops coldly on her. Deng Changting also understood this, and quickly said: "I know, you hurry up and luck, I wish you a hand by the side, time is running out, and it will be too late when the one-eyed dragon rushes over from the cave."

Shi Jian turned over and sat on the ground to start performing exercises, while Deng Changting sat behind her with his hands on her back, outputting his true energy, and assisting Shi Jian in attacking the restriction set by the cyclops.

They just sat down here, and Cui Yuan and Tian Shengcai also entered this wooden house. Cui Yu'an is holding the piebald deer in his hands, and Tian Shengcai is carrying Hou Jiangong on his shoulders. Seeing Deng Changting, Tian Shengcai said, "Brother Deng, Brother Hou was not only banned, but also interrupted his legs and hands. Even if we helped him lift the ban, he wouldn't be able to help."

Cui Yu'an also said: "Yes, Brother Deng, I didn't expect that Cyclops to be so cold and vicious. We only rely on a few of us, I am afraid that we can't hold the Cyclops for long."

Hou Jiangong has the three-level cultivation base of refining Qi. If he were to be added, the five people would wait for a while to hold on the cold hands of the Cyclops. But now Hou Jiangong has his limbs broken, and he can't be cured in a short time. , Not only can he not help, he will become a burden to everyone.

Deng Changting kept his hands on his hands and said while thinking: "At this point, there is no other way but to continue to act according to the plan. It can be delayed as long as it can be delayed. Let the piebald deer take Junior Hou to hide first, and we will do Ready to fight."

This can only be the case now, Tian Shengcai put Hou Jiangong on the back of the spotted deer, and then patted the spotted deer's ass, asking them to find a place to hide first.

From the three people rushing out to kill the people outside, to breaking into the house to save people, and then to the three people meeting~www.readwn.com~ It’s a long time to say, in fact, all this happened within a dozen breaths of time. Inside. The three qi training cultivators faced several open pulse realm cultivators, and in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional and sudden attacks, it was impossible for them to take too long.

The cave where the Cyclops is cold is still a certain distance away from these wooden houses, and he will not pay attention to the situation here at any time. Although the disturbances in the wooden houses are big, the Cyclops cold and cold did not notice it for the first time. The person who slipped through the net found that the situation was different. When he rushed to the vicinity of his cave and called out loudly, the Cyclops rushed out coldly, but looking at his disheveled clothes, it seemed that he came out in a hurry.

However, the untidy clothes did not affect his strength in the slightest, and he rushed to the vicinity of the wooden house as soon as he speeded up, watching the corpses all over the floor, the Cyclops coldly grinned and cracked his teeth.

So many little brothers that he had finally taken over, were killed in a blink of an eye. It was really deceptive, who did it? Who did it? I want to break your corpses into pieces!

Deng Changting in the wooden house also noticed such a big movement. It was just that the prohibition on Shijian had not been broken. Deng Changting was temporarily unable to move. Tian Shengcai and Cui Yuan had to stand up and stand in the cold of the cyclops. Front.

Cyclops coldly did not expect that it was the Qingfeng Temple disciples who had killed so many of them who had escaped before. Didn't the second and third brothers chase them down? Why didn't the two brothers come back, but they killed the door? Could it be that something happened to his second and third brothers?

The Cyclops squatted in his heart, and there was a hint of bad foreboding, and he couldn't help but screamed out in surprise, and said, "How could it be you?"

"Why wouldn't it be us? You have taken my Qingfengdian disciple, so you should be psychologically prepared. Our Qingfengdian will come to save people sooner or later." Cui Yuan said solemnly.

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