Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 320: : Unwilling

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Qin Ruyan's joining finally crushed the last trace of Cyclops' cold and gloomy persistence. He took a deep look at Qing Yang, and then ran down a path without looking back.

Only Qin Ruyan and Deng Changting tried to chase for a few steps, only to find that the one-eyed dragon's cold escape technique was too high to catch up at all, so they had to retreat angrily.

Qing Yang had long known that this would be the result. Although Cyclops Lengyu was stung by the drunk bee, his own strength had no effect. If he wanted to escape with his heart, with the strength of people like them, he would not be able to catch up. What's more, the one-eyed dragon Leng Yu has been wanted by the Qingfeng Temple for so many years, if there is no unique skill to escape, how can it live so long?

Seeing Qin Ruyan coming back, Qing Yang took out the gift charms he had obtained from the Cyclops Lengyu Cave Mansion and gave it back to Qin Ruyan. He picked up the injured drunken bees and sent them to the Drunken Immortal Gourd, and then stepped aside. , I found out a few healing pills and took it, and found a big tree to rest my mind with my eyes closed.

After such a long time, the sequelae of the blood burning technique gradually became apparent, but in front of so many people, Qing Yang couldn't use spirit wine, so he could only recover slowly by resting.

The sequelae of the blood burning technique are obvious. Qi and blood are insufficiency, true qi is inadequate, and spirits are weak. In addition, Qing Yang was seriously injured in the battle just now, and his body is even more weak. Qing Yang is like this now. Like a patient who has run out of oil and a lamp, he looks extremely weak.

However, Qing Yang's weak appearance has won him a lot of sympathy. Qin Ruyan looked at him and said: "Junior Brother Qingyang, this time it is up to you. You can heal your wounds with peace of mind. We will definitely protect you, even if it is that. If the Cyclops comes back cold and cold, it won't hurt you a single hair."

Deng Changting also said: "Yes, Junior Brother Qingyang, you and Junior Brother Tian can heal your wounds at ease, and we will take care of the rest."

All of the disciples in the Qingfeng Palace were seriously injured, and only Qin Ruyan and Deng Changting were in a little better condition, and the rest could only be left to them.

That one-eyed dragon was coldly stung by a drunkard, and it won't get better in a short time. Even if it is better, forgive him for not daring to trouble so many people alone, there should be no more danger.

Afterwards, everyone repaired a bit and walked towards the Nanling Mountain Village together. Although Tian Shengcai's injury was serious, it did not affect his walking. Qingyang was too weak and could only be carried by Deng Changting. Perhaps Qingyang’s contribution was too great this time, perhaps Qingyang rescued Deng Changting and Qin Ruyan separately, or perhaps the friendship formed by fighting side by side for many times, the son of Deng Changting didn’t feel wrong.

The Nanling Mountain Village had been beheaded by them a long time ago, and the Cyclops also ran away coldly. The entire cottage appeared empty. Deng Changting and Qin Ruyan first arranged Qingyang and Tian Shengcai, then went to Cui Yuan, Shi Jian, Hou Jiangong and others searched for it, and even Deng Changzhu's body was found. After that, everyone temporarily stayed in the wooden house.

One day later, everyone’s injuries recovered by 20% to 30%, basically not affecting their activities. The entire cottage has been searched by Qin Ruyan and Deng Changting, and apart from a few pieces of spiritual stones and miscellaneous pill on some dead bodies, no other valuable things were found.

The entire Nanling Mountain Village can be said to be extremely poor. Not only these people are paupers, but even the gopher and one of the ears killed by Qingyang and the others didn’t find a few spirit stones on them, and even the treasure charm. Not at all. It is estimated that the good things are on Cyclops Lengyu, but it is a pity that he ran away.

He didn't get the spirit wine, didn't grab any spoils, and killed so many people. Many people's self-defense supplies such as spirit pills and talisman that they had accumulated for a long time were also consumed. Deng Changting looked at the crowd and said in frustration: "Senior sisters and younger brothers, what shall we do next? Shall we go back like this?"

Qin Ruyan didn't know when he changed his clothes, freshened up, and stood beside him holding the colored silk umbrella and the purple cloud sword. Both of them returned to their original spirits.

Qin Ruyan sighed and said: "The servant umbrella is dead, Deng Changzhu is also dead, and everyone else is also injured. I am unwilling to go back like this."

Unexpectedly, after experiencing so many things, this Qin Ruyan was still thinking about the monkey spirit wine, Qing Yang couldn't help but feel nervous, and asked, "Does Senior Sister still want to grab the monkey spirit wine?"

Only Tier 2 demon monkeys have the highest strength over the demon monkey cave. If this group of people kills them, the entire monkey group will definitely suffer heavy losses. Now that the Monkey King has followed him, he can be regarded as his own. Qing Yang does not want to watch these people destroy the children of the Monkey King.

Qin Ruyan hesitated for a while, and said quietly: "The Monkey King was injured, and there is only one Tier 2 demon monkey. We may be able to enter the demon monkey cave again."

According to Qin Ruyan’s understanding, the demon monkey lost three Tier 2 demon monkeys~www.readwn.com~ The Monkey King was also injured, and his strength dropped by at least half, while their gang only died of two strengths. The lowest, everyone almost got the spirit wine before. If you go again this time, the chances should be much greater than before.

But things can’t be calculated like that. When everyone just arrived, they were full of spirits, and they had a lot of life-saving things on their bodies. Not to mention two people who died at this time, most of them were seriously injured, and other things were exhausted. There is not a 50% drop in strength, but also 20% to 30%, so the overall chance of winning is not great. If the monkey king desperately, maybe he will die.

Of course, this is the case when the Monkey King is still there. Now that the Monkey King has been subdued by Qing Yang, the remaining demon monkeys are definitely not everyone's opponent. Qing Yang didn't want the demon monkeys to suffer, and said: "Senior Sister Qin, the deaths and injuries of those of us are probably not the demon monkey's opponent."

Qin Ruyan said: "I know that many people are injured. Anyway, the Cyclops has been beaten away by us. We can wait for everyone to recover from the injury before we act. We paid such a high price, but empty-handed. I am really unwilling to go back."

Not only Qingyang, but other people are unwilling to take risks. Deng Changting is not good at objecting to his face, and Cui Yuan directly said: "Sister, we are not returning empty-handed. Although we didn’t get the spirit wine, we didn’t just kill. The gopher Zhu Ru and one-eared Dingzhu died, and they also heard about the cold whereabouts of the Cyclops, so they can go back to have a business relationship."

"But what about my grandpa's birthday banquet?" Qin Ruyan asked.

Unexpectedly, this Qin Ruyan was still thinking about his grandfather’s birthday banquet. Qing Yang had the heart to get some monkey spirit wine out by himself, fooling Qin Ruyan into going back, but he was afraid that the things he brought out would arouse suspicion from others. It was a bit embarrassing for the moment to expose the secrets in his body.

At this moment, Hou Jiangong suddenly said: "Sister, we don't need to go."

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